test/util/config.rb in puppet-0.22.4 vs test/util/config.rb in puppet-0.23.0
- old
+ new
@@ -1,9 +1,10 @@
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
$:.unshift("../lib").unshift("../../lib") if __FILE__ =~ /\.rb$/
+require 'mocha'
require 'puppet'
require 'puppet/util/config'
require 'puppettest'
require 'puppettest/parsertesting'
@@ -194,18 +195,22 @@
@config[:yayness] = "not default"
assert_equal("not default", @config[:yayness])
- def test_parse
+ def test_parse_file
text = %{
one = this is a test
two = another test
owner = root
group = root
yay = /a/path
+ four = five
+ six = seven
attr = value
owner = puppet
group = puppet
attrdir = /some/dir
@@ -213,11 +218,65 @@
file = tempfile()
File.open(file, "w") { |f| f.puts text }
+ @config.expects(:settimer)
+ result = nil
assert_nothing_raised {
+ result = @config.send(:parse_file, file)
+ }
+ main = result[:main]
+ assert(main, "Did not get section for main")
+ {
+ :one => "this is a test",
+ :two => "another test",
+ :owner => "root",
+ :group => "root",
+ :yay => "/a/path",
+ :four => "five",
+ :six => "seven"
+ }.each do |param, value|
+ assert_equal(value, main[param], "Param %s was not set correctly in main" % param)
+ end
+ section1 = result[:section1]
+ assert(section1, "Did not get section1")
+ {
+ :attr => "value",
+ :owner => "puppet",
+ :group => "puppet",
+ :attrdir => "/some/dir",
+ :attr3 => "$attrdir/other"
+ }.each do |param, value|
+ assert_equal(value, section1[param], "Param %s was not set correctly in section1" % param)
+ end
+ end
+ def test_old_parse
+ text = %{
+one = this is a test
+two = another test
+owner = root
+group = root
+yay = /a/path
+ attr = value
+ owner = puppet
+ group = puppet
+ attrdir = /some/dir
+ attr3 = $attrdir/other
+ }
+ file = tempfile()
+ File.open(file, "w") { |f| f.puts text }
+ assert_nothing_raised {
:one => ["a", "one"],
:two => ["a", "two"],
:yay => ["/default/path", "boo"],
:mkusers => [true, "uh, yeah"]
@@ -231,11 +290,11 @@
:attr3 => ["$attrdir/maybe", "boo"]
assert_nothing_raised {
- @config.parse(file)
+ @config.old_parse(file)
assert_equal("value", @config[:attr])
assert_equal("/some/dir", @config[:attrdir])
assert_equal(:directory, @config.element(:attrdir).type)
@@ -265,10 +324,141 @@
+ def test_parse
+ result = {
+ :main => {:main => "main", :bad => "invalid"},
+ :puppet => {:other => "puppet"},
+ :puppetd => {:other => "puppetd"}
+ }
+ # Set our defaults, so they're valid. Don't define 'bad', since we want to test for failures.
+ @config.setdefaults(:main,
+ :main => ["whatever", "a"],
+ :other => ["a", "b"],
+ :name => ["puppet", "b"] # our default name
+ )
+ @config.expects(:parse_file).returns(result).times(2)
+ # First do it with our name being 'puppet'
+ assert_nothing_raised("Could not handle parse results") do
+ @config.parse(tempfile)
+ end
+ assert_logged(:warning, /unknown configuration parameter bad/, "Did not log invalid config param")
+ assert_equal("main", @config[:main], "Did not get main value")
+ assert_equal("puppet", @config[:other], "Did not get name value")
+ # Now switch names and make sure the parsing switches, too.
+ @config.clear
+ @config[:name] = :puppetd
+ assert_nothing_raised("Could not handle parse results") do
+ @config.parse(tempfile)
+ end
+ assert_logged(:warning, /unknown configuration parameter bad/, "Did not log invalid config param")
+ assert_equal("main", @config[:main], "Did not get main value")
+ assert_equal("puppetd", @config[:other], "Did not get name value")
+ end
+ # Make sure we can extract file options correctly.
+ def test_parsing_file_options
+ @config.setdefaults(:whev,
+ :file => {
+ :desc => "whev",
+ :default => "/default",
+ :owner => "me",
+ :group => "me",
+ :mode => "755"
+ }
+ )
+ file = tempfile
+ {
+ :pass => {
+ " {owner = you}" => {:owner => "you"},
+ " {owner = you, group = you}" => {:owner => "you", :group => "you"},
+ " {owner = you, group = you, mode = 755}" => {:owner => "you", :group => "you", :mode => "755"},
+ " { owner = you, group = you } " => {:owner => "you", :group => "you"},
+ "{owner=you,group=you} " => {:owner => "you", :group => "you"},
+ "{owner=you,} " => {:owner => "you"}
+ },
+ :fail => [
+ %{{owner = you group = you}},
+ %{{owner => you, group => you}},
+ %{{user => you}},
+ %{{random => you}},
+ %{{mode => you}}, # make sure modes are numbers
+ %{{owner => you}}
+ ]
+ }.each do |type, list|
+ list.each do |value|
+ if type == :pass
+ value, should = value[0], value[1]
+ end
+ # Write our file out
+ File.open(file, "w") do |f|
+ f.puts %{[main]\nfile = /other%s} % value
+ end
+ if type == :fail
+ assert_raise(Puppet::Error, "Did not fail on %s" % value.inspect) do
+ @config.send(:parse_file, file)
+ end
+ else
+ result = nil
+ assert_nothing_raised("Failed to parse %s" % value.inspect) do
+ result = @config.send(:parse_file, file)
+ end
+ assert_equal(should, result[:main][:_meta][:file], "Got incorrect return for %s" % value.inspect)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ # Make sure file options returned from parse_file are handled correctly.
+ def test_parsed_file_options
+ @config.setdefaults(:whev,
+ :file => {
+ :desc => "whev",
+ :default => "/default",
+ :owner => "me",
+ :group => "me",
+ :mode => "755"
+ }
+ )
+ result = {
+ :main => {
+ :file => "/other",
+ :_meta => {
+ :file => {
+ :owner => "you",
+ :group => "you",
+ :mode => "644"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ @config.expects(:parse_file).returns(result)
+ assert_nothing_raised("Could not handle file options") do
+ @config.parse("/whatever")
+ end
+ # Get the actual object, so we can verify metadata
+ file = @config.element(:file)
+ assert_equal("you", file.owner, "Did not pass on user")
+ assert_equal("you", file.group, "Did not pass on group")
+ assert_equal("644", file.mode, "Did not pass on mode")
+ end
def test_arghandling
c = mkconfig
assert_nothing_raised {
@@ -515,11 +705,11 @@
cfile = tempfile()
group = "yayness"
File.open(cfile, "w") do |f|
- f.puts "[#{Puppet[:name]}]
+ f.puts "[main]
group = #{group}
config = mkconfig
@@ -622,11 +812,11 @@
file = tempfile()
File.open(file, "w") do |f|
f.puts %{
booltest = true
inttest = 27
@@ -724,11 +914,11 @@
config.setdefaults(:mysection, :filechange => ["filechange", "yay"])
file = tempfile()
# Set one parameter in the file
File.open(file, "w") { |f|
- f.puts %{[mysection]\nfilechange = filevalue}
+ f.puts %{[main]\nfilechange = filevalue}
assert_nothing_raised {
@@ -742,11 +932,11 @@
assert_equal("filevalue", config[:filechange])
assert_equal("clivalue", config[:clichange])
# Now rewrite the file
File.open(file, "w") { |f|
- f.puts %{[mysection]\nfilechange = newvalue}
+ f.puts %{[main]\nfilechange = newvalue}
cfile = config.file
cfile.send("tstamp=".intern, Time.now - 50)
@@ -764,11 +954,11 @@
config.setdefaults(:mysection, :middle => ["midquote", "yay"])
file = tempfile()
# Set one parameter in the file
File.open(file, "w") { |f|
- f.puts %{[mysection]\n
+ f.puts %{[main]\n
singleq = 'one'
doubleq = "one"
none = one
middle = mid"quote
@@ -791,11 +981,11 @@
config.setdefaults(:mysection, :paramdir => [tempfile(), "yay"])
file = tempfile()
# Set one parameter in the file
File.open(file, "w") { |f|
- f.puts %{[mysection]\n
+ f.puts %{[main]\n
paramdir = #{origpath}
assert_nothing_raised {
@@ -811,11 +1001,11 @@
newpath = tempfile()
File.open(file, "w") { |f|
- f.puts %{[mysection]\n
+ f.puts %{[main]\n
paramdir = #{newpath}
config.file.send("tstamp=".intern, Time.now - 50)
sleep 1
@@ -939,11 +1129,11 @@
config = mkconfig()
config.setdefaults(:mysection, :one => ["yay", "yay"])
file = tempfile()
File.open(file, "w") { |f|
- f.puts %{[mysection]\n
+ f.puts %{[main]\n
one = one
two = yay
@@ -975,98 +1165,8 @@
assert_equal("oneval/twoval/oneval/twoval", @config[:three],
"Did not interpolate curlied variables")
- # #489
- def test_modes
- Puppet[:name] = "puppet"
- config = tempfile()
- check = Proc.new do |string, int|
- trans = @config.section_to_transportable(:puppet)
- ssldir = trans.find { |o| o.type == "file" }
- assert(ssldir, "could not find trans object")
- if ssldir[:mode].is_a?(Fixnum)
- assert_equal(int, ssldir[:mode], "mode not set correctly")
- else
- assert_equal(string, ssldir[:mode], "mode not set correctly")
- end
- obj = nil
- assert_nothing_raised { obj = ssldir.to_type }
- assert(obj, "did not create object")
- assert_equal(int, obj.should(:mode),
- "did not pass mode correctly to file")
- obj.class.clear
- end
- file = tempfile
- @config.setdefaults(:puppet, :mode => ["644", "yay"])
- @config.setdefaults(:puppet, :ssldir => {
- :mode => 0644,
- :desc => "yay",
- :default => "/some/file"})
- # Convert it first using the number
- check.call("644", 0644)
- File.open(config, "w") { |f| f.puts "[puppet]
- mode = 750
- ssldir = #{file}
- "}
- @config.parse(config)
- assert_equal("750", @config[:mode],
- "Did not parse mode correctly")
- check.call("750", 0750)
- end
- def test_only_set_metas_when_valid
- file = tempfile
- config = tempfile
- @config.setdefaults(Puppet[:name], :ssldir => {
- :mode => 0644,
- :group => "yayness",
- :desc => "yay",
- :default => "/some/file"})
- File.open(config, "w") { |f| f.puts "[#{Puppet[:name]}]
- mode = 755
- group = foo
- ssldir = #{file}
- "}
- assert_nothing_raised do
- @config.parse(config)
- end
- assert_raise(ArgumentError) do
- @config[:mode]
- end
- assert_raise(ArgumentError) do
- @config[:group]
- end
- # Now make them valid params
- @config.setdefaults(Puppet[:name], :group => ["blah", "yay"])
- @config.setdefaults(Puppet[:name], :mode => ["750", "yay"])
- assert_nothing_raised do
- @config.parse(config)
- end
- assert_equal("foo", @config[:group],
- "Did not store group when it is a valid config")
- assert_equal("755", @config[:mode],
- "Did not store mode when it is a valid config")
- end
-# $Id: config.rb 2273 2007-03-08 17:35:18Z luke $
+# $Id: config.rb 2464 2007-05-06 05:42:53Z luke $