in puppet-check-1.3.2 vs in puppet-check-1.4.0

- old
+ new

@@ -131,25 +131,27 @@ - Puppetlabs Spec Helper requires extra configuration items to setup self-module RSpec testing. It is worth nothing that there is no current development objective for Puppet Check to achieve the same advanced level of robustness for spec testing that Puppetlabs Spec Helper enables. If you are performing standard spec testing on your Puppet code and data, then Puppet Check's spec testing is a fantastic lighter and faster alternative to Puppetlabs Spec Helper. If you require advanced and intricate capabilities in your spec testing (e.g. direct interfacing to the `Puppet::Parser::Scope` API), then you will likely prefer Puppetlabs Spec Helper's spec testing in conjunction with Puppet Check's file validation. ## Usage -Puppet Check requires `ruby >= 2.0.0`, `puppet >= 3.4`, and `puppet-lint >= 2.0.0`. All other dependencies should be fine with various versions. Puppet Check can be used with a CLI, Rake tasks, or API, from your system, rbenv, rvm, Docker, or Vagrant. Please note all interfaces (API by default, but can be modified) will ignore any directories named `fixtures` or specified paths with that directory during file checks and spec tests. +Puppet Check requires `ruby >= 2.0.0`, `puppet >= 3.4`, and `puppet-lint >= 1.1.0`. `Octocatalog-diff >= 1.0.0` if you are performing smoke/regression checks. All other dependencies should be fine with various versions. Puppet Check can be used with a CLI, Rake tasks, or API, from your system, rbenv, rvm, Docker, or Vagrant. Please note all interfaces (API by default, but can be modified) will ignore any directories named `fixtures` or specified paths with that directory during file checks and spec tests. -#### Reek +#### Ruby 2.0 and Reek Reek dropped support for Ruby 2.0 when it went to 4.0. Since dependencies by Ruby version are allowed in Gemfiles but not gemspecs, this means that PuppetCheck installed with `bundler` will automatically pick up the correct version of Reek for your Ruby version and install it. If you are installing PuppetCheck via `gem`, then you can install reek normally with `gem` with Ruby >= 2.1, but you will need to specify `gem install reek -v 3.11` if you are using Ruby 2.0. -#### Important Note for Ruby 1.9.3 and PuppetCheck <= 1.2.1 -If you are using Ruby 1.9.3 (and therefore also PuppetCheck <= 1.2.1), there is an issue where `Hiera <= 3.2.0` has an unspecified version dependency on JSonPure. Since JSonPure 2.0.2 requires `ruby >= 2.0.0`, this breaks Hiera installs on Ruby 1.9.3, which breaks Puppet installs, which breaks PuppetCheck installs. Therefore, you will need to either restrict your installed version of JSonPure to something lower than 2.0.2 if you are using Ruby 1.9.3, or use `Hiera >= 3.2.1`. - ### CLI ``` usage: puppet-check [options] paths -f, --future Enable future parser -s, --style Enable style checks + --smoke Enable smoke testing + -r, --regression Enable regression testing (in progress, do not use) -o, --output format Format for results output (default is text): text, json, or yaml - --puppet-lint arg_one,arg_two + --octoconfig config_file Octocatalog-diff configuration file to use. + -n, --octonodes, + Octocatalog-diff nodes to test catalog on. + --puppet-lint arg_one,arg_two Arguments for PuppetLint ignored checks -c, --config file Load PuppetLint options from file. --rubocop arg_one,arg_two Arguments for Rubocop disabled cops ``` @@ -169,16 +171,20 @@ rake puppetcheck:spec # Execute RSpec and RSpec-Puppet tests rake puppetcheck:beaker # Execute Beaker acceptance tests ``` #### puppetcheck:file -You can add style checks to and select the future parser for the `rake puppetcheck:file`, or change the output format, by adding the following after the require: +You can add style, smoke, and regression checks to and select the future parser for the `rake puppetcheck:file`, or change the output format, by adding the following after the require: ```ruby PuppetCheck.style_check = true PuppetCheck.future_parser = true +PuppetCheck.smoke_check = true +PuppetCheck.regression_check = true # in progress, do not use PuppetCheck.output_format = 'yaml' +PuppetCheck.octoconfig = '.octocatalog-diff.cfg.rb' +PuppetCheck.octonodes = %w(localhost.localdomain) ``` Please note that `rspec` does not support yaml output and therefore would still use the default 'progress' formatter even if `yaml` is specified as the format option to Puppet Check. The style checks from within `rake puppetcheck:file` are directly interfaced to `puppet-lint`, `rubocop`, and `reek`. This means that all arguments and options should be specified from within your `.puppet-lint.rc`, `.rubocop.yml`, and `*.reek`. The capability to pass style arguments and options from within the `Rakefile` task block will be considered for future versions. @@ -243,11 +249,15 @@ # file checks require 'puppet-check' PuppetCheck.future_parser = true # default false PuppetCheck.style_check = true # default false +PuppetCheck.smoke_check = true # default false +PuppetCheck.regression_check = true # in progress, do not use; default false PuppetCheck.output_format = 'yaml' # also 'json'; default 'text' +PuppetCheck.octoconfig = '$HOME/octocatalog-diff.cfg.rb' # default '.octocatalog-diff.cfg.rb' +PuppetCheck.octonodes = %w( # default: %w(localhost.localdomain) PuppetCheck.puppetlint_args = ['--puppetlint-arg-one', '--puppetlint-arg-two'] # default [] PuppetCheck.rubocop_args = ['--except', 'rubocop-arg-one,rubocop-arg-two'] # default [][dirs, files]) @@ -314,9 +324,10 @@ ### Optional dependencies - **rake**: install this if you want to use Puppet Check with `rake` tasks in addition to the CLI. - **rspec**: install this if you want to use Puppet Check to execute the spec tests for your Ruby files during `rake`. - **rspec-puppet**: install this if you want to use Puppet Check to execute the spec tests for your Puppet files during `rake`. +- **octocatalog-diff**: install this if you want to use Puppet Check to execute smoke or regression tests for your Puppet catalog. - **beaker**: install this if you want to use Puppet Check to execute the acceptance tests during `rake`. - **git**: install this if you want to use Puppet Check to download external module dependencies with `git` commands during RSpec Puppet testing. - **mercurial**: install this if you want to use Puppet Check to download external module dependencies with `hg` commands during RSpec Puppet testing. ## Contributing