test/services/publisher_test.rb in propono-1.7.0 vs test/services/publisher_test.rb in propono-2.0.0.rc1
- old
+ new
@@ -2,239 +2,142 @@
module Propono
class PublisherTest < Minitest::Test
def test_initialization
- publisher = Publisher.new('topic', 'message')
+ publisher = Publisher.new(aws_client, propono_config, 'topic', 'message')
refute publisher.nil?
def test_self_publish_calls_new
topic = "topic123"
message = "message123"
- Publisher.expects(:new).with(topic, message, {}).returns(mock(publish: nil))
- Publisher.publish(topic, message)
+ Publisher.expects(:new).with(aws_client, topic, message).returns(mock(publish: nil))
+ Publisher.publish(aws_client, topic, message)
def test_initializer_generates_an_id
- publisher = Publisher.new('x','y')
+ publisher = Publisher.new(aws_client, propono_config, 'x','y')
assert publisher.instance_variable_get(:@id)
def test_initializer_concats_an_id
id = "q1w2e3"
- publisher = Publisher.new('x','y', id: id)
- assert publisher.id =~ Regexp.new("^#{id}-[a-z0-9]{6}$")
+ hex = "313abd"
+ SecureRandom.expects(:hex).with(3).returns(hex)
+ publisher = Publisher.new(aws_client, propono_config, 'x','y', id: id)
+ assert_equal "#{id}-#{hex}", publisher.id
def test_self_publish_calls_publish
- Publisher.publish("topic", "message")
+ Publisher.publish(aws_client, propono_config, "topic", "message")
- def test_protocol_should_be_sns_by_default
- publisher = Publisher.new('topic', 'message')
- assert_equal :sns, publisher.protocol
- end
def test_publish_logs
- publisher = Publisher.new("foo", "bar")
+ publisher = Publisher.new(aws_client, propono_config, "foo", "bar")
publisher.instance_variable_set(:@id, 'abc')
- publisher.stubs(:publish_via_sns)
- Propono.config.logger.expects(:info).with {|x| x =~ /^Propono \[abc\]: Publishing bar to foo via sns.*/}
- publisher.send(:publish)
- end
- def test_publish_proxies_to_sns
- publisher = Publisher.new('topic', 'message')
- publisher.expects(:publish_via_sns)
+ publisher.stubs(:publish_syncronously)
+ propono_config.logger.expects(:info).with {|x| x =~ /^Propono \[abc\]: Publishing bar to foo.*/}
- def test_publish_proxies_to_udp
- publisher = Publisher.new('topic', 'message', protocol: :udp)
- publisher.expects(:publish_via_udp)
- publisher.publish
- end
- def test_publish_via_sns_should_call_sns_on_correct_topic_and_message
- topic = "topic123"
+ def test_publish_should_call_sns_on_correct_topic_and_message
+ topic_name = "topic123"
id = "f123"
message = "message123"
+ topic = mock
topic_arn = "arn123"
- topic = Topic.new(topic_arn)
+ topic.stubs(arn: topic_arn)
- TopicCreator.stubs(find_or_create: topic)
+ aws_client.expects(:create_topic).with(topic_name).returns(topic)
+ aws_client.expects(:publish_to_sns).with(
+ topic,
+ {id: id, message: message}
+ )
- sns = mock()
- sns.expects(:publish).with(topic_arn, {id: id, message: message}.to_json)
- publisher = Publisher.new(topic, message)
- publisher.stubs(id: id, sns: sns)
- thread = publisher.send(:publish_via_sns)
- thread.join
+ publisher = Publisher.new(aws_client, propono_config, topic_name, message)
+ publisher.stubs(id: id)
+ publisher.publish
- def test_publish_via_sns_should_accept_a_hash_for_message
- topic = "topic123"
+ def test_publish_should_accept_a_hash_for_message
+ topic_name = "topic123"
id = "foobar123"
message = {something: ['some', 123, true]}
body = {id: id, message: message}
+ topic = mock
topic_arn = "arn123"
- topic = Topic.new(topic_arn)
- TopicCreator.stubs(find_or_create: topic)
+ topic.stubs(topic_arn: topic_arn)
- sns = mock()
- sns.expects(:publish).with(topic_arn, body.to_json)
- publisher = Publisher.new(topic, message)
- publisher.stubs(id: id, sns: sns)
- thread = publisher.send(:publish_via_sns)
- thread.join
+ topic = mock
+ topic_arn = "arn123"
+ topic.stubs(arn: topic_arn)
+ aws_client.expects(:create_topic).with(topic_name).returns(topic)
+ aws_client.expects(:publish_to_sns).with(topic, body)
+ publisher = Publisher.new(aws_client, propono_config, topic_name, message)
+ publisher.stubs(id: id)
+ publisher.publish
- def test_publish_via_sns_should_return_future_of_the_sns_response
+ def test_publish_async_should_return_future_of_the_sns_response
+ skip "Rebuild this maybe"
topic = "topic123"
id = "foobar123"
message = "message123"
body = {id: id, message: message}
topic_arn = "arn123"
topic = Topic.new(topic_arn)
- TopicCreator.stubs(find_or_create: topic)
sns = mock()
sns.expects(:publish).with(topic_arn, body.to_json).returns(:response)
- publisher = Publisher.new(topic, message)
+ publisher = Publisher.new(aws_client, propono_config, topic, message, async: true)
publisher.stubs(id: id, sns: sns)
- assert_same :response, publisher.send(:publish_via_sns).value
+ assert_same :response, publisher.send(:publish_syncronously).value
- def test_publish_via_sns_should_propogate_exception_on_topic_creation_error
- TopicCreator.stubs(:find_or_create).raises(TopicCreatorError)
+ def test_publish_should_propogate_exception_on_topic_creation_error
+ aws_client.expects(:create_topic).raises(RuntimeError)
+ publisher = Publisher.new(aws_client, propono_config, "topic", "message")
- assert_raises(TopicCreatorError) do
- publisher = Publisher.new("topic", "message")
- thread = publisher.send(:publish_via_sns)
- thread.join
+ assert_raises(RuntimeError) do
+ publisher.publish
- def test_publish_via_sns_creates_a_topic
- topic_id = "Malcs_topic_id"
- topic_arn = "Malcs_topic_arn"
- topic = Topic.new(topic_arn)
- TopicCreator.expects(:find_or_create).with(topic_id).returns(topic)
- sns = mock()
- sns.stubs(:publish)
- publisher = Publisher.new(topic_id, "Foobar")
- publisher.stubs(sns: sns)
- thread = publisher.send(:publish_via_sns)
- thread.join
- end
- def test_udp_uses_correct_message_host_and_port
- host = "http://meducation.net"
- port = 1234
- Propono.config.udp_host = host
- Propono.config.udp_port = port
- topic_id = "my-fav-topic"
- id = "foobar123"
- message = "cat dog mouse"
- payload = {id: id, message: message, topic: topic_id}.to_json
- UDPSocket.any_instance.expects(:send).with(payload, 0, host, port)
- publisher = Publisher.new(topic_id, message)
- publisher.stubs(id: id)
- publisher.send(:publish_via_udp)
- end
- def test_exception_from_udpsocket_caught_and_logged
- host = "http://meducation.net"
- port = 1234
- Propono.config.udp_host = host
- Propono.config.udp_port = port
- publisher = Publisher.new("topic_id", "message")
- publisher.stubs(id: '123asd')
- Propono.config.logger.expects(:error).with() {|x| x =~ /^Propono \[123asd\]: Failed to send : getaddrinfo:.*/}
- publisher.send(:publish_via_udp)
- end
def test_publish_should_raise_exception_if_topic_is_nil
assert_raises(PublisherError, "Topic is nil") do
- Publisher.publish(nil, "foobar")
+ Publisher.publish(aws_client, propono_config, nil, "foobar")
- def test_tcp_uses_correct_message
- Propono.config.tcp_host = "http://meducation.net"
- Propono.config.tcp_port = 1234
- topic_id = "my-fav-topic"
- id = "qweqw2312"
- message = "foobar"
- payload = {id: id, message: message, topic: topic_id}.to_json
- socket = mock()
- socket.expects(:write).with(payload)
- socket.expects(:close)
- TCPSocket.stubs(new: socket)
- publisher = Publisher.new(topic_id, message)
- publisher.stubs(id: id)
- publisher.send(:publish_via_tcp)
- end
- def test_tcp_uses_correct_message_host_and_port
- host = "http://meducation.net"
- port = 1234
- Propono.config.tcp_host = host
- Propono.config.tcp_port = port
- topic_id = "my-fav-topic"
- message = "foobar"
- TCPSocket.expects(:new).with(host, port)
- publisher = Publisher.new(topic_id, message)
- publisher.send(:publish_via_tcp)
- end
- def test_exception_from_tcpsocket_caught_and_logged
- host = "http://meducation.net"
- port = 1234
- Propono.config.tcp_host = host
- Propono.config.tcp_port = port
- publisher = Publisher.new("topic_id", "message")
- publisher.stubs(id: '123asd')
- Propono.config.logger.expects(:error).with() {|x| x =~ /^Propono \[123asd\]: Failed to send : getaddrinfo:.*/}
- publisher.send(:publish_via_tcp)
- end
def test_publish_should_raise_exception_if_topic_is_nil
assert_raises(PublisherError, "Topic is nil") do
- Publisher.publish(nil, "foobar")
+ Publisher.publish(aws_client, propono_config, nil, "foobar")
def test_publish_should_raise_exception_if_message_is_nil
assert_raises(PublisherError, "Message is nil") do
- Publisher.publish("foobar", nil)
+ Publisher.publish(aws_client, propono_config, "foobar", nil)
def test_publish_can_be_called_syncronously
- publisher = Publisher.new("topic_id", "message", async: false)
- publisher.expects(:publish_via_sns_syncronously).once
- publisher.expects(:publish_via_sns_asyncronously).never
- publisher.send(:publish_via_sns)
+ publisher = Publisher.new(aws_client, propono_config, "topic_name", "message", async: true)
+ publisher.expects(:publish_syncronously).never
+ publisher.expects(:publish_asyncronously).once
+ publisher.publish
- def test_publish_is_normally_called_asyncronously
- publisher = Publisher.new("topic_id", "message")
- publisher.expects(:publish_via_sns_asyncronously)
- publisher.send(:publish_via_sns)
+ def test_publish_is_normally_called_syncronously
+ publisher = Publisher.new(aws_client, propono_config, "topic_name", "message")
+ publisher.expects(:publish_syncronously)
+ publisher.publish