features/purchase_committees.feature in purchase-1.0.9 vs features/purchase_committees.feature in purchase-1.0.10
- old
+ new
@@ -4,11 +4,11 @@
Scenario: Cost committee from purchase amount
Given a purchase emitter
And a characteristic "purchase_amount" of "107.11"
When the "cost" committee is calculated
Then the committee should have used quorum "from purchase amount"
- And the conclusion of the committee should be "100"
+ And the conclusion of the committee should be "100.00"
Scenario: Cost committee from purchase amount and tax
Given a purchase emitter
And a characteristic "purchase_amount" of "10.00"
And a characteristic "tax" of "1.00"
@@ -18,18 +18,18 @@
Scenario: Cost committee from default
Given a purchase emitter
When the "cost" committee is calculated
Then the committee should have used quorum "default"
- Then the conclusion of the committee should be "100"
+ Then the conclusion of the committee should be "624.00"
Scenario: Adjusted cost committee starting from nothing
Given a purchase emitter
When the "date" committee is calculated
And the "cost" committee is calculated
And the "adjusted_cost" committee is calculated
- Then the conclusion of the committee should be "82.85004"
+ Then the conclusion of the committee should be "516.98426"
Scenario Outline: Adjusted cost committee from cost and date
Given a purchase emitter
And a characteristic "cost" of "<cost>"
And characteristic "date" of "<date>"
@@ -38,16 +38,10 @@
| cost | date | adjusted_cost |
| 831.23 | 2010-08-01 | 688.67439 |
| 11.00 | 2005-07-14 | 9.11350 |
- Scenario: Merchant category committee from default
- Given a purchase emitter
- When the "merchant_category" committee is calculated
- Then the committee should have used quorum "default"
- And the conclusion of the committee should have "mcc" of "5111"
Scenario Outline: Merchant category committee from merchant
Given a purchase emitter
And a characteristic "merchant.id" of "<id>"
When the "merchant_category" committee is calculated
Then the committee should have used quorum "from merchant"
@@ -66,40 +60,46 @@
| mcc | naics | ratio |
| 1111 | 111111 | 1 |
| 2222 | 399900 | 0.5 |
| 2222 | 459000 | 0.5 |
- Scenario Outline: Trade industry ratios from merchant category industries
+ Scenario: Trade industry ratios from default
Given a purchase emitter
- And a characteristic "merchant_category.mcc" of "<mcc>"
+ When the "trade_industry_ratios" committee is calculated
+ Then the committee should have used quorum "default"
+ And the conclusion of the committee should include a key of "" and value ""
+ Scenario: Trade industry ratios from merchant category industries
+ Given a purchase emitter
+ And a characteristic "merchant_category.mcc" of "2222"
When the "merchant_category_industries" committee is calculated
And the "trade_industry_ratios" committee is calculated
Then the committee should have used quorum "from merchant category industries"
- And the conclusion of the committee should include a key of "<naics>" and value "<ratio>"
- Examples:
- | mcc | naics | ratio |
- | 2222 | 459000 | 0.5 |
+ And the conclusion of the committee should include a key of "459000" and value "0.5"
- Scenario Outline: Trade industry ratios from industry
+ Scenario: Trade industry ratios from industry
Given a purchase emitter
- And a characteristic "industry.naics_code" of "<naics>"
+ And a characteristic "industry.naics_code" of "459000"
When the "trade_industry_ratios" committee is calculated
Then the committee should have used quorum "from industry"
- And the conclusion of the committee should include a key of "<naics>" and value "1"
- Examples:
- | naics |
- | 459000 |
+ And the conclusion of the committee should include a key of "459000" and value "1"
Scenario: Trade industry ratios from merchant category industries and industry
Given a purchase emitter
And a characteristic "merchant_category.mcc" of "1111"
And a characteristic "industry.naics_code" of "459000"
When the "merchant_category_industries" committee is calculated
And the "trade_industry_ratios" committee is calculated
Then the committee should have used quorum "from industry"
And the conclusion of the committee should include a key of "459000" and value "1"
+ Scenario: Non-trade industry ratios from default
+ Given a purchase emitter
+ When the "non_trade_industry_ratios" committee is calculated
+ Then the committee should have used quorum "default"
+ And the conclusion of the committee should include a key of "339991" and value "1"
Scenario Outline: Non-trade industry ratios from merchant category industries
Given a purchase emitter
And a characteristic "merchant_category.mcc" of "<mcc>"
When the "merchant_category_industries" committee is calculated
And the "non_trade_industry_ratios" committee is calculated
@@ -200,10 +200,11 @@
And the "industry_ratios" committee is calculated
Then the conclusion of the committee should include a key of "<new_naics>" and value "<ratio>"
| naics | new_naics | ratio |
| 111111 | 111111 | 1.0 |
+ | 339991 | 339991 | 1.0 |
| 399100 | 399100 | 1.0 |
| 399200 | 399200 | 1.0 |
| 459000 | 399100 | 0.75 |
| 459000 | 399200 | 0.25 |
@@ -256,10 +257,11 @@
And the "industry_sector_ratios" committee is calculated
Then the conclusion of the committee should include a key of "<io_code>" and value "<ratio>"
| naics | io_code | ratio |
| 111111 | 111000 | 1.0 |
+ | 339991 | 111000 | 1.0 |
| 399100 | 3991A0 | 0.75 |
| 399100 | 3991B0 | 0.25 |
| 459000 | 3991A0 | 0.5625|
| 459000 | 3991B0 | 0.1875|
| 459000 | 399200 | 0.25 |
@@ -276,10 +278,11 @@
And the "industry_sector_ratios" committee is calculated
Then the conclusion of the committee should have ratios summing to "1.0"
| naics |
| 111111 |
+ | 339991 |
| 399100 |
| 459000 |
Scenario Outline: Industry sector shares committee starting from merchant category
Given a purchase emitter
@@ -317,9 +320,10 @@
And the "industry_sector_shares" committee is calculated
Then the conclusion of the committee should include a key of "<io_code>" and value "<share>"
| naics | io_code | share |
| 111111 | 111000 | 100.0 |
+ | 339991 | 111000 | 100.0 |
| 399100 | 3991A0 | 75.0 |
| 399100 | 3991B0 | 25.0 |
| 399200 | 399200 | 100.0 |
| 399900 | 399900 | 100.0 |
| 459000 | 3991A0 | 56.25 |