in pseudo_cleaner-0.0.38 vs in pseudo_cleaner-0.0.39
- old
+ new
@@ -143,12 +143,104 @@
* suite_start test_strategy
* suite_end test_strategy
A Cleaner can adjust when it is called in relation to other cleaners by overriding the instance method `<=>`
+### Redis Cleaner
+The RedisCleaner is a base class for a Custom Cleaner you must create yourself. The RedisCleaner is designed to work
+by replacing your existing redis class with a tracking redis class. It will track your updates as you make calls and
+then clean them up when you are done.
+An example implementation where the default redis used by the system is `$redis`. (In other cases, you may want to
+use mocking to swap out the redis instance...)
+This in the file: db\cleaners\redis_cleaner.rb in the project...
+ class RedisCleaner < PseudoCleaner::RedisCleaner
+ attr_reader :test_ignore_regex
+ attr_reader :current_ignore_regex
+ [
+ /rc-analytics::exports:actions:partner_last_run_dates/,
+ /rack\|whitelist_cache\|hash_data/,
+ /SequelModelCache/,
+ /active_sessions/,
+ ]
+ def ignore_regexes
+ current_ignore_regex
+ end
+ def ignore_durring_test(additional_ignore_regexes, &block)
+ orig_test_ignore_regex = test_ignore_regex
+ begin
+ @test_ignore_regex = [*additional_ignore_regexes, *test_ignore_regex]
+ @current_ignore_regex = [*RedisCleaner::BASE_IGNORE, *test_ignore_regex]
+ block.yield
+ ensure
+ @test_ignore_regex = orig_test_ignore_regex
+ @current_ignore_regex = [*RedisCleaner::BASE_IGNORE, *test_ignore_regex]
+ end
+ end
+ def initialize(*args)
+ super(*args)
+ @current_ignore_regex = RedisCleaner::BASE_IGNORE
+ @test_ignore_regex = []
+ @redis = $redis
+ $redis = self
+ Redis.current = $redis
+ Ohm.redis = $redis
+ Redis::Objects.redis = $redis
+ end
+ end
+The main point here is that I set the value of @redis to the redis instance I want to use, and then "replace" that
+redis instance in the code with the RedisCleaner class.
+## Configurations
+As the system evolves, I keep adding new and different options. Here is a summary of what some of them do at least:
+* **output_diagnostics**
+ Output diagnostic information at various points in the process. This would include the level set starting point of
+ a table, what rows were deleted, etc.
+* **clean_database_before_tests**
+ Delete all data in all tables can call SortedSeeer to re-seed the database before any tests are run. This is
+ defaulted to false because this can be time-consuming and many automated testing systems already do this for you.
+* **reset_auto_increment**
+ Defaulted to true, this will set the auto-increment value for a table to the highest id + 1 when the system starts.
+* **post_transaction_analysis**
+ An early version of the peek-data function. This will output information about every table at the end of the test.
+ The data output will match the initial state data if `output_diagnostics` is true.
+* **peek_data_on_error**
+ Defaulted to true, this will output a dump of all of the new values in the database if an error occured in the test.
+* **peek_data_not_on_error**
+ If set to true, this will output a dump of all of the new values in the database at the end of every test. This
+ functionality can also be achieved by tagging your test with `:full_data_dump` (RSpec) or `@full_data_dump`
+ (Cucumber and Spinach).
+* **enable_full_data_dump_tag**
+ Defaulted to true, this allows the `full_data_dump` tag to work. If set to false, the tag will be ignored.
+* **disable_cornucopia_output**
+ If set to false, this will force all output to be done through the registered logger which defaults to simply
+ outputing data to stdout.
+## Cornucopia integration
+I have another gem that I use a lot called `cornucopia`. I like it because it gives me really useful reports on what
+happened in my tests.
+I have updated this gem to use Cornucopia to output most of the information to be output by the gem. You can disable
+this feature by setting `disable_cornucopia_output` to true.
## Contributing
1. Fork it
2. Create your feature branch (`git checkout -b my-new-feature`)
3. Commit your changes (`git commit -am 'Add some feature'`)
4. Push to the branch (`git push origin my-new-feature`)
-5. Create new Pull Request
+5. Create new Pull Request
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