features/purchase_committees.feature in purchase-0.0.2 vs features/purchase_committees.feature in purchase-0.0.3
- old
+ new
@@ -1,13 +1,128 @@
Feature: Purchase Committee Calculations
The purchase model should generate correct committee calculations
- Scenario Outline: From purchase amount and date committee
- Given a purchase has "merchant_category_code" of "<mcc>"
- And it has "purchase_amount" of "<amount>"
- And it has "date" of "<date>"
- When emissions are calculated
- Then the from_purchase_amount_and_date committee should be exactly <adjusted_cost>
+ Scenario Outline: Adjusted cost committee from cost and date
+ Given a purchase emitter
+ And a characteristic "cost" of "<cost>"
+ And characteristic "date" of "<date>"
+ When the "adjusted_cost" committee is calculated
+ Then the committee should have used quorum "from cost and date"
+ And the conclusion of the committee should be "<adjusted_cost>"
- | mcc | amount | date | adjusted_cost |
- | 1771 | 831.23 | 2010-08-01 | 700 |
- | 3007 | 11.00 | 2005-07-14 | 10 |
+ | cost | date | adjusted_cost |
+ | 831.23 | 2010-08-01 | 831.23 |
+ | 11.00 | 2005-07-14 | 11.0 |
+ Scenario Outline: Adjusted cost committee from purchase amount and date
+ Given a purchase emitter
+ And a characteristic "purchase_amount" of "<amount>"
+ And characteristic "date" of "<date>"
+ When the "adjusted_cost" committee is calculated
+ Then the committee should have used quorum "from purchase amount and date"
+ And the conclusion of the committee should be "<adjusted_cost>"
+ Examples:
+ | amount | date | adjusted_cost |
+ | 831.23 | 2010-08-01 | 748.107 |
+ | 11.00 | 2005-07-14 | 9.9 |
+ Scenario Outline: Merchant category committee from merchant
+ Given a purchase emitter
+ And a characteristic "merchant.id" of "<id>"
+ When the "merchant_category" committee is calculated
+ Then the conclusion of the committee should have "mcc" of "<mcc>"
+ Examples:
+ | id | mcc |
+ | 1 | 5111 |
+ | 2 | 5732 |
+ Scenario Outline: Industry shares committee
+ Given a purchase emitter
+ And a characteristic "merchant_category.mcc" of "<mcc>"
+ When the "industry_shares" committee is calculated
+ Then the conclusion of the committee should have a record identified with "naics_code" of "<naics>" and having "ratio" of "<ratio>"
+ Examples:
+ | mcc | naics | ratio |
+ | 5111 | 45321 | 1.0 |
+ | 5732 | 443112 | 1.0 |
+ | 5172 | 32411 | 0.8 |
+ | 5172 | 324121 | 0.05 |
+ | 5172 | 324122 | 0.05 |
+ | 5172 | 324191 | 0.05 |
+ | 5172 | 324199 | 0.05 |
+ Scenario Outline: Product line shares committee
+ Given a purchase emitter
+ And a characteristic "merchant_category.mcc" of "<mcc>"
+ When the "industry_shares" committee is calculated
+ And the "product_line_shares" committee is calculated
+ Then the conclusion of the committee should include a key of <ps_code> and value <ratio>
+ Examples:
+ | mcc | ps_code | ratio |
+ | 5111 | 20370 | 0.6 |
+ | 5732 | 20375 | 0.5 |
+ | 5172 | 30860 | 0.32 |
+ | 5172 | 30861 | 0.0225 |
+ | 5172 | 30862 | 0.0175 |
+ | 5172 | 30863 | 0.018 |
+ | 5172 | 30864 | 0.019 |
+ Scenario Outline: Sector shares committee from industry shares
+ Given a purchase emitter
+ And a characteristic "merchant_category.mcc" of "<mcc>"
+ When the "industry_shares" committee is calculated
+ And the "sector_shares" committee is calculated
+ Then the conclusion of the committee should include a key of "<io_code>" and subvalue "share" of "<share>" and subvalue "emission_factor" of "<emission_factor>"
+ Examples:
+ | mcc | io_code | emission_factor | share |
+ | 5111 | | | |
+ | 5732 | | | |
+ | 5172 | 324110 | 2.0 | 0.8 |
+ | 5172 | 324121 | 1.3 | 0.05 |
+ | 5172 | 324122 | 0.9 | 0.05 |
+ | 5172 | 324191 | 0.2 | 0.05 |
+ | 5172 | 324199 | 1.2 | 0.05 |
+ Scenario Outline: Sector shares committee from industry shares and product line shares
+ Given a purchase emitter
+ And a characteristic "merchant_category.mcc" of "<mcc>"
+ When the "industry_shares" committee is calculated
+ And the "product_line_shares" committee is calculated
+ And the "sector_shares" committee is calculated
+ Then the conclusion of the committee should include a key of "<io_code>" and subvalue "share" of "<share>" and subvalue "emission_factor" of "<emission_factor>"
+ Examples:
+ | mcc | io_code | emission_factor | share |
+ | 5111 | 334111 | 1.3 | 0.24 |
+ | 5111 | 33411A | 0.5 | 0.18 |
+ | 5111 | 511200 | 1.0 | 0.18 |
+ | 5111 | 339940 | 1.1 | 0.2 |
+ | 5111 | 322230 | 1.4 | 0.2 |
+ | 5732 | 33411A | 0.5 | 0.5 |
+ | 5732 | 334300 | 1.2 | 0.25 |
+ | 5732 | 334210 | 1.6 | 0.2 |
+ | 5172 | 324110 | 2.0 | 0.256 |
+ | 5172 | 324121 | 1.3 | 0.05 |
+ | 5172 | 324122 | 0.9 | 0.05 |
+ | 5172 | 324191 | 0.2 | 0.32 |
+ | 5172 | 324199 | 1.2 | 0.05 |
+ | 8225 | 722000 | 0.8 | 0.15 |
+ Scenario Outline: Emission factor from sector shares
+ Given a purchase emitter
+ And a characteristic "merchant_category.mcc" of "<mcc>"
+ When the "industry_shares" committee is calculated
+ And the "product_line_shares" committee is calculated
+ And the "sector_shares" committee is calculated
+ And the "emission_factor" committee is calculated
+ Then the conclusion of the committee should be "<emission_factor>"
+ Examples:
+ | mcc | emission_factor |
+ | 5111 | 1.082 |
+ | 5732 | 0.87 |
+ | 5172 | 0.799205 |
+ | 8225 | 0.12 |
+ Scenario Outline: Emission factor from default
+ Given a purchase emitter
+ And a characteristic "merchant_category.mcc" of "<mcc>"
+ When the "emission_factor" committee is calculated
+ Then the conclusion of the committee should be "100"