spec/punchblock/translator/asterisk_spec.rb in punchblock-0.8.2 vs spec/punchblock/translator/asterisk_spec.rb in punchblock-0.8.3
- old
+ new
@@ -12,11 +12,11 @@
subject { translator }
its(:ami_client) { should be ami_client }
its(:connection) { should be connection }
- after { translator.terminate }
+ after { translator.terminate if translator.alive? }
context 'with a configured media engine of :asterisk' do
let(:media_engine) { :asterisk }
its(:media_engine) { should == :asterisk }
@@ -24,10 +24,24 @@
context 'with a configured media engine of :unimrcp' do
let(:media_engine) { :unimrcp }
its(:media_engine) { should == :unimrcp }
+ describe '#shutdown' do
+ it "instructs all calls to shutdown" do
+ call = Asterisk::Call.new 'foo', subject
+ call.expects(:shutdown!).once
+ subject.register_call call
+ subject.shutdown
+ end
+ it "terminates the actor" do
+ subject.shutdown
+ subject.should_not be_alive
+ end
+ end
describe '#execute_command' do
describe 'with a call command' do
let(:command) { Command::Answer.new }
let(:call_id) { 'abc123' }
@@ -93,49 +107,76 @@
describe '#execute_call_command' do
let(:call_id) { 'abc123' }
let(:call) { Translator::Asterisk::Call.new 'SIP/foo', subject }
- let(:command) { mock 'Command::Answer', :call_id => call_id }
+ let(:command) { Command::Answer.new.tap { |c| c.call_id = call_id } }
before do
+ command.request!
call.stubs(:id).returns call_id
- subject.register_call call
- it 'sends the command to the call for execution' do
- call.expects(:execute_command!).once.with command
- subject.execute_call_command command
+ context "with a known call ID" do
+ before do
+ subject.register_call call
+ end
+ it 'sends the command to the call for execution' do
+ call.expects(:execute_command!).once.with command
+ subject.execute_call_command command
+ end
+ context "with an unknown call ID" do
+ it 'sends an error in response to the command' do
+ subject.execute_call_command command
+ command.response.should == ProtocolError.new('call-not-found', "Could not find a call with ID #{call_id}", call_id, nil)
+ end
+ end
describe '#execute_component_command' do
let(:component_id) { '123abc' }
let(:component) { mock 'Translator::Asterisk::Component', :id => component_id }
- let(:command) { mock 'Component::Stop', :component_id => component_id }
+ let(:command) { Component::Stop.new.tap { |c| c.component_id = component_id } }
before do
- subject.register_component component
+ command.request!
- it 'sends the command to the component for execution' do
- component.expects(:execute_command!).once.with command
- subject.execute_component_command command
+ context 'with a known component ID' do
+ before do
+ subject.register_component component
+ end
+ it 'sends the command to the component for execution' do
+ component.expects(:execute_command!).once.with command
+ subject.execute_component_command command
+ end
+ context "with an unknown component ID" do
+ it 'sends an error in response to the command' do
+ subject.execute_component_command command
+ command.response.should == ProtocolError.new('component-not-found', "Could not find a component with ID #{component_id}", nil, component_id)
+ end
+ end
describe '#execute_global_command' do
context 'with a Dial' do
let :command do
Command::Dial.new :to => 'SIP/1234', :from => 'abc123'
- before { command.request! }
+ before do
+ command.request!
+ ami_client.stub_everything
+ end
- let(:mock_action) { stub_everything 'Asterisk::Component::Asterisk::AMIAction' }
it 'should be able to look up the call by channel ID' do
subject.execute_global_command command
call_actor = subject.call_for_channel('SIP/1234')
call_actor.wrapped_object.should be_a Asterisk::Call
@@ -163,9 +204,20 @@
it 'registers the component' do
Asterisk::Component::Asterisk::AMIAction.expects(:new).once.with(command, subject).returns mock_action
subject.wrapped_object.expects(:register_component).with mock_action
subject.execute_global_command command
+ end
+ end
+ context "with a command we don't understand" do
+ let :command do
+ Command::Answer.new
+ end
+ it 'sends an error in response to the command' do
+ subject.execute_command command
+ command.response.should == ProtocolError.new('command-not-acceptable', "Did not understand command")
describe '#handle_pb_event' do