docs/ in purecloudplatformclientv2-57.0.0 vs docs/ in purecloudplatformclientv2-58.0.0
- old
+ new
@@ -703,10 +703,14 @@
* wfm:activityCode:view
* wfm:agent:edit
* wfm:agentSchedule:view
* wfm:agentTimeOffRequest:submit
* wfm:agent:view
+* wfm:businessUnit:add
+* wfm:businessUnit:delete
+* wfm:businessUnit:edit
+* wfm:businessUnit:view
* wfm:historicalAdherence:view
* wfm:intraday:view
* wfm:managementUnit:add
* wfm:managementUnit:delete
* wfm:managementUnit:edit
@@ -720,10 +724,13 @@
* wfm:schedule:view
* wfm:serviceGoalGroup:add
* wfm:serviceGoalGroup:delete
* wfm:serviceGoalGroup:edit
* wfm:serviceGoalGroup:view
+* wfm:shiftTradeRequest:edit
+* wfm:shiftTradeRequest:view
+* wfm:agentShiftTradeRequest:participate
* wfm:shortTermForecast:add
* wfm:shortTermForecast:delete
* wfm:shortTermForecast:edit
* wfm:shortTermForecast:view
* wfm:timeOffRequest:add
@@ -875,10 +882,14 @@
* wfm:activityCode:view
* wfm:agent:edit
* wfm:agentSchedule:view
* wfm:agentTimeOffRequest:submit
* wfm:agent:view
+* wfm:businessUnit:add
+* wfm:businessUnit:delete
+* wfm:businessUnit:edit
+* wfm:businessUnit:view
* wfm:historicalAdherence:view
* wfm:intraday:view
* wfm:managementUnit:add
* wfm:managementUnit:delete
* wfm:managementUnit:edit
@@ -1986,11 +1997,11 @@
<a name="get_workforcemanagement_managementunit_week_schedules"></a>
-## [**WeekScheduleListResponse**](WeekScheduleListResponse.html) get_workforcemanagement_managementunit_week_schedules(management_unit_id, week_id)
+## [**WeekScheduleListResponse**](WeekScheduleListResponse.html) get_workforcemanagement_managementunit_week_schedules(management_unit_id, week_id, opts)
Get the list of schedules in a week in management unit
@@ -2023,14 +2034,19 @@
management_unit_id = "management_unit_id_example" # String | The ID of the management unit, or 'mine' for the management unit of the logged-in user.
week_id = "week_id_example" # String | First day of schedule week in yyyy-MM-dd format.
+opts = {
+ include_only_published: true, # BOOLEAN | Return only published schedules
+ earliest_week_date: "earliest_week_date_example", # String | The start date of the earliest week to query in yyyy-MM-dd format
+ latest_week_date: "latest_week_date_example" # String | The start date of the latest week to query in yyyy-MM-dd format
#Get the list of schedules in a week in management unit
- result = api_instance.get_workforcemanagement_managementunit_week_schedules(management_unit_id, week_id)
+ result = api_instance.get_workforcemanagement_managementunit_week_schedules(management_unit_id, week_id, opts)
p result
rescue PureCloud::ApiError => e
puts "Exception when calling WorkforceManagementApi->get_workforcemanagement_managementunit_week_schedules: #{e}"
@@ -2039,10 +2055,13 @@
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**management_unit_id** | **String**| The ID of the management unit, or 'mine' for the management unit of the logged-in user. | |
**week_id** | **String**| First day of schedule week in yyyy-MM-dd format. | |
+ **include_only_published** | **BOOLEAN**| Return only published schedules | [optional] |
+ **earliest_week_date** | **String**| The start date of the earliest week to query in yyyy-MM-dd format | [optional] |
+ **latest_week_date** | **String**| The start date of the latest week to query in yyyy-MM-dd format | [optional] |
{: class="table table-striped"}
### Return type
@@ -2395,10 +2414,10 @@
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**page_size** | **Integer**| | [optional] |
**page_number** | **Integer**| | [optional] |
**expand** | **String**| | [optional] <br />**Values**: details |
- **feature** | **String**| | [optional] <br />**Values**: AgentSchedule, AgentTimeOffRequest, ActivityCodes, Agents, HistoricalAdherence, IntradayMonitoring, ManagementUnits, RealTimeAdherence, Schedules, ServiceGoalGroups, ShiftTrading, ShortTermForecasts, TimeOffRequests, WorkPlans |
+ **feature** | **String**| | [optional] <br />**Values**: AgentSchedule, AgentTimeOffRequest, ActivityCodes, Agents, BusinessUnits, HistoricalAdherence, IntradayMonitoring, ManagementUnits, RealTimeAdherence, Schedules, ServiceGoalGroups, ServiceGoalTemplates, ShiftTrading, ShortTermForecasts, TimeOffRequests, WorkPlans |
**division_id** | **String**| | [optional] |
{: class="table table-striped"}
### Return type