docs/ in purecloudplatformclientv2-3.1.7 vs docs/ in purecloudplatformclientv2-4.0.0
- old
+ new
@@ -169,11 +169,11 @@
<a name="delete_quality_form"></a>
-## -String** delete_quality_form(form_id)
+## - delete_quality_form(form_id)
Delete an evaluation form.
@@ -200,12 +200,11 @@
form_id = "form_id_example" # String | Form ID
#Delete an evaluation form.
- result = api_instance.delete_quality_form(form_id)
- p result
+ api_instance.delete_quality_form(form_id)
rescue PureCloud::ApiError => e
puts "Exception when calling QualityApi->delete_quality_form: #{e}"
@@ -217,11 +216,11 @@
{: class="table table-striped"}
### Return type
+nil (empty response body)
### HTTP request headers
- **Content-Type**: application/json
- **Accept**: application/json
@@ -286,11 +285,11 @@
<a name="delete_quality_keywordsets"></a>
-## -String** delete_quality_keywordsets(ids)
+## - delete_quality_keywordsets(ids)
Delete keyword sets
Bulk delete of keyword sets; this will only delete the keyword sets that match the ids specified in the query param.
@@ -317,12 +316,11 @@
ids = "ids_example" # String | A comma-delimited list of valid KeywordSet ids
#Delete keyword sets
- result = api_instance.delete_quality_keywordsets(ids)
- p result
+ api_instance.delete_quality_keywordsets(ids)
rescue PureCloud::ApiError => e
puts "Exception when calling QualityApi->delete_quality_keywordsets: #{e}"
@@ -334,11 +332,11 @@
{: class="table table-striped"}
### Return type
+nil (empty response body)
### HTTP request headers
- **Content-Type**: application/json
- **Accept**: application/json
@@ -604,11 +602,11 @@
sort_by: "sort_by_example", # String | variable name requested to sort by
expand: nil, # Array<Object> | variable name requested by expand list
next_page: "next_page_example", # String | next page token
previous_page: "previous_page_example", # String | Previous page token
recording_id: "recording_id_example", # String | id of the recording
- entity_type: "RECORDING" # String | entity type options: Recording, Calibration, Evaluation, Annotation
+ entity_type: "RECORDING" # String | entity type options: Recording, Calibration, Evaluation, Annotation, Screen_Recording
#Get audits for conversation or recording
result = api_instance.get_quality_conversation_audits(conversation_id, opts)
@@ -628,10 +626,10 @@
**sort_by** | **String**| variable name requested to sort by | [optional]
**expand** | [**Array<Object>**](Object.html)| variable name requested by expand list | [optional]
**next_page** | **String**| next page token | [optional]
**previous_page** | **String**| Previous page token | [optional]
**recording_id** | **String**| id of the recording | [optional]
- **entity_type** | **String**| entity type options: Recording, Calibration, Evaluation, Annotation | [optional] [default to RECORDING]
+ **entity_type** | **String**| entity type options: Recording, Calibration, Evaluation, Annotation, Screen_Recording | [optional] [default to RECORDING]
{: class="table table-striped"}
### Return type