Rakefile in puppet-strings-2.2.0 vs Rakefile in puppet-strings-2.3.0
- old
+ new
@@ -1,7 +1,8 @@
+require 'puppet_litmus/rake_tasks' if Bundler.rubygems.find_name('puppet_litmus').any?
+require 'puppetlabs_spec_helper/tasks/fixtures'
require 'bundler/gem_tasks'
-#require 'puppetlabs_spec_helper/rake_tasks'
require 'puppet-lint/tasks/puppet-lint'
require 'rspec/core/rake_task'
RSpec::Core::RakeTask.new(:spec) do |t|
t.exclude_pattern = "spec/acceptance/**/*.rb"
@@ -21,48 +22,117 @@
Dir['lib/puppet-strings/yard/templates/**/*.erb'].each do |template|
sh "erb -P -x -T '-' #{template} | ruby -c"
-task :acceptance do
- require 'beaker-hostgenerator'
+namespace :litmus do
+ # Install the puppet module fixture on a collection of nodes
+ #
+ # @param :target_node_name [Array] nodes on which to install a puppet module for testing.
+ desc 'install_module_fixtures - build and install module fixtures'
+ task :install_module_fixtures, [:target_node_name] do |_task, args|
+ inventory_hash = inventory_hash_from_inventory_file
+ target_nodes = find_targets(inventory_hash, args[:target_node_name])
+ if target_nodes.empty?
+ puts 'No targets found'
+ exit 0
+ end
+ include BoltSpec::Run
+ require 'pdk/module/build'
- install_type = 'aio'
- target = ENV['platform']
- abs = if ENV['BEAKER_ABS'] then 'abs' else 'vmpooler' end
- if ! target
- STDERR.puts 'TEST_TARGET environment variable is not set'
- STDERR.puts 'setting to default value of "centos7-64ma".'
- target = "centos7-64ma{type=#{install_type}}"
+ module_fixture_dir = File.expand_path(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), 'spec', 'fixtures', 'acceptance', 'modules', 'test'))
+ module_tar = nil
+ Dir.chdir(module_fixture_dir) do
+ opts = {}
+ opts[:force] = true
+ builder = PDK::Module::Build.new(opts)
+ module_tar = builder.build
+ puts 'Built'
+ module_tar = Dir.glob('pkg/*.tar.gz').max_by { |f| File.mtime(f) }
+ raise "Unable to find package in 'pkg/*.tar.gz'" if module_tar.nil?
+ module_tar = File.expand_path(module_tar)
+ end
+ target_string = if args[:target_node_name].nil?
+ 'all'
+ else
+ args[:target_node_name]
+ end
+ # TODO: Currently this is Linux only
+ tmp_path = '/tmp/'
+ run_local_command("bundle exec bolt file upload #{module_tar} #{tmp_path}#{File.basename(module_tar)} --nodes #{target_string} --inventoryfile inventory.yaml")
+ install_module_command = "puppet module install #{tmp_path}#{File.basename(module_tar)}"
+ result = run_command(install_module_command, target_nodes, config: nil, inventory: inventory_hash)
+ if result.is_a?(Array)
+ result.each do |node|
+ puts "#{node['node']} failed #{node['result']}" if node['status'] != 'success'
+ end
+ else
+ raise "Failed trying to run '#{install_module_command}' against inventory."
+ end
+ puts 'Installed'
- unless target =~ /type=/
- puts "INFO: adding 'type=#{install_type}' to host config"
- target += "{type=#{install_type}}"
+ def install_remote_gem(gem_name, target_nodes, inventory_hash)
+ # TODO: Currently this is Linux only
+ install_command = "/opt/puppetlabs/puppet/bin/gem install #{gem_name}"
+ result = run_command(install_command, target_nodes, config: nil, inventory: inventory_hash)
+ if result.is_a?(Array)
+ result.each do |node|
+ puts "#{node['node']} failed #{node['result']}" if node['status'] != 'success'
+ end
+ else
+ raise "Failed trying to run '#{install_command}' against inventory."
+ end
- cli = BeakerHostGenerator::CLI.new([target, '--hypervisor', abs])
- nodeset_dir = 'spec/acceptance/nodesets'
- nodeset = "#{nodeset_dir}/#{target}.yml"
- FileUtils.mkdir_p(nodeset_dir)
- File.open(nodeset, 'w') do |fh|
- fh.print(cli.execute)
+ # Install the gem under test and required fixture on a collection of nodes
+ #
+ # @param :target_node_name [Array] nodes on which to install a puppet module for testing.
+ desc 'install_gems - build and install module fixtures'
+ task :install_gems, [:target_node_name] do |_task, args|
+ inventory_hash = inventory_hash_from_inventory_file
+ target_nodes = find_targets(inventory_hash, args[:target_node_name])
+ if target_nodes.empty?
+ puts 'No targets found'
+ exit 0
+ end
+ include BoltSpec::Run
+ # Build the gem
+ `gem build puppet-strings.gemspec --quiet`
+ result = $CHILD_STATUS
+ raise "Unable to build the puppet-strings gem. Returned exit code #{result.exitstatus}" unless result.exitstatus.zero?
+ puts 'Built'
+ # Find the gem build artifact
+ gem_tar = Dir.glob('puppet-strings-*.gem').max_by { |f| File.mtime(f) }
+ raise "Unable to find package in 'puppet-strings-*.gem'" if gem_tar.nil?
+ gem_tar = File.expand_path(gem_tar)
+ target_string = if args[:target_node_name].nil?
+ 'all'
+ else
+ args[:target_node_name]
+ end
+ # TODO: Currently this is Linux only
+ tmp_path = '/tmp/'
+ run_local_command("bundle exec bolt file upload #{gem_tar} #{tmp_path}#{File.basename(gem_tar)} --nodes #{target_string} --inventoryfile inventory.yaml")
+ # Install dependent gems
+ install_remote_gem('yard', target_nodes, inventory_hash)
+ install_remote_gem('rgen', target_nodes, inventory_hash)
+ # Install puppet-strings
+ install_remote_gem(tmp_path + File.basename(gem_tar), target_nodes, inventory_hash)
+ puts 'Installed'
- puts "nodeset file:"
- puts nodeset
- sh 'gem build puppet-strings.gemspec'
- sh 'puppet module build spec/fixtures/acceptance/modules/test'
- if ENV['BEAKER_keyfile']
- sh "BEAKER_set=#{target} rspec spec/acceptance/*.rb"
- else
- sh "BEAKER_keyfile=$HOME/.ssh/id_rsa-acceptance BEAKER_set=#{target} rspec spec/acceptance/*.rb"
- end
task(:rubocop) do
require 'rubocop'
cli = RuboCop::CLI.new
- cli.run(%w(-D -f s))
+ result = cli.run(%w(-D -f s))
+ abort unless result == RuboCop::CLI::STATUS_SUCCESS
#### CHANGELOG ####
require 'github_changelog_generator/task'