example/cluster.sh in puma-daemon-0.3.2 vs example/cluster.sh in puma-daemon-0.5.0
- old
+ new
@@ -1,41 +1,54 @@
#!/usr/bin/env bash
-export txtblk='\e[0;30m'
-export txtred='\e[0;31m'
-export txtgrn='\e[0;32m'
-export txtylw='\e[0;33m'
-export txtblu='\e[0;34m'
-export txtpur='\e[0;35m'
-export txtcyn='\e[0;36m'
-export txtwht='\e[0;37m'
-export clr='\e[0;0m'
+source colors.sh
[[ -f cluster.sh ]] || {
echo -e "${txtred}Please run this from the ./example folder.${clr}"
exit 1
-[[ -f ../Gemfile ]] || {
- echo -e "${txtred}Please choose either Puma v5 or Puma v6, by running:${clr}"
- echo -e "${txtgrn}make puma-v5 or make puma-v6"
- exit 2
+if [[ -n "${BUNDLE_GEMFILE}" || -f ../Gemfile ]]; then
+ echo -e "${txtgrn}OK: We have either BUNDLE_GEMFILE defined or ../Gemfile"
+ export BUNDLE_GEMFILE=Gemfile.puma-v6
+ echo -e "${txtylw}WARNING: Set BUNDLE_GEMFILE to either v5 or v6."
+ echo -e "${txtylw} Since none we set, we selected v6 for now."
+ sleep 2
-echo -e "${txtblu}Ensuring your dependencies are installed...${clr}"
+if [[ -z ${GEMFILE} || ! -f "${GEMFILE}" ]]; then
+ [[ -f ${GEMFILE} ]] || {
+ echo -e "${txtred}ERROR: File [${GEMFILE}] does not exist ${clr}"
+ exit 3
+ }
+echo -e "${txtylw}Using GEMFILE: ${txtgrn}[${GEMFILE}]${clr}"
+echo -e "${txtylw}Installing Bundled Gems...${clr}"
cd .. || exit 2;
+ export BUNDLE_GEMFILE=${BUNDLE_GEMFILE:-"Gemfile"} ;
bundle check || bundle install
) >/dev/null
+echo -e "${txtblu}Ensuring your dependencies are installed...${clr}"
+sleep 1
pid=$(ps -ef | grep puma | grep example | awk '{print $2}')
[[ -n $pid ]] && kill $pid && sleep 1
echo -e "${txtblu}Starting Puma in cluster mode.${clr}"
command="bundle exec puma -I ../lib -C $(pwd)/puma.rb -w 4"
echo -e "${txtblu}Running Command:"
echo -e "${txtgrn}${command}${clr}"
eval "${command}"
@@ -53,9 +66,17 @@
echo -e "${txtred}Invalid response:${clr}">&2
cat ${output}
exit 3
-echo -e "${txtgrn}Puma Daemon is running and returning the expected string.${clr}"
+echo -e "${txtblu}Currently Running Puma Processes:${txtcyn}"
-ps -ef | grep [p]uma
+ps auxww | grep [p]uma
+echo -e "${txtgrn}┌─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐"
+echo -e "${txtgrn}│ Puma Daemon is UP in the CLUSTER/WORKERS mode & HTTP response is 200/OK │"
+echo -e "${txtgrn}└─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘${clr}"