exe/pry-try in pry-try-0.2.3 vs exe/pry-try in pry-try-0.3.0
- old
+ new
@@ -1,86 +1,99 @@
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
-if ARGV.empty? || %w(-h --help).include?(ARGV.first)
- puts(<<-EOH)
+VERSION_LIKE_RE = [Gem::Requirement::PATTERN, /v?\d+\.\d+/, /^\h+$/].freeze
- Try scripts:
+ 'rails' => %w(rails/all active_support/all),
+ 'activerecord' => %w(active_record),
+ 'activesupport' => %w(active_support/all),
- $ cat some-script.rb | pry-try
+def parse_gems(args)
+ args.each_with_object([]) do |arg, obj|
+ matches_arg = arg.method(:match).to_proc
+ if VERSION_LIKE_RE.detect(&matches_arg)
+ obj[-1] << arg
+ else
+ obj << [arg]
+ end
+ end.map do |gem|
+ if r = REQUIREMENTS[gem.first]
+ gem << {:require => r}
+ else
+ gem
+ end
+ end
- Try gems:
+def template_for_gems(gems)
+ require 'erb'
+ @gems = gems
+ ERB.new(<<-GEMFILE, 1, "-").result
+ require "bundler/inline"
+rescue LoadError => e
+ $stderr.puts "Bundler version 1.10 or later is required. Please update your Bundler"
+ raise e
- $ pry-try redis
- ... some bundling ...
- irb(main):001:0> Redis
- => Redis
+gemfile(true) do
+ source 'https://rubygems.org'
+ gem 'pry'
+<% @gems.each do |(gem, *opts)|
+ options = opts.last.is_a?(Hash) ? opts.pop : {}
+ version = opts.pop -%>
+ gem <%= gem.inspect %><% if version %>, <%= version.inspect %> <% end %><% if options[:require] %>, :require => <%= options[:require] %><% end %>
+<% end -%>
- Multiple gems:
+if ARGV.empty? || %w(-h --help).include?(ARGV.first)
+ puts(<<-EOH)
+ pry-try activesupport
+ cat script.rb | pry-try
- $ pry-try redis rake
+ -h Show this help
+ -v Show version
+ --inline Print script to STDOUT with inline gemfile as specified
- Specific version:
+ pry-try activesupport
- $ pry-try redis '3.1.0'
+ Start Pry-repl with activesupport required.
- ...or any requirement that would be understood by bundler:
+ pry-try activesupport '~> 4.2'
- $ pry-try redis '~> 3.1.0'
+ Start Pry-repl with activesupport version 4.x required.
- Combined with gems that don't need a specific version:
+ pry-try activesupport redis
- $ pry-try redis '~> 3.1.0' rake gem_with_version '1.0'
+ Start Pry-repl with both activesupport and redis required.
+ pry-try --inline activesupport '~> 4.2'
+ Print script with inline gemfile.
elsif %w(-v --version).include?(ARGV.first)
require 'pry-try'
puts PryTry::VERSION
+elsif %w(--inline).include?(ARGV.first)
+ ARGV.shift
+ puts template_for_gems(parse_gems(ARGV))
+ exit
-VERSION_LIKE_RE = [Gem::Requirement::PATTERN, /v?\d+\.\d+/, /^\h+$/].freeze
+@gems = parse_gems(ARGV)
-def parse_args(args)
- args.each_with_object([]) do |arg, obj|
- matches_arg = arg.method(:match).to_proc
- if VERSION_LIKE_RE.detect(&matches_arg)
- obj[-1] << arg
- else
- obj << [arg]
- end
- end
- 'rails' => %w(rails/all active_support/all),
- 'activerecord' => %w(active_record),
- 'activesupport' => %w(active_support/all),
-@gems = parse_args(ARGV).map do |gem|
- if r = REQUIREMENTS[gem.first]
- gem << {:require => r}
- else
- gem
- end
if @gems.any?
require 'tempfile'
- require 'yaml'
- @script = Tempfile.new('pry-try').tap do |f|
- File.write(f, <<CODEZ.gsub(/\n+ *(?=\S)/, ';'))
-require 'bundler/inline'
-require 'yaml'
-gemfile(true) do
- source 'https://rubygems.org'
- gem 'pry'
- YAML.load(#{YAML.dump(@gems).inspect}).each {|gargs| gem(*gargs) }
+ @script = Tempfile.new('pry-try').tap do |f|
+ File.write(f, template_for_gems(@gems).gsub(/\n+ *(?=\S)/, ';'))
+ exec %{unset BUNDLE_BIN;script=$(cat #{@script ? @script.path : ''} #{$stdin.tty? ? '' : '-'}; echo;echo '$stdin = $stdin.reopen "/dev/tty";'); printf "${script}" | pry}
- exec %{unset BUNDLE_BIN;script=$(cat #{@script ? @script.path : ''} #{$stdin.tty? ? '' : '-'}; echo;echo '$stdin = $stdin.reopen "/dev/tty";'); printf "${script}" | pry}