README.markdown in purgatory-2.1.0 vs README.markdown in purgatory-2.2.0
- old
+ new
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The following are some attributes of a purgatory:
purgatory.soul # The ActiveRecord model instance whose changes are in purgatory
purgatory.requester # The user who created the purgatory
purgatory.created_at # The time when the purgatory was created
+ purgatory.requested_changes # A hash of the proposed changes. The keys are the attribute names and the values are 2-element arrays where the 1st element is the old value and the 2nd element is the new value
purgatory.approver # The user who approved the purgatory
purgatory.approved_at # The time when the purgatory was approved
Here are some handy scopes and methods available to you:
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Purgatory.approved # Returns a relation of all approved purgatories
### Methods
purgatory.pending? # Returns true if the purgatory is pending, false otherwise
purgatory.approved? # Returns true if the purgatory has been approved, false otherwise
- purgatory.changes_hash # Returns a hash of the proposed changes. The keys are the attribute names and the values are 2-element arrays where the 1st element is the old value and the 2nd element is the new value
## Contributing to Purgatory
* Check out the latest master to make sure the feature hasn't been implemented or the bug hasn't been fixed yet.
* Check out the issue tracker to make sure someone already hasn't requested it and/or contributed it.