in pry-moves-0.1.5 vs in pry-moves-0.1.6
- old
+ new
@@ -1,16 +1,18 @@
# pry-moves
_An execution control add-on for [Pry][pry]._
* Install: `gem 'pry-moves'`
* For non-rails (without auto-require), add to your script: `require 'pry-moves'`
## Commands:
* `n` - **next** line in current frame, including block lines (moving to next line goes as naturally expected)
* `s` - **step** into function execution
- * `s func_name` - step into first method called by name `func_name`
+ * `s method_name` - step into method `method_name` (For example from ``). Partial name match supported.
* `f` - **finish** execution of current frame (block or method) and stop at next line on higher level
* `c` - **continue**
* `bt` - show latest 5 lines from backtrace
* `bt 10` - latest 10 lines
* `bt all` - full backtrace