examples/demo_console.rb in pubnub-3.5.14 vs examples/demo_console.rb in pubnub-3.6.7
- old
+ new
@@ -1,356 +1,397 @@
require 'pubnub'
+require 'awesome_print'
-keys_option = nil
+class String
+ def black; "\033[30m#{self}\033[0m" end
+ def red; "\033[31m#{self}\033[0m" end
+ def green; "\033[32m#{self}\033[0m" end
+ def brown; "\033[33m#{self}\033[0m" end
+ def blue; "\033[34m#{self}\033[0m" end
+ def magenta; "\033[35m#{self}\033[0m" end
+ def cyan; "\033[36m#{self}\033[0m" end
+ def gray; "\033[37m#{self}\033[0m" end
+ def bg_black; "\033[40m#{self}\0330m" end
+ def bg_red; "\033[41m#{self}\033[0m" end
+ def bg_green; "\033[42m#{self}\033[0m" end
+ def bg_brown; "\033[43m#{self}\033[0m" end
+ def bg_blue; "\033[44m#{self}\033[0m" end
+ def bg_magenta; "\033[45m#{self}\033[0m" end
+ def bg_cyan; "\033[46m#{self}\033[0m" end
+ def bg_gray; "\033[47m#{self}\033[0m" end
+ def bold; "\033[1m#{self}\033[22m" end
+ def reverse_color; "\033[7m#{self}\033[27m" end
-puts 'How do you want to set up app keys?'
-puts 'd. Default [D]EMO keys (default)'
-puts 'p. Default [p]am keys'
-puts 'c. want to enter [c]ustom keys'
-puts 'Enter your choice:'
+class DemoConsole
-keys_option = gets.chomp!.downcase
-keys_option = 'd' if keys_option.blank? || !%w(d p c).include?(keys_option)
+ :'1' => :Publish,
+ :'2' => :Subscribe,
+ :'3' => :Presence,
+ :'4' => :Leave,
+ :'5' => :History,
+ :'6' => :PagedHistory,
+ :'7' => :HereNow,
+ :'8' => :WhereNow,
+ :'9' => :State,
+ :'10' => :Heartbeat,
+ :'11' => :Time,
+ :'12' => :Audit,
+ :'13' => :Grant,
+ :'14' => :Revoke,
+ :A => :set_uuid,
+ :B => :set_auth_key,
+ :C => :show_state,
+ :D => :set_state,
+ :EXIT => :exit
+ }
+ def initialize
-case keys_option
- when 'd'
- origin = 'demo.pubnub.com'
- sub_key = 'demo'
- pub_key = 'demo'
- sec_key = nil
+ welcome
- when 'p'
- origin = 'pubsub.pubnub.com'
- sub_key = 'sub-c-a478dd2a-c33d-11e2-883f-02ee2ddab7fe'
- pub_key = 'pub-c-a2650a22-deb1-44f5-aa87-1517049411d5'
- sec_key = 'sec-c-YjFmNzYzMGMtYmI3NC00NzJkLTlkYzYtY2MwMzI4YTJhNDVh'
+ keys_option = select_keys
- when 'c'
- puts 'Provide origin [demo.pubnub.com]:'
- origin = gets.chomp!.downcase
- origin = 'demo.pubnub.com' if origin.blank?
- puts 'Provide subscribe key [demo]:'
- sub_key = gets.chomp!
- sub_key = 'demo' if sub_key.blank?
+ case keys_option.to_s
+ when '1'
+ @origin = 'pubsub.pubnub.com'
+ @subscribe_key = 'demo'
+ @publish_key = 'demo'
+ @secret_key = nil
- puts 'Provide publish key [demo]:'
- pub_key = gets.chomp!
- pub_key = 'demo' if pub_key.blank?
+ when '2'
+ @origin = 'pubsub.pubnub.com'
+ @subscribe_key = 'sub-c-a478dd2a-c33d-11e2-883f-02ee2ddab7fe'
+ @publish_key = 'pub-c-a2650a22-deb1-44f5-aa87-1517049411d5'
+ @secret_key = 'sec-c-YjFmNzYzMGMtYmI3NC00NzJkLTlkYzYtY2MwMzI4YTJhNDVh'
- puts 'Provide secret key (optional):'
- sec_key = gets.chomp!
- sec_key = nil if sec_key.blank?
+ when '3'
+ puts `clear`
+ print_pubnub
+ puts 'Okey, now you have to provide me your data or accept default:'.green
+ print 'origin [pubsub.pubnub.com]: '
+ @origin = gets.chomp!
+ print 'subscribe_key [demo]: '
+ @subscribe_key = gets.chomp!
+ print 'publish_key [demo]: '
+ @publish_key = gets.chomp!
+ print 'secret_key (nil by default): '
+ @secret_key = gets.chomp!
-puts 'Provide auth key or skip? (default: skip)'
-auth_key = gets.chomp!
+ @origin = 'pubsub.pubnub.com' if @origin.blank?
+ @subscribe_key = 'demo' if @subscribe_key.blank?
+ @publish_key = 'demo' if @publish_key.blank?
+ @secret_key = nil if @secret_key.blank?
+ else
+ @origin = 'pubsub.pubnub.com'
+ @subscribe_key = 'demo'
+ @publish_key = 'demo'
+ @secret_key = nil
+ end
-puts 'Do you want your connection to be ssl? [y/N]'
-ssl = gets.chomp!.upcase
-ssl = 'N' if ssl != 'Y'
-ssl = ssl == 'Y' ? true : false
+ set_uuid_and_auth
-puts "\nUsing following keys:"
-puts "Subscribe key: #{sub_key}"
-puts "Publish key: #{pub_key}"
-puts "Secret key: #{sec_key}" if sec_key
-puts "Auth key: #{auth_key}" if auth_key
+ my_logger = Logger.new(STDOUT)
+ @pubnub = Pubnub.new(
-p = Pubnub.new(
- :ssl => ssl,
- :subscribe_key => sub_key,
- :secret_key => sec_key,
- :publish_key => pub_key,
- :auth_key => auth_key,
- :origin => origin,
- :error_callback => lambda { |msg|
- puts "Error callback says: #{msg.inspect}"
- },
- :connect_callback => lambda { |msg|
- puts "Connect callback says: #{msg.inspect}"
- }
+ :subscribe_key => @subscribe_key,
+ :publish_key => @publish_key,
+ :secret_key => @secret_key,
+ :error_callback => method(:error_callback),
+ :auth_key => @auth_key,
+ # :logger => my_logger
+ )
-puts("\nUse PubNub AES encryption? Leave blank for now, else enter your cipher key.")
-aes = gets.chomp!
+ @pubnub.set_uuid(@uuid) unless @uuid.blank?
-unless aes.blank?
- p.cipher_key = aes
+ ap @pubnub
-default_cb = lambda { |envelope|
- puts "\n/------------------"
- puts "#{envelope.inspect}"
- puts "channel: #{envelope.channel}"
- puts "msg: #{envelope.message}"
- puts "payload: #{envelope.payload}" if envelope.payload
- puts '------------------/'
+ start_console
+ end
- sync_or_async = false
- while !%w(S A).include? sync_or_async
- puts('Should next operation be [S]ync or [A]sync?')
- sync_or_async = gets.chomp!.upcase
- sync_or_async = 'A' if sync_or_async.blank?
+ def welcome
+ puts `clear`
+ puts "You have loaded #{Pubnub::VERSION} gem"
+ puts `clear`
+ print_pubnub
+ puts 'Hello in interactive PubNub console!'
+ puts 'Feel free to play around with it!'
+ puts '--'
+ puts '[Hit ENTER to continue]'
+ gets
+ puts `clear`
- block_or_parameter = false
- while !%w(B P).include? block_or_parameter
- puts('Do you want pass callback as [B]lock or [P]arameter?')
- block_or_parameter = gets.chomp!.upcase
- block_or_parameter = 'B' if block_or_parameter.blank?
+ def select_keys
+ print_pubnub
+ puts 'Before we start, you have to select demo app keys or add your own.'.green
+ print "\n"
+ puts '1. Basic demo keys -- You will be limited to standard events, no PAM features'
+ puts '2. PAM supprot keys -- You can check out all pubnub features, including PAM'
+ puts '3. Custom keys -- If you already have your own keys, you can set them here'
+ print "\n"
+ print 'Your choice: '.green
+ gets.chomp!
- puts('1. subscribe')
- puts('2. unsubscribe (leave)')
- puts('3. publish')
- puts('4. history')
- puts('5. presence')
- puts('6. here_now')
- puts('7. time')
- puts('8. audit') if sec_key
- puts('9. grant') if sec_key
- puts('10. revoke') if sec_key
- puts("\n\n")
- puts('Enter a selection')
- choice = gets.chomp!
+ def set_uuid_and_auth
+ puts `clear`
+ print_pubnub
+ puts 'You can set up now your uuid and auth_key: '.green
+ print 'uuid [random_default]: '
+ @uuid = gets.chomp!
+ print 'auth_key (blank by default): '
+ @auth_key = gets.chomp
+ end
- case choice
- when '1' #SUBSCRIBE
+ def set_uuid(uuid)
+ @pubnub.set_uuid(uuid)
+ end
- puts('Enter channel')
- channel = gets.chomp!
+ def set_auth_key(auth_key)
+ @pubnub.set_auth_key(auth_key)
+ end
- if sync_or_async == 'A' && block_or_parameter == 'P' #ASYNC AND CALLBACK AS PASSED AS PARAMETER
- p.subscribe(:channel => channel, :callback => default_cb, :http_sync => false, :ssl => ssl)
- elsif sync_or_async == 'A' && block_or_parameter == 'B' #ASYNC AND CALLBACK AS PASSED AS BLOCK
- p.subscribe(:channel => channel, :http_sync => false, :ssl => ssl, &default_cb)#{ |envelope| puts("\nchannel: #{envelope.channel}: \nmsg: #{envelope.message}") }
- elsif sync_or_async == 'S' && block_or_parameter == 'P' #SYNC AND CALLBACK AS PASSED AS PARAMETER
- p.subscribe(:channel => channel, :callback => default_cb, :http_sync => true, :ssl => ssl)
- elsif sync_or_async == 'S' && block_or_parameter == 'B' #SYNC AND CALLBACK AS PASSED AS BLOCK
- p.subscribe(:channel => channel, :http_sync => true, :ssl => ssl, &default_cb)#{ |envelope| puts("\nchannel: #{envelope.channel}: \nmsg: #{envelope.message}") }
+ def start_console
+ puts `clear`
+ print_pubnub
+ puts 'CONSOLE STARTED!'.bg_green
+ exit = false
+ choice = false
+ until exit
+ until OPTIONS.keys.include?(choice)
+ puts 'Choose your next operation (type \'exit\' to exit):'.green
+ puts 'Events:'.green
+ puts '1. Publish'
+ puts '2. Subscribe'
+ puts '3. Presence'
+ puts '4. Leave (unsubscribe)'
+ puts '5. History'
+ puts '6. Paged History'
+ puts '7. HereNow'
+ puts '8. WhereNow'
+ puts '9. State'
+ puts '10. Heartbeat'
+ puts '11. Time'
+ puts '12. Audit' if @secret_key
+ puts '13. Grant' if @secret_key
+ puts '14. Revoke' if @secret_key
+ puts "\nPubnub::Client interaction:".green
+ puts 'A. Set UUID'
+ puts 'B. Set auth_key'
+ puts 'C. Check state'
+ puts 'D. Set state'
+ print "\nYour choice: ".red
+ choice = gets.chomp!.to_s.upcase.to_sym
+ choice = OPTIONS[choice]
- when '2' #UNSUBSCRIBE
- puts('Enter channel')
- channel = gets.chomp!
- if sync_or_async == 'A' && block_or_parameter == 'P' #ASYNC AND CALLBACK AS PASSED AS PARAMETER
- p.unsubscribe(:channel => channel, :callback => default_cb, :http_sync => false, :ssl => ssl)
- elsif sync_or_async == 'A' && block_or_parameter == 'B' #ASYNC AND CALLBACK AS PASSED AS BLOCK
- p.unsubscribe(:channel => channel, :http_sync => false, :ssl => ssl, &default_cb)#{ |envelope| puts("\nchannel: #{envelope.channel}: \nmsg: #{envelope.message}") }
- elsif sync_or_async == 'S' && block_or_parameter == 'P' #SYNC AND CALLBACK AS PASSED AS PARAMETER
- p.unsubscribe(:channel => channel, :callback => default_cb, :http_sync => true, :ssl => ssl)
- elsif sync_or_async == 'S' && block_or_parameter == 'B' #SYNC AND CALLBACK AS PASSED AS BLOCK
- p.unsubscribe(:channel => channel, :http_sync => true, :ssl => ssl, &default_cb)#{ |envelope| puts("\nchannel: #{envelope.channel}: \nmsg: #{envelope.message}") }
+ case choice
+ when :exit
+ exit = true
+ when :Publish
+ options = ask_about(:sync, :message, :channel)
+ @pubnub.publish(options)
+ when :Subscribe
+ options = ask_about(:sync, :channel)
+ @pubnub.subscribe(options)
+ when :Presence
+ options = ask_about(:sync, :channel)
+ @pubnub.presence(options)
+ when :Leave
+ options = ask_about(:sync, :channel)
+ @pubnub.leave(options)
+ when :History
+ options = ask_about(:sync, :channel, :reverse, :history_start, :history_end, :count)
+ @pubnub.history(options)
+ when :PagedHistory
+ options = ask_about(:sync, :channel, :reverse, :history_start, :history_end, :limit, :page)
+ @pubnub.paged_history(options)
+ when :HereNow
+ options = ask_about(:sync, :optional_channel)
+ @pubnub.here_now(options)
+ when :WhereNow
+ options = ask_about(:sync, :uuid)
+ @pubnub.where_now(options)
+ when :State
+ options = ask_about(:sync, :channel, :uuid)
+ @pubnub.state(options)
+ when :Heartbeat
+ options = ask_about(:sync, :heartbeat, :channel)
+ @pubnub.heartbeat(options)
+ when :Time
+ options = ask_about(:sync)
+ @pubnub.time(options)
+ when :Audit
+ options = ask_about(:sync, :channel, :subscribe_key)
+ @pubnub.audit(options)
+ when :Grant
+ options = ask_about(:sync, :channel, :subscribe_key, :read, :write)
+ @pubnub.grant(options)
+ when :Revoke
+ options = ask_about(:sync, :channel, :subscribe_key, :read, :write)
+ @pubnub.revoke(options)
+ when :set_uuid
+ print 'Your new uuid: '
+ @pubnub.set_uuid(gets.chomp!)
+ when :set_auth_key
+ print 'Your new auth_key: '
+ @pubnub.set_uuid(gets.chomp!)
+ when :show_state
+ ap @pubnub.env[:state]
+ when :set_state
+ options = ask_about(:sync, :channel)
+ print 'State: '
+ begin
+ state = eval(gets.chomp!)
+ options.merge!({ :state => state})
+ @pubnub.set_state(options)
+ rescue => e
+ print 'ERROR! Invalid state.'.bg_red
+ print e
+ end
+ choice = nil
+ end
+ end
- when '3' #PUBLISH
+ # that adds callback method as :callback in options
+ def ask_about(*things)
+ options = {}
+ things.each do |thing|
+ case thing
+ when :sync
+ print 'Should event be async? '
+ options[:http_sync] = !acceptance
- puts('Enter channel')
- channel = gets.chomp!
+ when :message
+ while options[:message].blank?
+ puts 'Write below message to publish:'
+ options[:message] = gets.chomp!
+ end
- puts('Enter message')
- message = gets.chomp!
+ when :channel
+ while options[:channel].blank?
+ print 'Specify channel(s): '
+ options[:channel] = gets.chomp!
+ end
- if sync_or_async == 'A' && block_or_parameter == 'P' #ASYNC AND CALLBACK AS PASSED AS PARAMETER
- p.publish(:message => message, :channel => channel, :callback => default_cb, :http_sync => false, :ssl => ssl)
- elsif sync_or_async == 'A' && block_or_parameter == 'B' #ASYNC AND CALLBACK AS PASSED AS BLOCK
- p.publish(:message => message, :channel => channel, :http_sync => false, :ssl => ssl, &default_cb)#{ |envelope| puts("\nchannel: #{envelope.channel}: \nmsg: #{envelope.message}") }
- elsif sync_or_async == 'S' && block_or_parameter == 'P' #SYNC AND CALLBACK AS PASSED AS PARAMETER
- p.publish(:message => message, :channel => channel, :callback => default_cb, :http_sync => true, :ssl => ssl)
- elsif sync_or_async == 'S' && block_or_parameter == 'B' #SYNC AND CALLBACK AS PASSED AS BLOCK
- p.publish(:message => message, :channel => channel, :http_sync => true, :ssl => ssl, &default_cb)#{ |envelope| puts("\nchannel: #{envelope.channel}: \nmsg: #{envelope.message}") }
- end
+ when :optional_channel
+ print 'Specify channel(s) or leave blank for all channels (global here now): '
+ options[:channel] = gets.chomp!
- when '4' #HISTORY
- puts('Enter channel')
- channel = gets.chomp!
+ when :limit
+ while options[:limit].blank?
+ print 'History limit?: '
+ options[:limit] = gets.chomp!
+ end
- puts('Enter count')
- count = gets.chomp!
- if (count == '') then count = nil end
+ when :reverse
+ while options[:reverse].blank? && options[:reverse] != false
+ print 'In reverse order?: '
+ options[:reverse] = acceptance
+ end
- puts('Enter start')
- history_start = gets.chomp!
- if (history_start == '') then history_start = nil end
+ when :history_start
+ unless options[:reverse]
+ # while options[:start].blank?
+ print 'History start timetoken: '
+ options[:start] = gets.chomp!
+ # end
+ end
- puts('Enter end')
- history_end = gets.chomp!
- if (history_end == '') then history_end = nil end
+ when :history_end
+ unless options[:reverse]
+ # while options[:end].blank?
+ print 'History end timetoken: '
+ options[:end] = gets.chomp!
+ # end
+ end
- puts('Enter reverse (y/n)')
- reverse = gets.chomp!
- if (reverse == "" || reverse == "n") then reverse = false else reverse = true end
+ when :count
+ while options[:count].blank?
+ print 'Count [100]: '
+ options[:count] = gets.chomp!
+ options[:count] = 100 if options[:count].blank?
+ end
- if sync_or_async == 'A' && block_or_parameter == 'P' #ASYNC AND CALLBACK AS PASSED AS PARAMETER
- p.history(:channel => channel,
- :count => count,
- :start => history_start,
- :end => history_end,
- :reverse => reverse,
- :callback => default_cb,
- :http_sync => false,
- :ssl => ssl) do |envelope| puts(envelope.inspect) end
- elsif sync_or_async == 'A' && block_or_parameter == 'B' #ASYNC AND CALLBACK AS PASSED AS BLOCK
- p.history(:channel => channel,
- :count => count,
- :start => history_start,
- :end => history_end,
- :reverse => reverse,
- :http_sync => false,
- :ssl => ssl, &default_cb)#{ |envelope| puts("\nchannel: #{envelope.channel}: \nmsg: #{envelope.message}") }
- elsif sync_or_async == 'S' && block_or_parameter == 'P' #SYNC AND CALLBACK AS PASSED AS PARAMETER
- p.history(:channel => channel,
- :count => count,
- :start => history_start,
- :end => history_end,
- :reverse => reverse,
- :callback => default_cb,
- :http_sync => true,
- :ssl => ssl, &default_cb)# do |envelope| puts(envelope.inspect) end
- elsif sync_or_async == 'S' && block_or_parameter == 'B' #SYNC AND CALLBACK AS PASSED AS BLOCK
- p.history(:channel => channel,
- :count => count,
- :start => history_start,
- :end => history_end,
- :reverse => true,
- :http_sync => false,
- :ssl => ssl, &default_cb)#{ |envelope| puts("\nchannel: #{envelope.channel}: \nmsg: #{envelope.message}") }
- end
+ when :uuid
+ while options[:uuid].blank?
+ print 'Enter uuid: '
+ options[:uuid] = gets.chomp!
+ end
- when '5' #PRESENCE
- puts('Enter channel')
- channel = gets.chomp!
+ when :heartbeat
+ while options[:heartbeat].blank?
+ print 'Enter heartbeat rate: '
+ options[:heartbeat] = gets.chomp!
+ end
- if sync_or_async == 'A' && block_or_parameter == 'P' #ASYNC AND CALLBACK AS PASSED AS PARAMETER
- p.presence(:channel => channel, :callback => default_cb, :http_sync => false, :ssl => ssl)
- elsif sync_or_async == 'A' && block_or_parameter == 'B' #ASYNC AND CALLBACK AS PASSED AS BLOCK
- p.presence(:channel => channel, :http_sync => false, :ssl => ssl, &default_cb)#{ |envelope| puts("\nchannel: #{envelope.channel}: \nmsg: #{envelope.message}") }
- elsif sync_or_async == 'S' && block_or_parameter == 'P' #SYNC AND CALLBACK AS PASSED AS PARAMETER
- p.presence(:channel => channel, :callback => default_cb, :http_sync => true, :ssl => ssl)
- elsif sync_or_async == 'S' && block_or_parameter == 'B' #SYNC AND CALLBACK AS PASSED AS BLOCK
- p.presence(:channel => channel, :http_sync => true, :ssl => ssl, &default_cb)#{ |envelope| puts("\nchannel: #{envelope.channel}: \nmsg: #{envelope.message}") }
- end
+ when :subscribe_key
+ while options[:subscribe_key].blank?
+ print 'Enter subscribe key: '
+ options[:subscribe_key] = gets.chomp!
+ end
- when '6' #HERE_NOW
- puts('Enter channel')
- channel = gets.chomp!
+ when :read
+ while options[:read].blank? && options[:read] != false
+ print 'Read? '
+ options[:read] = acceptance
+ end
- if sync_or_async == 'A' && block_or_parameter == 'P' #ASYNC AND CALLBACK AS PASSED AS PARAMETER
- p.here_now(:channel => channel, :callback => default_cb, :http_sync => false, :ssl => ssl)
- elsif sync_or_async == 'A' && block_or_parameter == 'B' #ASYNC AND CALLBACK AS PASSED AS BLOCK
- p.here_now(:channel => channel, :http_sync => false, :ssl => ssl, &default_cb)#{ |envelope| puts("\nchannel: #{envelope.channel}: \nmsg: #{envelope.message}") }
- elsif sync_or_async == 'S' && block_or_parameter == 'P' #SYNC AND CALLBACK AS PASSED AS PARAMETER
- p.here_now(:channel => channel, :callback => default_cb, :http_sync => true, :ssl => ssl)
- elsif sync_or_async == 'S' && block_or_parameter == 'B' #SYNC AND CALLBACK AS PASSED AS BLOCK
- p.here_now(:channel => channel, :http_sync => true, :ssl => ssl, &default_cb)#{ |envelope| puts("\nchannel: #{envelope.channel}: \nmsg: #{envelope.message}") }
- end
+ when :write
+ while options[:write].blank? && options[:write] != false
+ print 'Write? '
+ options[:write] = acceptance
+ end
+ when :limit
+ while options[:limit].blank?
+ print 'limit: '
+ options[:limit] = gets.chomp!.to_i
+ end
- when '7' #TIME
- if sync_or_async == 'A' && block_or_parameter == 'P' #ASYNC AND CALLBACK AS PASSED AS PARAMETER
- p.time(:callback => default_cb, :http_sync => false, :ssl => ssl)
- elsif sync_or_async == 'A' && block_or_parameter == 'B' #ASYNC AND CALLBACK AS PASSED AS BLOCK
- p.time(:http_sync => false, :ssl => ssl, &default_cb)#{ |envelope| puts("\nchannel: #{envelope.channel}: \nmsg: #{envelope.message}") }
- elsif sync_or_async == 'S' && block_or_parameter == 'P' #SYNC AND CALLBACK AS PASSED AS PARAMETER
- p.time(:callback => default_cb, :http_sync => true, :ssl => ssl)
- elsif sync_or_async == 'S' && block_or_parameter == 'B' #SYNC AND CALLBACK AS PASSED AS BLOCK
- p.time(:http_sync => true, :ssl => ssl, &default_cb)#{ |envelope| puts("\nchannel: #{envelope.channel}: \nmsg: #{envelope.message}") }
+ when :page
+ while options[:page].blank?
+ print 'page: '
+ options[:page] = gets.chomp!.to_i
+ end
+ end
+ options.merge({:callback => method(:callback)})
+ end
- when '8' # AUDIT
- puts 'Enter channel for channel level'
- channel = gets.chomp!
- channel = nil if channel.blank?
+ def acceptance
+ %w(Y 1).include?(gets.chomp!.to_s.upcase)
+ end
- puts 'Enter auth key'
- auth_key = gets.chomp!
- auth_key = nil if auth_key.blank?
+ def print_pubnub
+ puts '
+ __________ ___. _______ ___. ________ ________
+ \______ \__ _\_ |__ \ \ __ _\_ |__ \_____ \ / _____/
+ | ___/ | \ __ \ / | \| | \ __ \ _(__ < / __ \
+ | | | | / \_\ \/ | \ | / \_\ \ / \ \ |__\ \
+ |____| |____/|___ /\____|__ /____/|___ / /______ / /\ \_____ /
+ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/
- if sync_or_async == 'A' && block_or_parameter == 'P' #ASYNC AND CALLBACK AS PASSED AS PARAMETER
- p.audit(:callback => default_cb, :http_sync => false, :ssl => ssl, :channel => channel, :auth_key => auth_key)
- elsif sync_or_async == 'A' && block_or_parameter == 'B' #ASYNC AND CALLBACK AS PASSED AS BLOCK
- p.audit(:http_sync => false, :ssl => ssl, :channel => channel, :auth_key => auth_key, &default_cb)#{ |envelope| puts("\nchannel: #{envelope.channel}: \nmsg: #{envelope.message}") }
- elsif sync_or_async == 'S' && block_or_parameter == 'P' #SYNC AND CALLBACK AS PASSED AS PARAMETER
- p.audit(:callback => default_cb, :http_sync => true, :ssl => ssl, :channel => channel, :auth_key => auth_key)
- elsif sync_or_async == 'S' && block_or_parameter == 'B' #SYNC AND CALLBACK AS PASSED AS BLOCK
- p.audit(:http_sync => true, :ssl => ssl, :channel => channel, :auth_key => auth_key, &default_cb)#{ |envelope| puts("\nchannel: #{envelope.channel}: \nmsg: #{envelope.message}") }
- end
+ Pubnub Demo Console
+ '.red
+ end
- when '9' # GRANT
- puts 'Enter channel for channel level'
- channel = gets.chomp!
- channel = nil if channel.blank?
+ def callback(envelope)
+ ap envelope.inspect
+ end
- puts 'Enter auth key'
- auth_key = gets.chomp!
- auth_key = nil if auth_key.blank?
+ def connect_callback(data)
+ puts 'Connection established'.bg_green
+ end
- read = nil
- while !%w(1 0).include? read
- puts 'Read? [0/1]'
- read = gets.chomp!
- end
- write = nil
- while !%w(1 0).include? write
- puts 'Write? [0/1]'
- write = gets.chomp!
- end
- puts 'TTL [3600]:'
- ttl = gets.chomp!
- ttl = 3600 if ttl.blank?
- if sync_or_async == 'A' && block_or_parameter == 'P' #ASYNC AND CALLBACK AS PASSED AS PARAMETER
- p.grant(:callback => default_cb, :http_sync => false, :ssl => ssl, :channel => channel, :read => read, :write => write, :ttl => ttl, :auth_key => auth_key)
- elsif sync_or_async == 'A' && block_or_parameter == 'B' #ASYNC AND CALLBACK AS PASSED AS BLOCK
- p.grant(:http_sync => false, :ssl => ssl, :channel => channel, :read => read, :write => write, :ttl => ttl, :auth_key => auth_key, &default_cb)#{ |envelope| puts("\nchannel: #{envelope.channel}: \nmsg: #{envelope.message}") }
- elsif sync_or_async == 'S' && block_or_parameter == 'P' #SYNC AND CALLBACK AS PASSED AS PARAMETER
- p.grant(:callback => default_cb, :http_sync => true, :ssl => ssl, :channel => channel, :read => read, :write => write, :ttl => ttl, :auth_key => auth_key)
- elsif sync_or_async == 'S' && block_or_parameter == 'B' #SYNC AND CALLBACK AS PASSED AS BLOCK
- p.grant(:http_sync => true, :ssl => ssl, :channel => channel, :read => read, :write => write, :ttl => ttl, :auth_key => auth_key, &default_cb)#{ |envelope| puts("\nchannel: #{envelope.channel}: \nmsg: #{envelope.message}") }
- end
- when '10' # REVOKE
- puts 'Enter channel for channel level'
- channel = gets.chomp!
- channel = nil if channel.blank?
- puts 'Enter auth key'
- auth_key = gets.chomp!
- auth_key = nil if auth_key.blank?
- read = nil
- while !%w(1 0).include? read
- puts 'Revoke read? [0/1]'
- read = gets.chomp!
- end
- write = nil
- while !%w(1 0).include? write
- puts 'Revoke write? [0/1]'
- write = gets.chomp!
- end
- puts 'TTL [3600]:'
- ttl = gets.chomp!
- ttl = 3600 if ttl.blank?
- if sync_or_async == 'A' && block_or_parameter == 'P' #ASYNC AND CALLBACK AS PASSED AS PARAMETER
- p.revoke(:callback => default_cb, :http_sync => false, :ssl => ssl, :channel => channel, :read => read, :write => write, :ttl => ttl, :auth_key => auth_key)
- elsif sync_or_async == 'A' && block_or_parameter == 'B' #ASYNC AND CALLBACK AS PASSED AS BLOCK
- p.revoke(:http_sync => false, :ssl => ssl, :channel => channel, :read => read, :write => write, :ttl => ttl, :auth_key => auth_key, &default_cb)#{ |envelope| puts("\nchannel: #{envelope.channel}: \nmsg: #{envelope.message}") }
- elsif sync_or_async == 'S' && block_or_parameter == 'P' #SYNC AND CALLBACK AS PASSED AS PARAMETER
- p.revoke(:callback => default_cb, :http_sync => true, :ssl => ssl, :channel => channel, :read => read, :write => write, :ttl => ttl, :auth_key => auth_key)
- elsif sync_or_async == 'S' && block_or_parameter == 'B' #SYNC AND CALLBACK AS PASSED AS BLOCK
- p.revoke(:http_sync => true, :ssl => ssl, :channel => channel, :read => read, :write => write, :ttl => ttl, :auth_key => auth_key, &default_cb)#{ |envelope| puts("\nchannel: #{envelope.channel}: \nmsg: #{envelope.message}") }
- end
- end
+ def error_callback(error)
+ puts 'ERROR'.bg_red
+ ap error
+ end