in prun-ops-0.2.8 vs in prun-ops-0.2.9
- old
+ new
@@ -52,10 +52,16 @@
server "", user: 'root', roles: %w{web app db}, port: 2222
Note: Remember change this line in production.rb file: `config.assets.compile = true`
+If you are accessing your server through a bastion you can define it:
+bastion '', user: 'user'
### Configuration
Main task is `cap [stg] config`
Secondary tasks:
@@ -241,5 +247,9 @@
* Add `cap stage rake[db:create]` to execute a rake task in remote server.
### v0.2.0
* Configuration tasks: Add `cap stage config` and other tasks.
+### v0.2.8
+* Bastion command