docs/ in purecloudplatformclientv2-61.0.0 vs docs/ in purecloudplatformclientv2-62.0.0
- old
+ new
@@ -10,10 +10,10 @@
| **id** | **String** | The globally unique identifier for the object. | [optional] |
| **name** | **String** | | [optional] |
| **description** | **String** | A human-readable description of this Deployment. | [optional] |
| **authentication_required** | **BOOLEAN** | When true, the customer members starting a chat must be authenticated by supplying their JWT to the create operation. | [optional] |
| **disabled** | **BOOLEAN** | When true, all create chat operations using this Deployment will be rejected. | [optional] |
-| **flow** | [**UriReference**](UriReference.html) | The URI of the Inbound Chat Flow to run when new chats are initiated under this Deployment. | [optional] |
+| **flow** | [**DomainEntityRef**](DomainEntityRef.html) | The URI of the Inbound Chat Flow to run when new chats are initiated under this Deployment. | [optional] |
| **allowed_domains** | **Array<String>** | The list of domains that are approved to use this Deployment; the list will be added to CORS headers for ease of web use. | [optional] |
| **client_type** | **String** | The type of display widget for which this Deployment is configured, which controls the administrator settings shown. | [optional] |
| **client_config** | [**WidgetClientConfig**](WidgetClientConfig.html) | The client configuration options that should be made available to the clients of this Deployment. | [optional] |
| **self_uri** | **String** | The URI for this object | [optional] |
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