in proptax-0.0.1 vs in proptax-0.0.2
- old
+ new
@@ -18,22 +18,22 @@
2. `tesseract`
3. `enscript`
4. `pandoc`
5. `R`
-The following commands will install all third party dependencies:
+The following commands will install all third party dependencies on Ubuntu 16.04:
sudo apt-key adv --keyserver --recv-keys E298A3A825C0D65DFD57CBB651716619E084DAB9
sudo add-apt-repository 'deb [arch=amd64,i386] xenial/'
sudo apt update
sudo apt install -y ghostscript tesseract-ocr enscript pandoc r-base r-base-dev r-cran-scales libmagick++-dev mesa-common-dev libglu1-mesa-dev texlive-fonts-recommended texlive-latex-recommended
### R
-`R` does the bulk of the data processing. It has some dependencies that are not available from Ubuntu 16.04 (Xenial) PPAs. They need to be installed into the `R` environment directly.
+`R` does the bulk of the data processing. It has some dependencies that are not available from Ubuntu PPAs. They need to be installed into the `R` environment directly.
Execute the following to open the `R` command prompt:
@@ -52,11 +52,11 @@
## Install proptax
`proptax` is a `ruby` program. As such, you need to [install ruby](
-You install the latest release of `proptax` like this:
+Assuming `ruby`, et al, are installed, you install the latest release of `proptax` like this:
gem install proptax
@@ -64,10 +64,44 @@
`proptax` reports-on and visualizes the data contained in residential property reports provided by the City of Calgary. Your property report and those of your neighbours can be obtained at [](
Last year I made a whole series of super-boring [YouTube tutorials]( on how to collect and process your property data. The collection process has changed slightly, but [the first video]( should point you in the right direction. You only get 50 reports per year for some reason, so use 'em all up (and send them to me)!
-TODO: More usage instructions to come...
+## Analyze your immediate neighbours
+I collect reports for all the houses on my street - from one corner to the next - and save them into their own folder. I live on a very long street, so I collect 18 reports. You can do the same, or you can pick the houses against which you want to draw comparisons (see _cherry picking_ below). This is handy for when the City provides their own sales comparison reports as evidence before the ARB.
+Suppose all my reports are saved in `~/prop-reports-2018`. From the command line, I execute the following:
+proptax auto ~/prop-reports-2018
+This is as basic as you can get. You'll see the software's progress on the screen. Once completed, execute:
+ls -l ~/prop-reports-2018/reports/*.pdf
+You'll see the same property analysis for every house on your street. Find the one labelled with your address and see how you stack up against your neighbours. There are several related files in the newly-generated `reports/` directory. The PDFs are the ones I submit as evidence in my property tax appeals. I also submit `consolidated.csv`. It's from this CSV data that the reports are generated.
+## Cherry-picked analysis
+Supposing you submit your PDF as evidence in your hearing before the ARB, the City will likely submit the houses against which they assessed your own house. These houses will probably be in your neighbourhood, but won't be all on your street. This requires a special `--template` command line option.
+Again, having saved your property reports in their own folder (e.g., `~/prop-reports-2018-cp`), execute:
+proptax auto ~/prop-reports-2018-cp --template cherry-picked
+The analysis is identical, only the language contained in the reports changes. Developers, create any report template you like and submit a pull request!
+As with the example above, your report and the reports for all the houses analyzed can be found here:
+ls -l ~/prop-reports-2018-cp/reports/*.pdf
# Development
Install third-party software as with _Setup > Dependencies_, above.