spec/unit/indirector/node/ldap_spec.rb in puppet-2.7.26 vs spec/unit/indirector/node/ldap_spec.rb in puppet-3.0.0.rc4
- old
+ new
@@ -1,287 +1,282 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env rspec
+#! /usr/bin/env ruby -S rspec
require 'spec_helper'
require 'puppet/indirector/node/ldap'
describe Puppet::Node::Ldap do
- describe "when searching for a single node" do
- before :each do
- @searcher = Puppet::Node::Ldap.new
+ let(:nodename) { "mynode.domain.com" }
+ let(:node_indirection) { Puppet::Node::Ldap.new }
+ let(:environment) { Puppet::Node::Environment.new("myenv") }
+ let(:fact_values) { {:afact => "a value", "one" => "boo"} }
+ let(:facts) { Puppet::Node::Facts.new(nodename, fact_values) }
- @name = "mynode.domain.com"
- @node = stub 'node', :name => @name, :name= => nil
- @node.stub_everything
+ before do
+ Puppet::Node::Facts.indirection.stubs(:find).with(nodename, :environment => environment).returns(facts)
+ end
- Puppet::Node.stubs(:new).returns(@node)
+ describe "when searching for a single node" do
+ let(:request) { Puppet::Indirector::Request.new(:node, :find, nodename, nil, :environment => environment) }
- @request = stub 'request', :key => @name
- end
it "should convert the hostname into a search filter" do
entry = stub 'entry', :dn => 'cn=mynode.domain.com,ou=hosts,dc=madstop,dc=com', :vals => %w{}, :to_hash => {}
- @searcher.expects(:ldapsearch).with("(&(objectclass=puppetClient)(cn=#{@name}))").yields entry
- @searcher.name2hash(@name)
+ node_indirection.expects(:ldapsearch).with("(&(objectclass=puppetClient)(cn=#{nodename}))").yields entry
+ node_indirection.name2hash(nodename)
it "should convert any found entry into a hash" do
entry = stub 'entry', :dn => 'cn=mynode.domain.com,ou=hosts,dc=madstop,dc=com', :vals => %w{}, :to_hash => {}
- @searcher.expects(:ldapsearch).with("(&(objectclass=puppetClient)(cn=#{@name}))").yields entry
+ node_indirection.expects(:ldapsearch).with("(&(objectclass=puppetClient)(cn=#{nodename}))").yields entry
myhash = {"myhash" => true}
- @searcher.expects(:entry2hash).with(entry).returns myhash
- @searcher.name2hash(@name).should == myhash
+ node_indirection.expects(:entry2hash).with(entry).returns myhash
+ node_indirection.name2hash(nodename).should == myhash
# This heavily tests our entry2hash method, so we don't have to stub out the stupid entry information any more.
describe "when an ldap entry is found" do
before do
@entry = stub 'entry', :dn => 'cn=mynode,ou=hosts,dc=madstop,dc=com', :vals => %w{}, :to_hash => {}
- @searcher.stubs(:ldapsearch).yields @entry
+ node_indirection.stubs(:ldapsearch).yields @entry
it "should convert the entry to a hash" do
- @searcher.entry2hash(@entry).should be_instance_of(Hash)
+ node_indirection.entry2hash(@entry).should be_instance_of(Hash)
it "should add the entry's common name to the hash if fqdn if false" do
- @searcher.entry2hash(@entry,fqdn = false)[:name].should == "mynode"
+ node_indirection.entry2hash(@entry,fqdn = false)[:name].should == "mynode"
it "should add the entry's fqdn name to the hash if fqdn if true" do
- @searcher.entry2hash(@entry,fqdn = true)[:name].should == "mynode.madstop.com"
+ node_indirection.entry2hash(@entry,fqdn = true)[:name].should == "mynode.madstop.com"
it "should add all of the entry's classes to the hash" do
@entry.stubs(:vals).with("puppetclass").returns %w{one two}
- @searcher.entry2hash(@entry)[:classes].should == %w{one two}
+ node_indirection.entry2hash(@entry)[:classes].should == %w{one two}
it "should deduplicate class values" do
- @searcher.stubs(:class_attributes).returns(%w{one two})
+ node_indirection.stubs(:class_attributes).returns(%w{one two})
@entry.stubs(:vals).with("one").returns(%w{a b})
@entry.stubs(:vals).with("two").returns(%w{b c})
- @searcher.entry2hash(@entry)[:classes].should == %w{a b c}
+ node_indirection.entry2hash(@entry)[:classes].should == %w{a b c}
it "should add the entry's environment to the hash" do
@entry.stubs(:to_hash).returns("environment" => %w{production})
- @searcher.entry2hash(@entry)[:environment].should == "production"
+ node_indirection.entry2hash(@entry)[:environment].should == "production"
it "should add all stacked parameters as parameters in the hash" do
@entry.stubs(:vals).with("puppetvar").returns(%w{one=two three=four})
- result = @searcher.entry2hash(@entry)
+ result = node_indirection.entry2hash(@entry)
result[:parameters]["one"].should == "two"
result[:parameters]["three"].should == "four"
it "should not add the stacked parameter as a normal parameter" do
@entry.stubs(:vals).with("puppetvar").returns(%w{one=two three=four})
@entry.stubs(:to_hash).returns("puppetvar" => %w{one=two three=four})
- @searcher.entry2hash(@entry)[:parameters]["puppetvar"].should be_nil
+ node_indirection.entry2hash(@entry)[:parameters]["puppetvar"].should be_nil
it "should add all other attributes as parameters in the hash" do
@entry.stubs(:to_hash).returns("foo" => %w{one two})
- @searcher.entry2hash(@entry)[:parameters]["foo"].should == %w{one two}
+ node_indirection.entry2hash(@entry)[:parameters]["foo"].should == %w{one two}
it "should return single-value parameters as strings, not arrays" do
@entry.stubs(:to_hash).returns("foo" => %w{one})
- @searcher.entry2hash(@entry)[:parameters]["foo"].should == "one"
+ node_indirection.entry2hash(@entry)[:parameters]["foo"].should == "one"
it "should convert 'true' values to the boolean 'true'" do
@entry.stubs(:to_hash).returns({"one" => ["true"]})
- @searcher.entry2hash(@entry)[:parameters]["one"].should == true
+ node_indirection.entry2hash(@entry)[:parameters]["one"].should == true
it "should convert 'false' values to the boolean 'false'" do
@entry.stubs(:to_hash).returns({"one" => ["false"]})
- @searcher.entry2hash(@entry)[:parameters]["one"].should == false
+ node_indirection.entry2hash(@entry)[:parameters]["one"].should == false
it "should convert 'true' values to the boolean 'true' inside an array" do
@entry.stubs(:to_hash).returns({"one" => ["true", "other"]})
- @searcher.entry2hash(@entry)[:parameters]["one"].should == [true, "other"]
+ node_indirection.entry2hash(@entry)[:parameters]["one"].should == [true, "other"]
it "should convert 'false' values to the boolean 'false' inside an array" do
@entry.stubs(:to_hash).returns({"one" => ["false", "other"]})
- @searcher.entry2hash(@entry)[:parameters]["one"].should == [false, "other"]
+ node_indirection.entry2hash(@entry)[:parameters]["one"].should == [false, "other"]
it "should add the parent's name if present" do
- @searcher.entry2hash(@entry)[:parent].should == "foo"
+ node_indirection.entry2hash(@entry)[:parent].should == "foo"
it "should fail if more than one parent is specified" do
- @searcher.entry2hash(@entry)[:parent].should == "foo"
+ node_indirection.entry2hash(@entry)[:parent].should == "foo"
it "should search first for the provided key" do
- @searcher.expects(:name2hash).with("mynode.domain.com").returns({})
- @searcher.find(@request)
+ node_indirection.expects(:name2hash).with("mynode.domain.com").returns({})
+ node_indirection.find(request)
it "should search for the short version of the provided key if the key looks like a hostname and no results are found for the key itself" do
- @searcher.expects(:name2hash).with("mynode.domain.com").returns(nil)
- @searcher.expects(:name2hash).with("mynode").returns({})
- @searcher.find(@request)
+ node_indirection.expects(:name2hash).with("mynode.domain.com").returns(nil)
+ node_indirection.expects(:name2hash).with("mynode").returns({})
+ node_indirection.find(request)
it "should search for default information if no information can be found for the key" do
- @searcher.expects(:name2hash).with("mynode.domain.com").returns(nil)
- @searcher.expects(:name2hash).with("mynode").returns(nil)
- @searcher.expects(:name2hash).with("default").returns({})
- @searcher.find(@request)
+ node_indirection.expects(:name2hash).with("mynode.domain.com").returns(nil)
+ node_indirection.expects(:name2hash).with("mynode").returns(nil)
+ node_indirection.expects(:name2hash).with("default").returns({})
+ node_indirection.find(request)
it "should return nil if no results are found in ldap" do
- @searcher.stubs(:name2hash).returns nil
- @searcher.find(@request).should be_nil
+ node_indirection.stubs(:name2hash).returns nil
+ node_indirection.find(request).should be_nil
it "should return a node object if results are found in ldap" do
- @searcher.stubs(:name2hash).returns({})
- @searcher.find(@request).should equal(@node)
+ node_indirection.stubs(:name2hash).returns({})
+ node_indirection.find(request).should be
describe "and node information is found in LDAP" do
before do
@result = {}
- @searcher.stubs(:name2hash).returns @result
+ node_indirection.stubs(:name2hash).returns @result
it "should create the node with the correct name, even if it was found by a different name" do
- @searcher.expects(:name2hash).with("mynode.domain.com").returns nil
- @searcher.expects(:name2hash).with("mynode").returns @result
+ node_indirection.expects(:name2hash).with(nodename).returns nil
+ node_indirection.expects(:name2hash).with("mynode").returns @result
- Puppet::Node.expects(:new).with("mynode.domain.com").returns @node
- @searcher.find(@request)
+ node_indirection.find(request).name.should == nodename
it "should add any classes from ldap" do
- @result[:classes] = %w{a b c d}
- @node.expects(:classes=).with(%w{a b c d})
- @searcher.find(@request)
+ classes = %w{a b c d}
+ @result[:classes] = classes
+ node_indirection.find(request).classes.should == classes
it "should add all entry attributes as node parameters" do
- @result[:parameters] = {"one" => "two", "three" => "four"}
- @node.expects(:parameters=).with("one" => "two", "three" => "four")
- @searcher.find(@request)
+ params = {"one" => "two", "three" => "four"}
+ @result[:parameters] = params
+ node_indirection.find(request).parameters.should include(params)
it "should set the node's environment to the environment of the results" do
- @result[:environment] = "test"
- @node.expects(:environment=).with("test")
- @searcher.find(@request)
+ result_env = Puppet::Node::Environment.new("local_test")
+ Puppet::Node::Facts.indirection.stubs(:find).with(nodename, :environment => result_env).returns(facts)
+ @result[:environment] = "local_test"
+ node_indirection.find(request).environment.should == result_env
it "should retain false parameter values" do
@result[:parameters] = {}
@result[:parameters]["one"] = false
- @node.expects(:parameters=).with("one" => false)
- @searcher.find(@request)
+ node_indirection.find(request).parameters.should include({"one" => false})
it "should merge the node's facts after the parameters from ldap are assigned" do
# Make sure we've got data to start with, so the parameters are actually set.
- @result[:parameters] = {}
- @result[:parameters]["one"] = "yay"
+ params = {"one" => "yay", "two" => "hooray"}
+ @result[:parameters] = params
- # A hackish way to enforce order.
- set = false
- @node.expects(:parameters=).with { |*args| set = true }
- @node.expects(:fact_merge).with { |*args| raise "Facts were merged before parameters were set" unless set; true }
- @searcher.find(@request)
+ # Node implements its own merge so that an existing param takes
+ # precedence over facts. We get the same result here by merging params
+ # into facts
+ node_indirection.find(request).parameters.should == facts.values.merge(params)
describe "and a parent node is specified" do
before do
@entry = {:classes => [], :parameters => {}}
@parent = {:classes => [], :parameters => {}}
@parent_parent = {:classes => [], :parameters => {}}
- @searcher.stubs(:name2hash).with(@name).returns(@entry)
- @searcher.stubs(:name2hash).with('parent').returns(@parent)
- @searcher.stubs(:name2hash).with('parent_parent').returns(@parent_parent)
+ node_indirection.stubs(:name2hash).with(nodename).returns(@entry)
+ node_indirection.stubs(:name2hash).with('parent').returns(@parent)
+ node_indirection.stubs(:name2hash).with('parent_parent').returns(@parent_parent)
- @searcher.stubs(:parent_attribute).returns(:parent)
+ node_indirection.stubs(:parent_attribute).returns(:parent)
it "should search for the parent node" do
@entry[:parent] = "parent"
- @searcher.expects(:name2hash).with(@name).returns @entry
- @searcher.expects(:name2hash).with('parent').returns @parent
+ node_indirection.expects(:name2hash).with(nodename).returns @entry
+ node_indirection.expects(:name2hash).with('parent').returns @parent
- @searcher.find(@request)
+ node_indirection.find(request)
it "should fail if the parent cannot be found" do
@entry[:parent] = "parent"
- @searcher.expects(:name2hash).with('parent').returns nil
+ node_indirection.expects(:name2hash).with('parent').returns nil
- proc { @searcher.find(@request) }.should raise_error(Puppet::Error)
+ proc { node_indirection.find(request) }.should raise_error(Puppet::Error, /Could not find parent node/)
it "should add any parent classes to the node's classes" do
@entry[:parent] = "parent"
@entry[:classes] = %w{a b}
@parent[:classes] = %w{c d}
- @node.expects(:classes=).with(%w{a b c d})
- @searcher.find(@request)
+ node_indirection.find(request).classes.should == %w{a b c d}
it "should add any parent parameters to the node's parameters" do
@entry[:parent] = "parent"
@entry[:parameters]["one"] = "two"
@parent[:parameters]["three"] = "four"
- @node.expects(:parameters=).with("one" => "two", "three" => "four")
- @searcher.find(@request)
+ node_indirection.find(request).parameters.should include({"one" => "two", "three" => "four"})
it "should prefer node parameters over parent parameters" do
@entry[:parent] = "parent"
@entry[:parameters]["one"] = "two"
@parent[:parameters]["one"] = "three"
- @node.expects(:parameters=).with("one" => "two")
- @searcher.find(@request)
+ node_indirection.find(request).parameters.should include({"one" => "two"})
it "should use the parent's environment if the node has none" do
+ env = Puppet::Node::Environment.new("parent")
@entry[:parent] = "parent"
@parent[:environment] = "parent"
- @node.stubs(:parameters=)
- @node.expects(:environment=).with("parent")
- @searcher.find(@request)
+ Puppet::Node::Facts.indirection.stubs(:find).with(nodename, :environment => env).returns(facts)
+ node_indirection.find(request).environment.should == env
it "should prefer the node's environment to the parent's" do
+ child_env = Puppet::Node::Environment.new("child")
@entry[:parent] = "parent"
@entry[:environment] = "child"
@parent[:environment] = "parent"
- @node.stubs(:parameters=)
- @node.expects(:environment=).with("child")
- @searcher.find(@request)
+ Puppet::Node::Facts.indirection.stubs(:find).with(nodename, :environment => child_env).returns(facts)
+ node_indirection.find(request).environment.should == child_env
it "should recursively look up parent information" do
@entry[:parent] = "parent"
@entry[:parameters]["one"] = "two"
@@ -289,165 +284,149 @@
@parent[:parent] = "parent_parent"
@parent[:parameters]["three"] = "four"
@parent_parent[:parameters]["five"] = "six"
- @node.expects(:parameters=).with("one" => "two", "three" => "four", "five" => "six")
- @searcher.find(@request)
+ node_indirection.find(request).parameters.should include("one" => "two", "three" => "four", "five" => "six")
it "should not allow loops in parent declarations" do
@entry[:parent] = "parent"
- @parent[:parent] = @name
- proc { @searcher.find(@request) }.should raise_error(ArgumentError)
+ @parent[:parent] = nodename
+ proc { node_indirection.find(request) }.should raise_error(ArgumentError)
describe "when searching for multiple nodes" do
- before :each do
- @searcher = Puppet::Node::Ldap.new
- @options = {}
- @request = stub 'request', :key => "foo", :options => @options
+ let(:options) { {:environment => environment} }
+ let(:request) { Puppet::Indirector::Request.new(:node, :find, nodename, nil, options) }
+ before :each do
Puppet::Node::Facts.indirection.stubs(:terminus_class).returns :yaml
it "should find all nodes if no arguments are provided" do
- @searcher.expects(:ldapsearch).with("(objectclass=puppetClient)")
+ node_indirection.expects(:ldapsearch).with("(objectclass=puppetClient)")
# LAK:NOTE The search method requires an essentially bogus key. It's
# an API problem that I don't really know how to fix.
- @searcher.search @request
+ node_indirection.search request
describe "and a class is specified" do
it "should find all nodes that are members of that class" do
- @searcher.expects(:ldapsearch).with("(&(objectclass=puppetClient)(puppetclass=one))")
+ node_indirection.expects(:ldapsearch).with("(&(objectclass=puppetClient)(puppetclass=one))")
- @options[:class] = "one"
- @searcher.search @request
+ options[:class] = "one"
+ node_indirection.search request
describe "multiple classes are specified" do
it "should find all nodes that are members of all classes" do
- @searcher.expects(:ldapsearch).with("(&(objectclass=puppetClient)(puppetclass=one)(puppetclass=two))")
- @options[:class] = %w{one two}
- @searcher.search @request
+ node_indirection.expects(:ldapsearch).with("(&(objectclass=puppetClient)(puppetclass=one)(puppetclass=two))")
+ options[:class] = %w{one two}
+ node_indirection.search request
it "should process each found entry" do
# .yields can't be used to yield multiple values :/
- @searcher.expects(:ldapsearch).yields("one")
- @searcher.expects(:entry2hash).with("one",nil).returns(:name => "foo")
- @searcher.search @request
+ node_indirection.expects(:ldapsearch).yields("one")
+ node_indirection.expects(:entry2hash).with("one",nil).returns(:name => nodename)
+ node_indirection.search request
it "should return a node for each processed entry with the name from the entry" do
- @searcher.expects(:ldapsearch).yields("whatever")
- @searcher.expects(:entry2hash).with("whatever",nil).returns(:name => "foo")
- result = @searcher.search(@request)
+ node_indirection.expects(:ldapsearch).yields("whatever")
+ node_indirection.expects(:entry2hash).with("whatever",nil).returns(:name => nodename)
+ result = node_indirection.search(request)
result[0].should be_instance_of(Puppet::Node)
- result[0].name.should == "foo"
+ result[0].name.should == nodename
it "should merge each node's facts" do
- node = mock 'node'
- Puppet::Node.expects(:new).with("foo").returns node
- node.expects(:fact_merge)
- @searcher.stubs(:ldapsearch).yields("one")
- @searcher.stubs(:entry2hash).with("one",nil).returns(:name => "foo")
- @searcher.search(@request)
+ node_indirection.stubs(:ldapsearch).yields("one")
+ node_indirection.stubs(:entry2hash).with("one",nil).returns(:name => nodename)
+ node_indirection.search(request)[0].parameters.should include(fact_values)
it "should pass the request's fqdn option to entry2hash" do
- node = mock 'node'
- @options[:fqdn] = :hello
- Puppet::Node.stubs(:new).with("foo").returns node
- node.stubs(:fact_merge)
- @searcher.stubs(:ldapsearch).yields("one")
- @searcher.expects(:entry2hash).with("one",:hello).returns(:name => "foo")
- @searcher.search(@request)
+ options[:fqdn] = :hello
+ node_indirection.stubs(:ldapsearch).yields("one")
+ node_indirection.expects(:entry2hash).with("one",:hello).returns(:name => nodename)
+ node_indirection.search(request)
-describe Puppet::Node::Ldap, " when developing the search query" do
- before do
- @searcher = Puppet::Node::Ldap.new
- end
+ describe Puppet::Node::Ldap, " when developing the search query" do
+ it "should return the value of the :ldapclassattrs split on commas as the class attributes" do
+ Puppet[:ldapclassattrs] = "one,two"
+ node_indirection.class_attributes.should == %w{one two}
+ end
- it "should return the value of the :ldapclassattrs split on commas as the class attributes" do
- Puppet.stubs(:[]).with(:ldapclassattrs).returns("one,two")
- @searcher.class_attributes.should == %w{one two}
- end
+ it "should return nil as the parent attribute if the :ldapparentattr is set to an empty string" do
+ Puppet[:ldapparentattr] = ""
+ node_indirection.parent_attribute.should be_nil
+ end
- it "should return nil as the parent attribute if the :ldapparentattr is set to an empty string" do
- Puppet.stubs(:[]).with(:ldapparentattr).returns("")
- @searcher.parent_attribute.should be_nil
- end
+ it "should return the value of the :ldapparentattr as the parent attribute" do
+ Puppet[:ldapparentattr] = "pere"
+ node_indirection.parent_attribute.should == "pere"
+ end
- it "should return the value of the :ldapparentattr as the parent attribute" do
- Puppet.stubs(:[]).with(:ldapparentattr).returns("pere")
- @searcher.parent_attribute.should == "pere"
- end
+ it "should use the value of the :ldapstring as the search filter" do
+ Puppet[:ldapstring] = "mystring"
+ node_indirection.search_filter("testing").should == "mystring"
+ end
- it "should use the value of the :ldapstring as the search filter" do
- Puppet.stubs(:[]).with(:ldapstring).returns("mystring")
- @searcher.search_filter("testing").should == "mystring"
- end
+ it "should replace '%s' with the node name in the search filter if it is present" do
+ Puppet[:ldapstring] = "my%sstring"
+ node_indirection.search_filter("testing").should == "mytestingstring"
+ end
- it "should replace '%s' with the node name in the search filter if it is present" do
- Puppet.stubs(:[]).with(:ldapstring).returns("my%sstring")
- @searcher.search_filter("testing").should == "mytestingstring"
+ it "should not modify the global :ldapstring when replacing '%s' in the search filter" do
+ filter = mock 'filter'
+ filter.expects(:include?).with("%s").returns(true)
+ filter.expects(:gsub).with("%s", "testing").returns("mynewstring")
+ Puppet[:ldapstring] = filter
+ node_indirection.search_filter("testing").should == "mynewstring"
+ end
- it "should not modify the global :ldapstring when replacing '%s' in the search filter" do
- filter = mock 'filter'
- filter.expects(:include?).with("%s").returns(true)
- filter.expects(:gsub).with("%s", "testing").returns("mynewstring")
- Puppet.stubs(:[]).with(:ldapstring).returns(filter)
- @searcher.search_filter("testing").should == "mynewstring"
- end
+ describe Puppet::Node::Ldap, " when deciding attributes to search for" do
+ it "should use 'nil' if the :ldapattrs setting is 'all'" do
+ Puppet[:ldapattrs] = "all"
+ node_indirection.search_attributes.should be_nil
+ end
-describe Puppet::Node::Ldap, " when deciding attributes to search for" do
- before do
- @searcher = Puppet::Node::Ldap.new
- end
+ it "should split the value of :ldapattrs on commas and use the result as the attribute list" do
+ Puppet[:ldapattrs] = "one,two"
+ node_indirection.stubs(:class_attributes).returns([])
+ node_indirection.stubs(:parent_attribute).returns(nil)
+ node_indirection.search_attributes.should == %w{one two}
+ end
- it "should use 'nil' if the :ldapattrs setting is 'all'" do
- Puppet.stubs(:[]).with(:ldapattrs).returns("all")
- @searcher.search_attributes.should be_nil
- end
+ it "should add the class attributes to the search attributes if not returning all attributes" do
+ Puppet[:ldapattrs] = "one,two"
+ node_indirection.stubs(:class_attributes).returns(%w{three four})
+ node_indirection.stubs(:parent_attribute).returns(nil)
+ # Sort them so i don't have to care about return order
+ node_indirection.search_attributes.sort.should == %w{one two three four}.sort
+ end
- it "should split the value of :ldapattrs on commas and use the result as the attribute list" do
- Puppet.stubs(:[]).with(:ldapattrs).returns("one,two")
- @searcher.stubs(:class_attributes).returns([])
- @searcher.stubs(:parent_attribute).returns(nil)
- @searcher.search_attributes.should == %w{one two}
- end
+ it "should add the parent attribute to the search attributes if not returning all attributes" do
+ Puppet[:ldapattrs] = "one,two"
+ node_indirection.stubs(:class_attributes).returns([])
+ node_indirection.stubs(:parent_attribute).returns("parent")
+ node_indirection.search_attributes.sort.should == %w{one two parent}.sort
+ end
- it "should add the class attributes to the search attributes if not returning all attributes" do
- Puppet.stubs(:[]).with(:ldapattrs).returns("one,two")
- @searcher.stubs(:class_attributes).returns(%w{three four})
- @searcher.stubs(:parent_attribute).returns(nil)
- # Sort them so i don't have to care about return order
- @searcher.search_attributes.sort.should == %w{one two three four}.sort
- end
- it "should add the parent attribute to the search attributes if not returning all attributes" do
- Puppet.stubs(:[]).with(:ldapattrs).returns("one,two")
- @searcher.stubs(:class_attributes).returns([])
- @searcher.stubs(:parent_attribute).returns("parent")
- @searcher.search_attributes.sort.should == %w{one two parent}.sort
- end
- it "should not add nil parent attributes to the search attributes" do
- Puppet.stubs(:[]).with(:ldapattrs).returns("one,two")
- @searcher.stubs(:class_attributes).returns([])
- @searcher.stubs(:parent_attribute).returns(nil)
- @searcher.search_attributes.should == %w{one two}
+ it "should not add nil parent attributes to the search attributes" do
+ Puppet[:ldapattrs] = "one,two"
+ node_indirection.stubs(:class_attributes).returns([])
+ node_indirection.stubs(:parent_attribute).returns(nil)
+ node_indirection.search_attributes.should == %w{one two}
+ end