Rakefile in puppet-herald-0.2.0 vs Rakefile in puppet-herald-0.8.0
- old
+ new
@@ -1,12 +1,29 @@
+require 'jshintrb/jshinttask'
require 'sinatra/activerecord/rake'
require 'rspec/core/rake_task'
require 'rubocop/rake_task'
require 'rubocop'
require 'fileutils'
+require 'rainbow'
+require 'inch/rake'
+def cobertura_attrs
+ require 'ox'
+ f = File.open 'coverage/javascript/cobertura.xml'
+ Ox.parse(f.read).root.attributes
+def verify_js_coverage(line_expected = 0.9, branch_expected = 0.9)
+ attrs = cobertura_attrs
+ fail "Line coverage is #{attrs[:'line-rate'].to_f * 100}%, " \
+ "that don't meet minimum requirements of #{line_expected * 100}%." if attrs[:'line-rate'].to_f < line_expected
+ fail "Branch coverage is #{attrs[:'branch-rate'].to_f * 100}%, " \
+ "that don't meet minimum requirements of #{branch_expected * 100}%." if attrs[:'branch-rate'].to_f < branch_expected
namespace :spec do
desc 'Run all spec tests at once.'
desc 'Run unit spec tests.'
@@ -22,33 +39,69 @@
-desc 'Run javascript Jasmine/Karma tests on PhantomJS.'
-task :js do
- FileUtils.rm_rf 'coverage/javascript'
- sh 'node_modules/karma/bin/karma start --browsers PhantomJS test/javascript/karma.conf.js'
- path = Pathname.glob('coverage/javascript/PhantomJS*/text.txt').first
- puts 'Coverage for Javascript:'
- puts File.read(path)
+namespace :js do
+ desc 'Install NPM dependencies'
+ task :install do
+ sh 'npm install'
+ end
+ task :bower_standalone do
+ Dir.chdir 'lib/puppet-herald/public' do
+ sh 'bower install -p'
+ end
+ Dir.chdir 'test/javascript' do
+ sh 'bower install'
+ end
+ end
+ task :test_standalone do
+ FileUtils.rm_rf 'coverage/javascript'
+ sh 'node_modules/karma/bin/karma start --browsers PhantomJS test/javascript/karma.conf.js'
+ path = Pathname.glob('coverage/javascript/text.txt').first
+ puts Rainbow("\nCoverage for Javascript:\n").blue
+ puts File.read(path)
+ begin
+ verify_js_coverage
+ rescue StandardError => ex
+ $stderr.puts Rainbow("\n#{ex.message} Write more tests!\n").red.bright
+ exit 2
+ end
+ end
+ Jshintrb::JshintTask.new :hint do |t|
+ t.pattern = 'lib/puppet-herald/public/**/*.js'
+ t.exclude_pattern = 'lib/puppet-herald/public/bower_components/**/*'
+ t.options = :jshintrc
+ end
+ desc 'Install bower JS dependencies.'
+ task bower: [:'js:install', :'js:bower_standalone']
+ desc 'Run javascript Jasmine/Karma tests on PhantomJS.'
+ task test: [:'js:install', :'js:bower', :'js:hint', :'js:test_standalone']
-tests = [
- :'spec:all',
- :js,
- :rubocop
- require 'inch/rake'
- Inch::Rake::Suggest.new :inch, '--pedantic'
- tests << :inch
-rescue LoadError # rubocop:disable all
- # nothing here
+namespace :console do
+ desc 'Start a console with loaded ActiveRecord models on dev database'
+ task :db do
+ require 'pry'
+ require 'puppet-herald'
+ PuppetHerald.environment = :dev
+ home = File.expand_path('~')
+ defaultdb = "sqlite://#{home}/pherald.db"
+ defaultdbpass = "#{home}/.pherald.pass"
+ PuppetHerald.database.dbconn = defaultdb
+ PuppetHerald.database.passfile = defaultdbpass
+ PuppetHerald.database.spec
+ require 'puppet-herald/app/configuration'
+ PuppetHerald::App::Configuration.configure_app(cron: false)
+ require 'puppet-herald/models/node'
+ pry
+ end
+Inch::Rake::Suggest.new :inch, '--pedantic'
RuboCop::RakeTask.new(:rubocop) do |task|
# don't abort rake on failure
task.fail_on_error = true
@@ -66,9 +119,36 @@
rcli.run ['--auto-gen-config']
+desc 'Combine and POST covarage result to coveralls.io'
+task :coveralls do
+ root = File.dirname(File.expand_path(__FILE__))
+ rlcov = File.read('./coverage/ruby/lcov/gem-puppet-herald.lcov').gsub("#{root}/", './')
+ File.write('./coverage/ruby/lcov/lcov.info', rlcov)
+ sh "./node_modules/.bin/lcov-result-merger 'coverage/*/lcov/lcov.info' | ./node_modules/coveralls/bin/coveralls.js"
+tests = [
+ :'js:test',
+ :'spec:all',
+ :rubocop,
+ :inch
+tests << :coveralls if ENV['TRAVIS']
desc 'Run lint, and all spec tests.'
task test: tests
+desc 'Installs all dependencies.'
+task install: [:'js:install', :'js:bower']
+desc 'Build a gem package.'
+task :gem do
+ sh 'gem build puppet-herald.gemspec'
+desc 'Builds, and test package'
+task build: [:install, :test, :gem]
task default: :test