lib/purecloudplatformclientv2/api/outbound_api.rb in purecloudplatformclientv2-92.0.0 vs lib/purecloudplatformclientv2/api/outbound_api.rb in purecloudplatformclientv2-93.0.0
- old
+ new
@@ -813,10 +813,75 @@
@api_client.config.logger.debug "API called: OutboundApi#delete_outbound_dnclist\nData: #{data.inspect}\nStatus code: #{status_code}\nHeaders: #{headers}"
return data, status_code, headers
+ # Delete an Outbound Messaging Campaign
+ #
+ # @param messaging_campaign_id The Messaging Campaign ID
+ # @param [Hash] opts the optional parameters
+ # @return [MessagingCampaign]
+ def delete_outbound_messagingcampaign(messaging_campaign_id, opts = {})
+ data, _status_code, _headers = delete_outbound_messagingcampaign_with_http_info(messaging_campaign_id, opts)
+ return data
+ end
+ # Delete an Outbound Messaging Campaign
+ #
+ # @param messaging_campaign_id The Messaging Campaign ID
+ # @param [Hash] opts the optional parameters
+ # @return [Array<(MessagingCampaign, Fixnum, Hash)>] MessagingCampaign data, response status code and response headers
+ def delete_outbound_messagingcampaign_with_http_info(messaging_campaign_id, opts = {})
+ if @api_client.config.debugging
+ @api_client.config.logger.debug "Calling API: OutboundApi.delete_outbound_messagingcampaign ..."
+ end
+ # verify the required parameter 'messaging_campaign_id' is set
+ fail ArgumentError, "Missing the required parameter 'messaging_campaign_id' when calling OutboundApi.delete_outbound_messagingcampaign" if messaging_campaign_id.nil?
+ # resource path
+ local_var_path = "/api/v2/outbound/messagingcampaigns/{messagingCampaignId}".sub('{format}','json').sub('{' + 'messagingCampaignId' + '}', messaging_campaign_id.to_s)
+ # query parameters
+ query_params = {}
+ # header parameters
+ header_params = {}
+ # HTTP header 'Accept' (if needed)
+ local_header_accept = ['application/json']
+ local_header_accept_result = @api_client.select_header_accept(local_header_accept) and header_params['Accept'] = local_header_accept_result
+ # HTTP header 'Content-Type'
+ local_header_content_type = ['application/json']
+ header_params['Content-Type'] = @api_client.select_header_content_type(local_header_content_type)
+ # form parameters
+ form_params = {}
+ # http body (model)
+ post_body = nil
+ auth_names = ['PureCloud OAuth']
+ data, status_code, headers = @api_client.call_api(:DELETE, local_var_path,
+ :header_params => header_params,
+ :query_params => query_params,
+ :form_params => form_params,
+ :body => post_body,
+ :auth_names => auth_names,
+ :return_type => 'MessagingCampaign')
+ if @api_client.config.debugging
+ @api_client.config.logger.debug "API called: OutboundApi#delete_outbound_messagingcampaign\nData: #{data.inspect}\nStatus code: #{status_code}\nHeaders: #{headers}"
+ end
+ return data, status_code, headers
+ end
# Delete a Rule set.
# @param rule_set_id Rule Set ID
# @param [Hash] opts the optional parameters
# @return [nil]
@@ -1139,10 +1204,11 @@
# Query attempt limits list
# @param [Hash] opts the optional parameters
# @option opts [Integer] :page_size Page size. The max that will be returned is 100. (default to 25)
# @option opts [Integer] :page_number Page number (default to 1)
+ # @option opts [BOOLEAN] :allow_empty_result Whether to return an empty page when there are no results for that page (default to false)
# @option opts [String] :filter_type Filter type (default to Prefix)
# @option opts [String] :name Name
# @option opts [String] :sort_by Sort by
# @option opts [String] :sort_order Sort order (default to a)
# @return [AttemptLimitsEntityListing]
@@ -1154,10 +1220,11 @@
# Query attempt limits list
# @param [Hash] opts the optional parameters
# @option opts [Integer] :page_size Page size. The max that will be returned is 100.
# @option opts [Integer] :page_number Page number
+ # @option opts [BOOLEAN] :allow_empty_result Whether to return an empty page when there are no results for that page
# @option opts [String] :filter_type Filter type
# @option opts [String] :name Name
# @option opts [String] :sort_by Sort by
# @option opts [String] :sort_order Sort order
# @return [Array<(AttemptLimitsEntityListing, Fixnum, Hash)>] AttemptLimitsEntityListing data, response status code and response headers
@@ -1179,10 +1246,16 @@
if opts[:'filter_type'] && !['Equals', 'RegEx', 'Contains', 'Prefix', 'LessThan', 'LessThanEqualTo', 'GreaterThan', 'GreaterThanEqualTo', 'BeginsWith', 'EndsWith'].include?(opts[:'filter_type'])
fail ArgumentError, 'invalid value for "filter_type", must be one of Equals, RegEx, Contains, Prefix, LessThan, LessThanEqualTo, GreaterThan, GreaterThanEqualTo, BeginsWith, EndsWith'
@@ -1215,10 +1288,11 @@
# query parameters
query_params = {}
query_params[:'pageSize'] = opts[:'page_size'] if opts[:'page_size']
query_params[:'pageNumber'] = opts[:'page_number'] if opts[:'page_number']
+ query_params[:'allowEmptyResult'] = opts[:'allow_empty_result'] if opts[:'allow_empty_result']
query_params[:'filterType'] = opts[:'filter_type'] if opts[:'filter_type']
query_params[:'name'] = opts[:'name'] if opts[:'name']
query_params[:'sortBy'] = opts[:'sort_by'] if opts[:'sort_by']
query_params[:'sortOrder'] = opts[:'sort_order'] if opts[:'sort_order']
@@ -1321,10 +1395,11 @@
# Query callable time set list
# @param [Hash] opts the optional parameters
# @option opts [Integer] :page_size Page size. The max that will be returned is 100. (default to 25)
# @option opts [Integer] :page_number Page number (default to 1)
+ # @option opts [BOOLEAN] :allow_empty_result Whether to return an empty page when there are no results for that page (default to false)
# @option opts [String] :filter_type Filter type (default to Prefix)
# @option opts [String] :name Name
# @option opts [String] :sort_by Sort by
# @option opts [String] :sort_order Sort order (default to a)
# @return [CallableTimeSetEntityListing]
@@ -1336,10 +1411,11 @@
# Query callable time set list
# @param [Hash] opts the optional parameters
# @option opts [Integer] :page_size Page size. The max that will be returned is 100.
# @option opts [Integer] :page_number Page number
+ # @option opts [BOOLEAN] :allow_empty_result Whether to return an empty page when there are no results for that page
# @option opts [String] :filter_type Filter type
# @option opts [String] :name Name
# @option opts [String] :sort_by Sort by
# @option opts [String] :sort_order Sort order
# @return [Array<(CallableTimeSetEntityListing, Fixnum, Hash)>] CallableTimeSetEntityListing data, response status code and response headers
@@ -1361,10 +1437,16 @@
if opts[:'filter_type'] && !['Equals', 'RegEx', 'Contains', 'Prefix', 'LessThan', 'LessThanEqualTo', 'GreaterThan', 'GreaterThanEqualTo', 'BeginsWith', 'EndsWith'].include?(opts[:'filter_type'])
fail ArgumentError, 'invalid value for "filter_type", must be one of Equals, RegEx, Contains, Prefix, LessThan, LessThanEqualTo, GreaterThan, GreaterThanEqualTo, BeginsWith, EndsWith'
@@ -1397,10 +1479,11 @@
# query parameters
query_params = {}
query_params[:'pageSize'] = opts[:'page_size'] if opts[:'page_size']
query_params[:'pageNumber'] = opts[:'page_number'] if opts[:'page_number']
+ query_params[:'allowEmptyResult'] = opts[:'allow_empty_result'] if opts[:'allow_empty_result']
query_params[:'filterType'] = opts[:'filter_type'] if opts[:'filter_type']
query_params[:'name'] = opts[:'name'] if opts[:'name']
query_params[:'sortBy'] = opts[:'sort_by'] if opts[:'sort_by']
query_params[:'sortOrder'] = opts[:'sort_order'] if opts[:'sort_order']
@@ -1503,10 +1586,11 @@
# Query a list of dialer call analysis response sets.
# @param [Hash] opts the optional parameters
# @option opts [Integer] :page_size Page size. The max that will be returned is 100. (default to 25)
# @option opts [Integer] :page_number Page number (default to 1)
+ # @option opts [BOOLEAN] :allow_empty_result Whether to return an empty page when there are no results for that page (default to false)
# @option opts [String] :filter_type Filter type (default to Prefix)
# @option opts [String] :name Name
# @option opts [String] :sort_by Sort by
# @option opts [String] :sort_order Sort order (default to a)
# @return [ResponseSetEntityListing]
@@ -1518,10 +1602,11 @@
# Query a list of dialer call analysis response sets.
# @param [Hash] opts the optional parameters
# @option opts [Integer] :page_size Page size. The max that will be returned is 100.
# @option opts [Integer] :page_number Page number
+ # @option opts [BOOLEAN] :allow_empty_result Whether to return an empty page when there are no results for that page
# @option opts [String] :filter_type Filter type
# @option opts [String] :name Name
# @option opts [String] :sort_by Sort by
# @option opts [String] :sort_order Sort order
# @return [Array<(ResponseSetEntityListing, Fixnum, Hash)>] ResponseSetEntityListing data, response status code and response headers
@@ -1543,10 +1628,16 @@
if opts[:'filter_type'] && !['Equals', 'RegEx', 'Contains', 'Prefix', 'LessThan', 'LessThanEqualTo', 'GreaterThan', 'GreaterThanEqualTo', 'BeginsWith', 'EndsWith'].include?(opts[:'filter_type'])
fail ArgumentError, 'invalid value for "filter_type", must be one of Equals, RegEx, Contains, Prefix, LessThan, LessThanEqualTo, GreaterThan, GreaterThanEqualTo, BeginsWith, EndsWith'
@@ -1579,10 +1670,11 @@
# query parameters
query_params = {}
query_params[:'pageSize'] = opts[:'page_size'] if opts[:'page_size']
query_params[:'pageNumber'] = opts[:'page_number'] if opts[:'page_number']
+ query_params[:'allowEmptyResult'] = opts[:'allow_empty_result'] if opts[:'allow_empty_result']
query_params[:'filterType'] = opts[:'filter_type'] if opts[:'filter_type']
query_params[:'name'] = opts[:'name'] if opts[:'name']
query_params[:'sortBy'] = opts[:'sort_by'] if opts[:'sort_by']
query_params[:'sortOrder'] = opts[:'sort_order'] if opts[:'sort_order']
@@ -2010,10 +2102,11 @@
# Query Campaign Rule list
# @param [Hash] opts the optional parameters
# @option opts [Integer] :page_size Page size. The max that will be returned is 100. (default to 25)
# @option opts [Integer] :page_number Page number (default to 1)
+ # @option opts [BOOLEAN] :allow_empty_result Whether to return an empty page when there are no results for that page (default to false)
# @option opts [String] :filter_type Filter type (default to Prefix)
# @option opts [String] :name Name
# @option opts [String] :sort_by Sort by
# @option opts [String] :sort_order Sort order (default to a)
# @return [CampaignRuleEntityListing]
@@ -2025,10 +2118,11 @@
# Query Campaign Rule list
# @param [Hash] opts the optional parameters
# @option opts [Integer] :page_size Page size. The max that will be returned is 100.
# @option opts [Integer] :page_number Page number
+ # @option opts [BOOLEAN] :allow_empty_result Whether to return an empty page when there are no results for that page
# @option opts [String] :filter_type Filter type
# @option opts [String] :name Name
# @option opts [String] :sort_by Sort by
# @option opts [String] :sort_order Sort order
# @return [Array<(CampaignRuleEntityListing, Fixnum, Hash)>] CampaignRuleEntityListing data, response status code and response headers
@@ -2050,10 +2144,16 @@
if opts[:'filter_type'] && !['Equals', 'RegEx', 'Contains', 'Prefix', 'LessThan', 'LessThanEqualTo', 'GreaterThan', 'GreaterThanEqualTo', 'BeginsWith', 'EndsWith'].include?(opts[:'filter_type'])
fail ArgumentError, 'invalid value for "filter_type", must be one of Equals, RegEx, Contains, Prefix, LessThan, LessThanEqualTo, GreaterThan, GreaterThanEqualTo, BeginsWith, EndsWith'
@@ -2086,10 +2186,11 @@
# query parameters
query_params = {}
query_params[:'pageSize'] = opts[:'page_size'] if opts[:'page_size']
query_params[:'pageNumber'] = opts[:'page_number'] if opts[:'page_number']
+ query_params[:'allowEmptyResult'] = opts[:'allow_empty_result'] if opts[:'allow_empty_result']
query_params[:'filterType'] = opts[:'filter_type'] if opts[:'filter_type']
query_params[:'name'] = opts[:'name'] if opts[:'name']
query_params[:'sortBy'] = opts[:'sort_by'] if opts[:'sort_by']
query_params[:'sortOrder'] = opts[:'sort_order'] if opts[:'sort_order']
@@ -2302,10 +2403,254 @@
@api_client.config.logger.debug "API called: OutboundApi#get_outbound_campaigns\nData: #{data.inspect}\nStatus code: #{status_code}\nHeaders: #{headers}"
return data, status_code, headers
+ # Query across all types of campaigns by division
+ #
+ # @param [Hash] opts the optional parameters
+ # @option opts [Integer] :page_size Page size (default to 25)
+ # @option opts [Integer] :page_number Page number (default to 1)
+ # @option opts [Array<String>] :id Campaign ID(s)
+ # @option opts [String] :name Campaign name(s)
+ # @option opts [Array<String>] :division_id Division ID(s)
+ # @option opts [Array<String>] :media_type Media type(s)
+ # @option opts [String] :sort_order Sort order (default to a)
+ # @return [CommonCampaignEntityListing]
+ def get_outbound_campaigns_all(opts = {})
+ data, _status_code, _headers = get_outbound_campaigns_all_with_http_info(opts)
+ return data
+ end
+ # Query across all types of campaigns by division
+ #
+ # @param [Hash] opts the optional parameters
+ # @option opts [Integer] :page_size Page size
+ # @option opts [Integer] :page_number Page number
+ # @option opts [Array<String>] :id Campaign ID(s)
+ # @option opts [String] :name Campaign name(s)
+ # @option opts [Array<String>] :division_id Division ID(s)
+ # @option opts [Array<String>] :media_type Media type(s)
+ # @option opts [String] :sort_order Sort order
+ # @return [Array<(CommonCampaignEntityListing, Fixnum, Hash)>] CommonCampaignEntityListing data, response status code and response headers
+ def get_outbound_campaigns_all_with_http_info(opts = {})
+ if @api_client.config.debugging
+ @api_client.config.logger.debug "Calling API: OutboundApi.get_outbound_campaigns_all ..."
+ end
+ if opts[:'sort_order'] && !['ascending', 'descending'].include?(opts[:'sort_order'])
+ fail ArgumentError, 'invalid value for "sort_order", must be one of ascending, descending'
+ end
+ # resource path
+ local_var_path = "/api/v2/outbound/campaigns/all".sub('{format}','json')
+ # query parameters
+ query_params = {}
+ query_params[:'pageSize'] = opts[:'page_size'] if opts[:'page_size']
+ query_params[:'pageNumber'] = opts[:'page_number'] if opts[:'page_number']
+ query_params[:'id'] = @api_client.build_collection_param(opts[:'id'], :multi) if opts[:'id']
+ query_params[:'name'] = opts[:'name'] if opts[:'name']
+ query_params[:'divisionId'] = @api_client.build_collection_param(opts[:'division_id'], :multi) if opts[:'division_id']
+ query_params[:'mediaType'] = @api_client.build_collection_param(opts[:'media_type'], :multi) if opts[:'media_type']
+ query_params[:'sortOrder'] = opts[:'sort_order'] if opts[:'sort_order']
+ # header parameters
+ header_params = {}
+ # HTTP header 'Accept' (if needed)
+ local_header_accept = ['application/json']
+ local_header_accept_result = @api_client.select_header_accept(local_header_accept) and header_params['Accept'] = local_header_accept_result
+ # HTTP header 'Content-Type'
+ local_header_content_type = ['application/json']
+ header_params['Content-Type'] = @api_client.select_header_content_type(local_header_content_type)
+ # form parameters
+ form_params = {}
+ # http body (model)
+ post_body = nil
+ auth_names = ['PureCloud OAuth']
+ data, status_code, headers = @api_client.call_api(:GET, local_var_path,
+ :header_params => header_params,
+ :query_params => query_params,
+ :form_params => form_params,
+ :body => post_body,
+ :auth_names => auth_names,
+ :return_type => 'CommonCampaignEntityListing')
+ if @api_client.config.debugging
+ @api_client.config.logger.debug "API called: OutboundApi#get_outbound_campaigns_all\nData: #{data.inspect}\nStatus code: #{status_code}\nHeaders: #{headers}"
+ end
+ return data, status_code, headers
+ end
+ # Query across all types of campaigns
+ #
+ # @param [Hash] opts the optional parameters
+ # @option opts [Integer] :page_size Page size (default to 25)
+ # @option opts [Integer] :page_number Page number (default to 1)
+ # @option opts [Array<String>] :id Campaign ID(s)
+ # @option opts [String] :name Campaign name(s)
+ # @option opts [Array<String>] :division_id Division ID(s)
+ # @option opts [Array<String>] :media_type Media type(s)
+ # @option opts [String] :sort_order Sort order (default to a)
+ # @return [CommonCampaignDivisionViewEntityListing]
+ def get_outbound_campaigns_all_divisionviews(opts = {})
+ data, _status_code, _headers = get_outbound_campaigns_all_divisionviews_with_http_info(opts)
+ return data
+ end
+ # Query across all types of campaigns
+ #
+ # @param [Hash] opts the optional parameters
+ # @option opts [Integer] :page_size Page size
+ # @option opts [Integer] :page_number Page number
+ # @option opts [Array<String>] :id Campaign ID(s)
+ # @option opts [String] :name Campaign name(s)
+ # @option opts [Array<String>] :division_id Division ID(s)
+ # @option opts [Array<String>] :media_type Media type(s)
+ # @option opts [String] :sort_order Sort order
+ # @return [Array<(CommonCampaignDivisionViewEntityListing, Fixnum, Hash)>] CommonCampaignDivisionViewEntityListing data, response status code and response headers
+ def get_outbound_campaigns_all_divisionviews_with_http_info(opts = {})
+ if @api_client.config.debugging
+ @api_client.config.logger.debug "Calling API: OutboundApi.get_outbound_campaigns_all_divisionviews ..."
+ end
+ if opts[:'sort_order'] && !['ascending', 'descending'].include?(opts[:'sort_order'])
+ fail ArgumentError, 'invalid value for "sort_order", must be one of ascending, descending'
+ end
+ # resource path
+ local_var_path = "/api/v2/outbound/campaigns/all/divisionviews".sub('{format}','json')
+ # query parameters
+ query_params = {}
+ query_params[:'pageSize'] = opts[:'page_size'] if opts[:'page_size']
+ query_params[:'pageNumber'] = opts[:'page_number'] if opts[:'page_number']
+ query_params[:'id'] = @api_client.build_collection_param(opts[:'id'], :multi) if opts[:'id']
+ query_params[:'name'] = opts[:'name'] if opts[:'name']
+ query_params[:'divisionId'] = @api_client.build_collection_param(opts[:'division_id'], :multi) if opts[:'division_id']
+ query_params[:'mediaType'] = @api_client.build_collection_param(opts[:'media_type'], :multi) if opts[:'media_type']
+ query_params[:'sortOrder'] = opts[:'sort_order'] if opts[:'sort_order']
+ # header parameters
+ header_params = {}
+ # HTTP header 'Accept' (if needed)
+ local_header_accept = ['application/json']
+ local_header_accept_result = @api_client.select_header_accept(local_header_accept) and header_params['Accept'] = local_header_accept_result
+ # HTTP header 'Content-Type'
+ local_header_content_type = ['application/json']
+ header_params['Content-Type'] = @api_client.select_header_content_type(local_header_content_type)
+ # form parameters
+ form_params = {}
+ # http body (model)
+ post_body = nil
+ auth_names = ['PureCloud OAuth']
+ data, status_code, headers = @api_client.call_api(:GET, local_var_path,
+ :header_params => header_params,
+ :query_params => query_params,
+ :form_params => form_params,
+ :body => post_body,
+ :auth_names => auth_names,
+ :return_type => 'CommonCampaignDivisionViewEntityListing')
+ if @api_client.config.debugging
+ @api_client.config.logger.debug "API called: OutboundApi#get_outbound_campaigns_all_divisionviews\nData: #{data.inspect}\nStatus code: #{status_code}\nHeaders: #{headers}"
+ end
+ return data, status_code, headers
+ end
# Get a basic Campaign information object
# This returns a simplified version of a Campaign, consisting of name and division.
# @param campaign_id Campaign ID
# @param [Hash] opts the optional parameters
# @return [CampaignDivisionView]
@@ -2925,10 +3270,11 @@
# Query Contact list filters
# @param [Hash] opts the optional parameters
# @option opts [Integer] :page_size Page size. The max that will be returned is 100. (default to 25)
# @option opts [Integer] :page_number Page number (default to 1)
+ # @option opts [BOOLEAN] :allow_empty_result Whether to return an empty page when there are no results for that page (default to false)
# @option opts [String] :filter_type Filter type (default to Prefix)
# @option opts [String] :name Name
# @option opts [String] :sort_by Sort by
# @option opts [String] :sort_order Sort order (default to a)
# @option opts [String] :contact_list_id Contact List ID
@@ -2941,10 +3287,11 @@
# Query Contact list filters
# @param [Hash] opts the optional parameters
# @option opts [Integer] :page_size Page size. The max that will be returned is 100.
# @option opts [Integer] :page_number Page number
+ # @option opts [BOOLEAN] :allow_empty_result Whether to return an empty page when there are no results for that page
# @option opts [String] :filter_type Filter type
# @option opts [String] :name Name
# @option opts [String] :sort_by Sort by
# @option opts [String] :sort_order Sort order
# @option opts [String] :contact_list_id Contact List ID
@@ -2967,10 +3314,16 @@
if opts[:'filter_type'] && !['Equals', 'RegEx', 'Contains', 'Prefix', 'LessThan', 'LessThanEqualTo', 'GreaterThan', 'GreaterThanEqualTo', 'BeginsWith', 'EndsWith'].include?(opts[:'filter_type'])
fail ArgumentError, 'invalid value for "filter_type", must be one of Equals, RegEx, Contains, Prefix, LessThan, LessThanEqualTo, GreaterThan, GreaterThanEqualTo, BeginsWith, EndsWith'
@@ -3009,10 +3362,11 @@
# query parameters
query_params = {}
query_params[:'pageSize'] = opts[:'page_size'] if opts[:'page_size']
query_params[:'pageNumber'] = opts[:'page_number'] if opts[:'page_number']
+ query_params[:'allowEmptyResult'] = opts[:'allow_empty_result'] if opts[:'allow_empty_result']
query_params[:'filterType'] = opts[:'filter_type'] if opts[:'filter_type']
query_params[:'name'] = opts[:'name'] if opts[:'name']
query_params[:'sortBy'] = opts[:'sort_by'] if opts[:'sort_by']
query_params[:'sortOrder'] = opts[:'sort_order'] if opts[:'sort_order']
query_params[:'contactListId'] = opts[:'contact_list_id'] if opts[:'contact_list_id']
@@ -3053,10 +3407,11 @@
# @param [Hash] opts the optional parameters
# @option opts [BOOLEAN] :include_import_status Include import status (default to false)
# @option opts [BOOLEAN] :include_size Include size (default to false)
# @option opts [Integer] :page_size Page size. The max that will be returned is 100. (default to 25)
# @option opts [Integer] :page_number Page number (default to 1)
+ # @option opts [BOOLEAN] :allow_empty_result Whether to return an empty page when there are no results for that page (default to false)
# @option opts [String] :filter_type Filter type (default to Prefix)
# @option opts [String] :name Name
# @option opts [Array<String>] :id id
# @option opts [Array<String>] :division_id Division ID(s)
# @option opts [String] :sort_by Sort by
@@ -3072,10 +3427,11 @@
# @param [Hash] opts the optional parameters
# @option opts [BOOLEAN] :include_import_status Include import status
# @option opts [BOOLEAN] :include_size Include size
# @option opts [Integer] :page_size Page size. The max that will be returned is 100.
# @option opts [Integer] :page_number Page number
+ # @option opts [BOOLEAN] :allow_empty_result Whether to return an empty page when there are no results for that page
# @option opts [String] :filter_type Filter type
# @option opts [String] :name Name
# @option opts [Array<String>] :id id
# @option opts [Array<String>] :division_id Division ID(s)
# @option opts [String] :sort_by Sort by
@@ -3111,10 +3467,16 @@
if opts[:'filter_type'] && !['Equals', 'RegEx', 'Contains', 'Prefix', 'LessThan', 'LessThanEqualTo', 'GreaterThan', 'GreaterThanEqualTo', 'BeginsWith', 'EndsWith'].include?(opts[:'filter_type'])
fail ArgumentError, 'invalid value for "filter_type", must be one of Equals, RegEx, Contains, Prefix, LessThan, LessThanEqualTo, GreaterThan, GreaterThanEqualTo, BeginsWith, EndsWith'
@@ -3161,10 +3523,11 @@
query_params = {}
query_params[:'includeImportStatus'] = opts[:'include_import_status'] if opts[:'include_import_status']
query_params[:'includeSize'] = opts[:'include_size'] if opts[:'include_size']
query_params[:'pageSize'] = opts[:'page_size'] if opts[:'page_size']
query_params[:'pageNumber'] = opts[:'page_number'] if opts[:'page_number']
+ query_params[:'allowEmptyResult'] = opts[:'allow_empty_result'] if opts[:'allow_empty_result']
query_params[:'filterType'] = opts[:'filter_type'] if opts[:'filter_type']
query_params[:'name'] = opts[:'name'] if opts[:'name']
query_params[:'id'] = @api_client.build_collection_param(opts[:'id'], :multi) if opts[:'id']
query_params[:'divisionId'] = @api_client.build_collection_param(opts[:'division_id'], :multi) if opts[:'division_id']
query_params[:'sortBy'] = opts[:'sort_by'] if opts[:'sort_by']
@@ -3655,10 +4018,11 @@
# @param [Hash] opts the optional parameters
# @option opts [BOOLEAN] :include_import_status Import status (default to false)
# @option opts [BOOLEAN] :include_size Include size (default to false)
# @option opts [Integer] :page_size Page size. The max that will be returned is 100. (default to 25)
# @option opts [Integer] :page_number Page number (default to 1)
+ # @option opts [BOOLEAN] :allow_empty_result Whether to return an empty page when there are no results for that page (default to false)
# @option opts [String] :filter_type Filter type (default to Prefix)
# @option opts [String] :name Name
# @option opts [String] :dnc_source_type DncSourceType
# @option opts [Array<String>] :division_id Division ID(s)
# @option opts [String] :sort_by Sort by
@@ -3674,10 +4038,11 @@
# @param [Hash] opts the optional parameters
# @option opts [BOOLEAN] :include_import_status Import status
# @option opts [BOOLEAN] :include_size Include size
# @option opts [Integer] :page_size Page size. The max that will be returned is 100.
# @option opts [Integer] :page_number Page number
+ # @option opts [BOOLEAN] :allow_empty_result Whether to return an empty page when there are no results for that page
# @option opts [String] :filter_type Filter type
# @option opts [String] :name Name
# @option opts [String] :dnc_source_type DncSourceType
# @option opts [Array<String>] :division_id Division ID(s)
# @option opts [String] :sort_by Sort by
@@ -3713,10 +4078,16 @@
if opts[:'filter_type'] && !['Equals', 'RegEx', 'Contains', 'Prefix', 'LessThan', 'LessThanEqualTo', 'GreaterThan', 'GreaterThanEqualTo', 'BeginsWith', 'EndsWith'].include?(opts[:'filter_type'])
fail ArgumentError, 'invalid value for "filter_type", must be one of Equals, RegEx, Contains, Prefix, LessThan, LessThanEqualTo, GreaterThan, GreaterThanEqualTo, BeginsWith, EndsWith'
@@ -3767,10 +4138,11 @@
query_params = {}
query_params[:'includeImportStatus'] = opts[:'include_import_status'] if opts[:'include_import_status']
query_params[:'includeSize'] = opts[:'include_size'] if opts[:'include_size']
query_params[:'pageSize'] = opts[:'page_size'] if opts[:'page_size']
query_params[:'pageNumber'] = opts[:'page_number'] if opts[:'page_number']
+ query_params[:'allowEmptyResult'] = opts[:'allow_empty_result'] if opts[:'allow_empty_result']
query_params[:'filterType'] = opts[:'filter_type'] if opts[:'filter_type']
query_params[:'name'] = opts[:'name'] if opts[:'name']
query_params[:'dncSourceType'] = opts[:'dnc_source_type'] if opts[:'dnc_source_type']
query_params[:'divisionId'] = @api_client.build_collection_param(opts[:'division_id'], :multi) if opts[:'division_id']
query_params[:'sortBy'] = opts[:'sort_by'] if opts[:'sort_by']
@@ -4223,10 +4595,475 @@
@api_client.config.logger.debug "API called: OutboundApi#get_outbound_events\nData: #{data.inspect}\nStatus code: #{status_code}\nHeaders: #{headers}"
return data, status_code, headers
+ # Get an Outbound Messaging Campaign
+ #
+ # @param messaging_campaign_id The Messaging Campaign ID
+ # @param [Hash] opts the optional parameters
+ # @return [MessagingCampaign]
+ def get_outbound_messagingcampaign(messaging_campaign_id, opts = {})
+ data, _status_code, _headers = get_outbound_messagingcampaign_with_http_info(messaging_campaign_id, opts)
+ return data
+ end
+ # Get an Outbound Messaging Campaign
+ #
+ # @param messaging_campaign_id The Messaging Campaign ID
+ # @param [Hash] opts the optional parameters
+ # @return [Array<(MessagingCampaign, Fixnum, Hash)>] MessagingCampaign data, response status code and response headers
+ def get_outbound_messagingcampaign_with_http_info(messaging_campaign_id, opts = {})
+ if @api_client.config.debugging
+ @api_client.config.logger.debug "Calling API: OutboundApi.get_outbound_messagingcampaign ..."
+ end
+ # verify the required parameter 'messaging_campaign_id' is set
+ fail ArgumentError, "Missing the required parameter 'messaging_campaign_id' when calling OutboundApi.get_outbound_messagingcampaign" if messaging_campaign_id.nil?
+ # resource path
+ local_var_path = "/api/v2/outbound/messagingcampaigns/{messagingCampaignId}".sub('{format}','json').sub('{' + 'messagingCampaignId' + '}', messaging_campaign_id.to_s)
+ # query parameters
+ query_params = {}
+ # header parameters
+ header_params = {}
+ # HTTP header 'Accept' (if needed)
+ local_header_accept = ['application/json']
+ local_header_accept_result = @api_client.select_header_accept(local_header_accept) and header_params['Accept'] = local_header_accept_result
+ # HTTP header 'Content-Type'
+ local_header_content_type = ['application/json']
+ header_params['Content-Type'] = @api_client.select_header_content_type(local_header_content_type)
+ # form parameters
+ form_params = {}
+ # http body (model)
+ post_body = nil
+ auth_names = ['PureCloud OAuth']
+ data, status_code, headers = @api_client.call_api(:GET, local_var_path,
+ :header_params => header_params,
+ :query_params => query_params,
+ :form_params => form_params,
+ :body => post_body,
+ :auth_names => auth_names,
+ :return_type => 'MessagingCampaign')
+ if @api_client.config.debugging
+ @api_client.config.logger.debug "API called: OutboundApi#get_outbound_messagingcampaign\nData: #{data.inspect}\nStatus code: #{status_code}\nHeaders: #{headers}"
+ end
+ return data, status_code, headers
+ end
+ # Get messaging campaign's progress
+ #
+ # @param messaging_campaign_id The Messaging Campaign ID
+ # @param [Hash] opts the optional parameters
+ # @return [CampaignProgress]
+ def get_outbound_messagingcampaign_progress(messaging_campaign_id, opts = {})
+ data, _status_code, _headers = get_outbound_messagingcampaign_progress_with_http_info(messaging_campaign_id, opts)
+ return data
+ end
+ # Get messaging campaign's progress
+ #
+ # @param messaging_campaign_id The Messaging Campaign ID
+ # @param [Hash] opts the optional parameters
+ # @return [Array<(CampaignProgress, Fixnum, Hash)>] CampaignProgress data, response status code and response headers
+ def get_outbound_messagingcampaign_progress_with_http_info(messaging_campaign_id, opts = {})
+ if @api_client.config.debugging
+ @api_client.config.logger.debug "Calling API: OutboundApi.get_outbound_messagingcampaign_progress ..."
+ end
+ # verify the required parameter 'messaging_campaign_id' is set
+ fail ArgumentError, "Missing the required parameter 'messaging_campaign_id' when calling OutboundApi.get_outbound_messagingcampaign_progress" if messaging_campaign_id.nil?
+ # resource path
+ local_var_path = "/api/v2/outbound/messagingcampaigns/{messagingCampaignId}/progress".sub('{format}','json').sub('{' + 'messagingCampaignId' + '}', messaging_campaign_id.to_s)
+ # query parameters
+ query_params = {}
+ # header parameters
+ header_params = {}
+ # HTTP header 'Accept' (if needed)
+ local_header_accept = ['application/json']
+ local_header_accept_result = @api_client.select_header_accept(local_header_accept) and header_params['Accept'] = local_header_accept_result
+ # HTTP header 'Content-Type'
+ local_header_content_type = ['application/json']
+ header_params['Content-Type'] = @api_client.select_header_content_type(local_header_content_type)
+ # form parameters
+ form_params = {}
+ # http body (model)
+ post_body = nil
+ auth_names = ['PureCloud OAuth']
+ data, status_code, headers = @api_client.call_api(:GET, local_var_path,
+ :header_params => header_params,
+ :query_params => query_params,
+ :form_params => form_params,
+ :body => post_body,
+ :auth_names => auth_names,
+ :return_type => 'CampaignProgress')
+ if @api_client.config.debugging
+ @api_client.config.logger.debug "API called: OutboundApi#get_outbound_messagingcampaign_progress\nData: #{data.inspect}\nStatus code: #{status_code}\nHeaders: #{headers}"
+ end
+ return data, status_code, headers
+ end
+ # Query a list of Messaging Campaigns
+ #
+ # @param [Hash] opts the optional parameters
+ # @option opts [Integer] :page_size Page size. The max that will be returned is 100. (default to 25)
+ # @option opts [Integer] :page_number Page number (default to 1)
+ # @option opts [String] :sort_by The field to sort by (default to name)
+ # @option opts [String] :sort_order The direction to sort (default to ascending)
+ # @option opts [String] :name Name
+ # @option opts [String] :contact_list_id Contact List ID
+ # @option opts [Array<String>] :division_id Division ID(s)
+ # @option opts [String] :type Campaign Type
+ # @option opts [String] :sender_sms_phone_number Sender SMS Phone Number
+ # @option opts [Array<String>] :id A list of messaging campaign ids to bulk fetch
+ # @return [MessagingCampaignEntityListing]
+ def get_outbound_messagingcampaigns(opts = {})
+ data, _status_code, _headers = get_outbound_messagingcampaigns_with_http_info(opts)
+ return data
+ end
+ # Query a list of Messaging Campaigns
+ #
+ # @param [Hash] opts the optional parameters
+ # @option opts [Integer] :page_size Page size. The max that will be returned is 100.
+ # @option opts [Integer] :page_number Page number
+ # @option opts [String] :sort_by The field to sort by
+ # @option opts [String] :sort_order The direction to sort
+ # @option opts [String] :name Name
+ # @option opts [String] :contact_list_id Contact List ID
+ # @option opts [Array<String>] :division_id Division ID(s)
+ # @option opts [String] :type Campaign Type
+ # @option opts [String] :sender_sms_phone_number Sender SMS Phone Number
+ # @option opts [Array<String>] :id A list of messaging campaign ids to bulk fetch
+ # @return [Array<(MessagingCampaignEntityListing, Fixnum, Hash)>] MessagingCampaignEntityListing data, response status code and response headers
+ def get_outbound_messagingcampaigns_with_http_info(opts = {})
+ if @api_client.config.debugging
+ @api_client.config.logger.debug "Calling API: OutboundApi.get_outbound_messagingcampaigns ..."
+ end
+ if opts[:'sort_by'] && !['campaignStatus', 'name', 'type'].include?(opts[:'sort_by'])
+ fail ArgumentError, 'invalid value for "sort_by", must be one of campaignStatus, name, type'
+ end
+ if opts[:'sort_order'] && !['ascending', 'descending'].include?(opts[:'sort_order'])
+ fail ArgumentError, 'invalid value for "sort_order", must be one of ascending, descending'
+ end
+ if opts[:'type'] && !['SMS'].include?(opts[:'type'])
+ fail ArgumentError, 'invalid value for "type", must be one of SMS'
+ end
+ # resource path
+ local_var_path = "/api/v2/outbound/messagingcampaigns".sub('{format}','json')
+ # query parameters
+ query_params = {}
+ query_params[:'pageSize'] = opts[:'page_size'] if opts[:'page_size']
+ query_params[:'pageNumber'] = opts[:'page_number'] if opts[:'page_number']
+ query_params[:'sortBy'] = opts[:'sort_by'] if opts[:'sort_by']
+ query_params[:'sortOrder'] = opts[:'sort_order'] if opts[:'sort_order']
+ query_params[:'name'] = opts[:'name'] if opts[:'name']
+ query_params[:'contactListId'] = opts[:'contact_list_id'] if opts[:'contact_list_id']
+ query_params[:'divisionId'] = @api_client.build_collection_param(opts[:'division_id'], :multi) if opts[:'division_id']
+ query_params[:'type'] = opts[:'type'] if opts[:'type']
+ query_params[:'senderSmsPhoneNumber'] = opts[:'sender_sms_phone_number'] if opts[:'sender_sms_phone_number']
+ query_params[:'id'] = @api_client.build_collection_param(opts[:'id'], :multi) if opts[:'id']
+ # header parameters
+ header_params = {}
+ # HTTP header 'Accept' (if needed)
+ local_header_accept = ['application/json']
+ local_header_accept_result = @api_client.select_header_accept(local_header_accept) and header_params['Accept'] = local_header_accept_result
+ # HTTP header 'Content-Type'
+ local_header_content_type = ['application/json']
+ header_params['Content-Type'] = @api_client.select_header_content_type(local_header_content_type)
+ # form parameters
+ form_params = {}
+ # http body (model)
+ post_body = nil
+ auth_names = ['PureCloud OAuth']
+ data, status_code, headers = @api_client.call_api(:GET, local_var_path,
+ :header_params => header_params,
+ :query_params => query_params,
+ :form_params => form_params,
+ :body => post_body,
+ :auth_names => auth_names,
+ :return_type => 'MessagingCampaignEntityListing')
+ if @api_client.config.debugging
+ @api_client.config.logger.debug "API called: OutboundApi#get_outbound_messagingcampaigns\nData: #{data.inspect}\nStatus code: #{status_code}\nHeaders: #{headers}"
+ end
+ return data, status_code, headers
+ end
+ # Get a basic Messaging Campaign information object
+ # This returns a simplified version of a Messaging Campaign, consisting of id, name, and division.
+ # @param messaging_campaign_id The Messaging Campaign ID
+ # @param [Hash] opts the optional parameters
+ # @return [MessagingCampaignDivisionView]
+ def get_outbound_messagingcampaigns_divisionview(messaging_campaign_id, opts = {})
+ data, _status_code, _headers = get_outbound_messagingcampaigns_divisionview_with_http_info(messaging_campaign_id, opts)
+ return data
+ end
+ # Get a basic Messaging Campaign information object
+ # This returns a simplified version of a Messaging Campaign, consisting of id, name, and division.
+ # @param messaging_campaign_id The Messaging Campaign ID
+ # @param [Hash] opts the optional parameters
+ # @return [Array<(MessagingCampaignDivisionView, Fixnum, Hash)>] MessagingCampaignDivisionView data, response status code and response headers
+ def get_outbound_messagingcampaigns_divisionview_with_http_info(messaging_campaign_id, opts = {})
+ if @api_client.config.debugging
+ @api_client.config.logger.debug "Calling API: OutboundApi.get_outbound_messagingcampaigns_divisionview ..."
+ end
+ # verify the required parameter 'messaging_campaign_id' is set
+ fail ArgumentError, "Missing the required parameter 'messaging_campaign_id' when calling OutboundApi.get_outbound_messagingcampaigns_divisionview" if messaging_campaign_id.nil?
+ # resource path
+ local_var_path = "/api/v2/outbound/messagingcampaigns/divisionviews/{messagingCampaignId}".sub('{format}','json').sub('{' + 'messagingCampaignId' + '}', messaging_campaign_id.to_s)
+ # query parameters
+ query_params = {}
+ # header parameters
+ header_params = {}
+ # HTTP header 'Accept' (if needed)
+ local_header_accept = ['application/json']
+ local_header_accept_result = @api_client.select_header_accept(local_header_accept) and header_params['Accept'] = local_header_accept_result
+ # HTTP header 'Content-Type'
+ local_header_content_type = ['application/json']
+ header_params['Content-Type'] = @api_client.select_header_content_type(local_header_content_type)
+ # form parameters
+ form_params = {}
+ # http body (model)
+ post_body = nil
+ auth_names = ['PureCloud OAuth']
+ data, status_code, headers = @api_client.call_api(:GET, local_var_path,
+ :header_params => header_params,
+ :query_params => query_params,
+ :form_params => form_params,
+ :body => post_body,
+ :auth_names => auth_names,
+ :return_type => 'MessagingCampaignDivisionView')
+ if @api_client.config.debugging
+ @api_client.config.logger.debug "API called: OutboundApi#get_outbound_messagingcampaigns_divisionview\nData: #{data.inspect}\nStatus code: #{status_code}\nHeaders: #{headers}"
+ end
+ return data, status_code, headers
+ end
+ # Query a list of basic Messaging Campaign information objects
+ # This returns a listing of simplified Messaging Campaigns, each consisting of id, name, and division.
+ # @param [Hash] opts the optional parameters
+ # @option opts [Integer] :page_size Page size. The max that will be returned is 100. (default to 25)
+ # @option opts [Integer] :page_number Page number (default to 1)
+ # @option opts [String] :sort_order The direction to sort (default to a)
+ # @option opts [String] :name Name
+ # @option opts [Array<String>] :id id
+ # @option opts [String] :sender_sms_phone_number Sender SMS Phone Number
+ # @return [MessagingCampaignDivisionViewEntityListing]
+ def get_outbound_messagingcampaigns_divisionviews(opts = {})
+ data, _status_code, _headers = get_outbound_messagingcampaigns_divisionviews_with_http_info(opts)
+ return data
+ end
+ # Query a list of basic Messaging Campaign information objects
+ # This returns a listing of simplified Messaging Campaigns, each consisting of id, name, and division.
+ # @param [Hash] opts the optional parameters
+ # @option opts [Integer] :page_size Page size. The max that will be returned is 100.
+ # @option opts [Integer] :page_number Page number
+ # @option opts [String] :sort_order The direction to sort
+ # @option opts [String] :name Name
+ # @option opts [Array<String>] :id id
+ # @option opts [String] :sender_sms_phone_number Sender SMS Phone Number
+ # @return [Array<(MessagingCampaignDivisionViewEntityListing, Fixnum, Hash)>] MessagingCampaignDivisionViewEntityListing data, response status code and response headers
+ def get_outbound_messagingcampaigns_divisionviews_with_http_info(opts = {})
+ if @api_client.config.debugging
+ @api_client.config.logger.debug "Calling API: OutboundApi.get_outbound_messagingcampaigns_divisionviews ..."
+ end
+ if opts[:'sort_order'] && !['ascending', 'descending'].include?(opts[:'sort_order'])
+ fail ArgumentError, 'invalid value for "sort_order", must be one of ascending, descending'
+ end
+ # resource path
+ local_var_path = "/api/v2/outbound/messagingcampaigns/divisionviews".sub('{format}','json')
+ # query parameters
+ query_params = {}
+ query_params[:'pageSize'] = opts[:'page_size'] if opts[:'page_size']
+ query_params[:'pageNumber'] = opts[:'page_number'] if opts[:'page_number']
+ query_params[:'sortOrder'] = opts[:'sort_order'] if opts[:'sort_order']
+ query_params[:'name'] = opts[:'name'] if opts[:'name']
+ query_params[:'id'] = @api_client.build_collection_param(opts[:'id'], :multi) if opts[:'id']
+ query_params[:'senderSmsPhoneNumber'] = opts[:'sender_sms_phone_number'] if opts[:'sender_sms_phone_number']
+ # header parameters
+ header_params = {}
+ # HTTP header 'Accept' (if needed)
+ local_header_accept = ['application/json']
+ local_header_accept_result = @api_client.select_header_accept(local_header_accept) and header_params['Accept'] = local_header_accept_result
+ # HTTP header 'Content-Type'
+ local_header_content_type = ['application/json']
+ header_params['Content-Type'] = @api_client.select_header_content_type(local_header_content_type)
+ # form parameters
+ form_params = {}
+ # http body (model)
+ post_body = nil
+ auth_names = ['PureCloud OAuth']
+ data, status_code, headers = @api_client.call_api(:GET, local_var_path,
+ :header_params => header_params,
+ :query_params => query_params,
+ :form_params => form_params,
+ :body => post_body,
+ :auth_names => auth_names,
+ :return_type => 'MessagingCampaignDivisionViewEntityListing')
+ if @api_client.config.debugging
+ @api_client.config.logger.debug "API called: OutboundApi#get_outbound_messagingcampaigns_divisionviews\nData: #{data.inspect}\nStatus code: #{status_code}\nHeaders: #{headers}"
+ end
+ return data, status_code, headers
+ end
# Get a Rule Set by ID.
# @param rule_set_id Rule Set ID
# @param [Hash] opts the optional parameters
# @return [RuleSet]
@@ -4293,10 +5130,11 @@
# Query a list of Rule Sets.
# @param [Hash] opts the optional parameters
# @option opts [Integer] :page_size Page size. The max that will be returned is 100. (default to 25)
# @option opts [Integer] :page_number Page number (default to 1)
+ # @option opts [BOOLEAN] :allow_empty_result Whether to return an empty page when there are no results for that page (default to false)
# @option opts [String] :filter_type Filter type (default to Prefix)
# @option opts [String] :name Name
# @option opts [String] :sort_by Sort by
# @option opts [String] :sort_order Sort order (default to a)
# @return [RuleSetEntityListing]
@@ -4308,10 +5146,11 @@
# Query a list of Rule Sets.
# @param [Hash] opts the optional parameters
# @option opts [Integer] :page_size Page size. The max that will be returned is 100.
# @option opts [Integer] :page_number Page number
+ # @option opts [BOOLEAN] :allow_empty_result Whether to return an empty page when there are no results for that page
# @option opts [String] :filter_type Filter type
# @option opts [String] :name Name
# @option opts [String] :sort_by Sort by
# @option opts [String] :sort_order Sort order
# @return [Array<(RuleSetEntityListing, Fixnum, Hash)>] RuleSetEntityListing data, response status code and response headers
@@ -4333,10 +5172,16 @@
if opts[:'filter_type'] && !['Equals', 'RegEx', 'Contains', 'Prefix', 'LessThan', 'LessThanEqualTo', 'GreaterThan', 'GreaterThanEqualTo', 'BeginsWith', 'EndsWith'].include?(opts[:'filter_type'])
fail ArgumentError, 'invalid value for "filter_type", must be one of Equals, RegEx, Contains, Prefix, LessThan, LessThanEqualTo, GreaterThan, GreaterThanEqualTo, BeginsWith, EndsWith'
@@ -4369,10 +5214,11 @@
# query parameters
query_params = {}
query_params[:'pageSize'] = opts[:'page_size'] if opts[:'page_size']
query_params[:'pageNumber'] = opts[:'page_number'] if opts[:'page_number']
+ query_params[:'allowEmptyResult'] = opts[:'allow_empty_result'] if opts[:'allow_empty_result']
query_params[:'filterType'] = opts[:'filter_type'] if opts[:'filter_type']
query_params[:'name'] = opts[:'name'] if opts[:'name']
query_params[:'sortBy'] = opts[:'sort_by'] if opts[:'sort_by']
query_params[:'sortOrder'] = opts[:'sort_order'] if opts[:'sort_order']
@@ -4715,10 +5561,11 @@
# Query a list of dialer campaign sequences.
# @param [Hash] opts the optional parameters
# @option opts [Integer] :page_size Page size. The max that will be returned is 100. (default to 25)
# @option opts [Integer] :page_number Page number (default to 1)
+ # @option opts [BOOLEAN] :allow_empty_result Whether to return an empty page when there are no results for that page (default to false)
# @option opts [String] :filter_type Filter type (default to Prefix)
# @option opts [String] :name Name
# @option opts [String] :sort_by Sort by
# @option opts [String] :sort_order Sort order (default to a)
# @return [CampaignSequenceEntityListing]
@@ -4730,10 +5577,11 @@
# Query a list of dialer campaign sequences.
# @param [Hash] opts the optional parameters
# @option opts [Integer] :page_size Page size. The max that will be returned is 100.
# @option opts [Integer] :page_number Page number
+ # @option opts [BOOLEAN] :allow_empty_result Whether to return an empty page when there are no results for that page
# @option opts [String] :filter_type Filter type
# @option opts [String] :name Name
# @option opts [String] :sort_by Sort by
# @option opts [String] :sort_order Sort order
# @return [Array<(CampaignSequenceEntityListing, Fixnum, Hash)>] CampaignSequenceEntityListing data, response status code and response headers
@@ -4755,10 +5603,16 @@
if opts[:'filter_type'] && !['Equals', 'RegEx', 'Contains', 'Prefix', 'LessThan', 'LessThanEqualTo', 'GreaterThan', 'GreaterThanEqualTo', 'BeginsWith', 'EndsWith'].include?(opts[:'filter_type'])
fail ArgumentError, 'invalid value for "filter_type", must be one of Equals, RegEx, Contains, Prefix, LessThan, LessThanEqualTo, GreaterThan, GreaterThanEqualTo, BeginsWith, EndsWith'
@@ -4791,10 +5645,11 @@
# query parameters
query_params = {}
query_params[:'pageSize'] = opts[:'page_size'] if opts[:'page_size']
query_params[:'pageNumber'] = opts[:'page_number'] if opts[:'page_number']
+ query_params[:'allowEmptyResult'] = opts[:'allow_empty_result'] if opts[:'allow_empty_result']
query_params[:'filterType'] = opts[:'filter_type'] if opts[:'filter_type']
query_params[:'name'] = opts[:'name'] if opts[:'name']
query_params[:'sortBy'] = opts[:'sort_by'] if opts[:'sort_by']
query_params[:'sortOrder'] = opts[:'sort_order'] if opts[:'sort_order']
@@ -6345,10 +7200,140 @@
@api_client.config.logger.debug "API called: OutboundApi#post_outbound_dnclists\nData: #{data.inspect}\nStatus code: #{status_code}\nHeaders: #{headers}"
return data, status_code, headers
+ # Create a Messaging Campaign
+ #
+ # @param body Messaging Campaign
+ # @param [Hash] opts the optional parameters
+ # @return [MessagingCampaign]
+ def post_outbound_messagingcampaigns(body, opts = {})
+ data, _status_code, _headers = post_outbound_messagingcampaigns_with_http_info(body, opts)
+ return data
+ end
+ # Create a Messaging Campaign
+ #
+ # @param body Messaging Campaign
+ # @param [Hash] opts the optional parameters
+ # @return [Array<(MessagingCampaign, Fixnum, Hash)>] MessagingCampaign data, response status code and response headers
+ def post_outbound_messagingcampaigns_with_http_info(body, opts = {})
+ if @api_client.config.debugging
+ @api_client.config.logger.debug "Calling API: OutboundApi.post_outbound_messagingcampaigns ..."
+ end
+ # verify the required parameter 'body' is set
+ fail ArgumentError, "Missing the required parameter 'body' when calling OutboundApi.post_outbound_messagingcampaigns" if body.nil?
+ # resource path
+ local_var_path = "/api/v2/outbound/messagingcampaigns".sub('{format}','json')
+ # query parameters
+ query_params = {}
+ # header parameters
+ header_params = {}
+ # HTTP header 'Accept' (if needed)
+ local_header_accept = ['application/json']
+ local_header_accept_result = @api_client.select_header_accept(local_header_accept) and header_params['Accept'] = local_header_accept_result
+ # HTTP header 'Content-Type'
+ local_header_content_type = ['application/json']
+ header_params['Content-Type'] = @api_client.select_header_content_type(local_header_content_type)
+ # form parameters
+ form_params = {}
+ # http body (model)
+ post_body = @api_client.object_to_http_body(body)
+ auth_names = ['PureCloud OAuth']
+ data, status_code, headers = @api_client.call_api(:POST, local_var_path,
+ :header_params => header_params,
+ :query_params => query_params,
+ :form_params => form_params,
+ :body => post_body,
+ :auth_names => auth_names,
+ :return_type => 'MessagingCampaign')
+ if @api_client.config.debugging
+ @api_client.config.logger.debug "API called: OutboundApi#post_outbound_messagingcampaigns\nData: #{data.inspect}\nStatus code: #{status_code}\nHeaders: #{headers}"
+ end
+ return data, status_code, headers
+ end
+ # Get progress for a list of messaging campaigns
+ #
+ # @param body Messaging Campaign IDs
+ # @param [Hash] opts the optional parameters
+ # @return [Array<CampaignProgress>]
+ def post_outbound_messagingcampaigns_progress(body, opts = {})
+ data, _status_code, _headers = post_outbound_messagingcampaigns_progress_with_http_info(body, opts)
+ return data
+ end
+ # Get progress for a list of messaging campaigns
+ #
+ # @param body Messaging Campaign IDs
+ # @param [Hash] opts the optional parameters
+ # @return [Array<(Array<CampaignProgress>, Fixnum, Hash)>] Array<CampaignProgress> data, response status code and response headers
+ def post_outbound_messagingcampaigns_progress_with_http_info(body, opts = {})
+ if @api_client.config.debugging
+ @api_client.config.logger.debug "Calling API: OutboundApi.post_outbound_messagingcampaigns_progress ..."
+ end
+ # verify the required parameter 'body' is set
+ fail ArgumentError, "Missing the required parameter 'body' when calling OutboundApi.post_outbound_messagingcampaigns_progress" if body.nil?
+ # resource path
+ local_var_path = "/api/v2/outbound/messagingcampaigns/progress".sub('{format}','json')
+ # query parameters
+ query_params = {}
+ # header parameters
+ header_params = {}
+ # HTTP header 'Accept' (if needed)
+ local_header_accept = ['application/json']
+ local_header_accept_result = @api_client.select_header_accept(local_header_accept) and header_params['Accept'] = local_header_accept_result
+ # HTTP header 'Content-Type'
+ local_header_content_type = ['application/json']
+ header_params['Content-Type'] = @api_client.select_header_content_type(local_header_content_type)
+ # form parameters
+ form_params = {}
+ # http body (model)
+ post_body = @api_client.object_to_http_body(body)
+ auth_names = ['PureCloud OAuth']
+ data, status_code, headers = @api_client.call_api(:POST, local_var_path,
+ :header_params => header_params,
+ :query_params => query_params,
+ :form_params => form_params,
+ :body => post_body,
+ :auth_names => auth_names,
+ :return_type => 'Array<CampaignProgress>')
+ if @api_client.config.debugging
+ @api_client.config.logger.debug "API called: OutboundApi#post_outbound_messagingcampaigns_progress\nData: #{data.inspect}\nStatus code: #{status_code}\nHeaders: #{headers}"
+ end
+ return data, status_code, headers
+ end
# Create a Dialer Call Analysis Response Set.
# @param body RuleSet
# @param [Hash] opts the optional parameters
# @return [RuleSet]
@@ -7241,9 +8226,84 @@
:body => post_body,
:auth_names => auth_names,
:return_type => 'DncList')
if @api_client.config.debugging
@api_client.config.logger.debug "API called: OutboundApi#put_outbound_dnclist\nData: #{data.inspect}\nStatus code: #{status_code}\nHeaders: #{headers}"
+ end
+ return data, status_code, headers
+ end
+ # Update an Outbound Messaging Campaign
+ #
+ # @param messaging_campaign_id The Messaging Campaign ID
+ # @param body MessagingCampaign
+ # @param [Hash] opts the optional parameters
+ # @return [MessagingCampaign]
+ def put_outbound_messagingcampaign(messaging_campaign_id, body, opts = {})
+ data, _status_code, _headers = put_outbound_messagingcampaign_with_http_info(messaging_campaign_id, body, opts)
+ return data
+ end
+ # Update an Outbound Messaging Campaign
+ #
+ # @param messaging_campaign_id The Messaging Campaign ID
+ # @param body MessagingCampaign
+ # @param [Hash] opts the optional parameters
+ # @return [Array<(MessagingCampaign, Fixnum, Hash)>] MessagingCampaign data, response status code and response headers
+ def put_outbound_messagingcampaign_with_http_info(messaging_campaign_id, body, opts = {})
+ if @api_client.config.debugging
+ @api_client.config.logger.debug "Calling API: OutboundApi.put_outbound_messagingcampaign ..."
+ end
+ # verify the required parameter 'messaging_campaign_id' is set
+ fail ArgumentError, "Missing the required parameter 'messaging_campaign_id' when calling OutboundApi.put_outbound_messagingcampaign" if messaging_campaign_id.nil?
+ # verify the required parameter 'body' is set
+ fail ArgumentError, "Missing the required parameter 'body' when calling OutboundApi.put_outbound_messagingcampaign" if body.nil?
+ # resource path
+ local_var_path = "/api/v2/outbound/messagingcampaigns/{messagingCampaignId}".sub('{format}','json').sub('{' + 'messagingCampaignId' + '}', messaging_campaign_id.to_s)
+ # query parameters
+ query_params = {}
+ # header parameters
+ header_params = {}
+ # HTTP header 'Accept' (if needed)
+ local_header_accept = ['application/json']
+ local_header_accept_result = @api_client.select_header_accept(local_header_accept) and header_params['Accept'] = local_header_accept_result
+ # HTTP header 'Content-Type'
+ local_header_content_type = ['application/json']
+ header_params['Content-Type'] = @api_client.select_header_content_type(local_header_content_type)
+ # form parameters
+ form_params = {}
+ # http body (model)
+ post_body = @api_client.object_to_http_body(body)
+ auth_names = ['PureCloud OAuth']
+ data, status_code, headers = @api_client.call_api(:PUT, local_var_path,
+ :header_params => header_params,
+ :query_params => query_params,
+ :form_params => form_params,
+ :body => post_body,
+ :auth_names => auth_names,
+ :return_type => 'MessagingCampaign')
+ if @api_client.config.debugging
+ @api_client.config.logger.debug "API called: OutboundApi#put_outbound_messagingcampaign\nData: #{data.inspect}\nStatus code: #{status_code}\nHeaders: #{headers}"
return data, status_code, headers
# Update a RuleSet.