in prompt_manager-0.1.1 vs in prompt_manager-0.2.0
- old
+ new
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# PromptManager
Manage the parameterized prompts (text) used in generative AI (aka chatGPT, OpenAI, using storage adapters such as FileSystemAdapter, SqliteAdapter and ActiveRecordAdapter.
+**Breaking Change** in version 0.2.0 for `FileSystemAdapter` configuration. See [Configuration](#configuration) to see how the new `config` block works.
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+## Table of Contents
+ - [Installation](#installation)
+ - [Usage](#usage)
+ - [Overview](#overview)
+ - [Generative AI (gen-AI)](#generative-ai-gen-ai)
+ - [What does a keyword look like?](#what-does-a-keyword-look-like)
+ - [Storage Adapters](#storage-adapters)
+ - [FileSystemAdapter](#filesystemadapter)
+ - [Configuration](#configuration)
+ - [prompts_dir](#prompts_dir)
+ - [search_proc](#search_proc)
+ - [File Extensions](#file-extensions)
+ - [Extra Functionality](#extra-functionality)
+ - [SqliteAdapter](#sqliteadapter)
+ - [ActiveRecordAdapter](#activerecordadapter)
+ - [Other Potential Storage Adapters](#other-potential-storage-adapters)
+ - [Development](#development)
+ - [Contributing](#contributing)
+ - [License](#license)
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## Installation
Install the gem and add to the application's Gemfile by executing:
bundle add prompt_manager
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### Storage Adapters
A storage adapter is a class instance that ties the `PromptManager::Prompt` class to a storage facility that holds the actual prompts. Currently there are 3 storage adapters planned for implementation.
+The `PromptManager::Prompt` to support a small set of methods. A storage adapter can provide "extra" class or instance methods that can be used through the Prompt class. See the `test/prompt_manager/prompt_test.rb` for guidance on creating a new storage adapter.
#### FileSystemAdapter
This is the first storage adapter developed. It saves prompts as text files within the file system inside a designated `prompts_dir` (directory) such as `~/.prompts` or where it makes the most sense to you. Another example would be to have your directory on a shared file system so that others can use the same prompts.
The `prompt ID` is the basename of the text file. For example `todo.txt` is the file for the prompt ID `todo` (see the examples directory.)
The parameters for the `todo` prompt ID are saved in the same directory as `todo.txt` in a JSON file named `todo.json` (also in the examples directory.)
+##### Configuration
+Use a `config` block toe establish the configuration for the class.
+PromptManager::Storage::FileSystemAdapter.config do |o|
+ o.prompts_dir = "path/to/prompts_directory"
+ o.search_proc = -> (q) { "ag -l #{q} #{prompts_dir} | reformat" }
+ o.prompt_extension = '.txt' # default
+ o.params_extension = '.json' # the default
+The `config` block returns `self` so that means you can do this to setup the storage adapter with the Prompt class:
+ .storage_adapter =
+ PromptManager::Storage::FileSystemAdapter
+ .config do |config|
+ config.prompts_dir = 'path/to/prompts_dir'
+###### prompts_dir
+This is either a `String` or a `Pathname` object. All file paths are maintained in the class as `Pathname` objects. If you provide a `String` it will be converted. Relative paths will be converted to absolute paths.
+An `ArgumentError` will be raised when `prompts_dir` does not exist or if it is not a directory.
+###### search_proc
+The default for `search_proc` is nil. In this case the search will be preformed by a default `search` method which is basically reading all the prompt files to see which ones contain the search term. There are faster ways to do this kind of thing using CLI=based utilities.
+TODO: add a example to the examples directory on how to integrate with command line utilities.
+###### File Extensions
+These two configuration options are `String` objects that must start with a period "." utherwise an `ArgumentError` will be raised.
+* prompt_extension - default: '.txt'
+* params_extension - default: '.json'
+Currently the `FileSystemAdapter` only supports a JSON serializer for its parameters Hash. Using any other values for these extensions will cause problems.
+They exist so that there is a platform on to which other storage adapters can be built or serializers added. This is not currently on the roadmap.
+##### Extra Functionality
+The `FileSystemAdapter` adds two new methods for use by the `Prompt` class:
+* list - returns an Array of prompt IDs
+* path and path(prompt_id) - returns a `Pathname` object to the prompt file
+Use the `path(prompt_id)` form against the `Prompt` class
+Use `prompt.path` when you have an instance of a `Prompt`
#### SqliteAdapter
TODO: This may be the next adapter to be implemented.