in prometheus-splash-0.0.3 vs in prometheus-splash-0.1.0
- old
+ new
@@ -1,28 +1,662 @@
# Splash
-SPLASH is *Supervision with Prometheus of Logs and Asynchronous tasks for Services or Hosts*
+![Splash logo](assets/images/logo_splash_reduce.png) _Orchestration and Supervision made easy_
+SPLASH is **Supervision with Prometheus of Logs and Asynchronous tasks orchestration for Services or Hosts**
Prometheus Logs and Batchs supervision over PushGateway
-## Installation
-Add this line to your application's Gemfile:
+## Preconfiguration
- gem 'splash'
+You need a Prometheus PushGateway operational, if the service not run on localhost:9091,
+See Prometheus server Configuration chapter to precise it in the configuration
-And then execute:
+You need Ruby on the server you want to run Splash
+Splash is succesfully tested with Ruby 2.7.0, but it should works correctly with all Ruby 2.X versions.
- $ bundle
+On Ubuntu :
-Or install it yourself as:
+ # apt install ruby
+In some use case, Splash also require some other components :
+- Redis
+- RabbitMQ
+It's not strictly required, Redis is a real option for backend; you could configure backend to flat file, but
+RabbitMQ is required by the Splash Daemon when using host2host sequence execution.
+Redis, is usefull when you need a centralized Splash management.
+On Ubuntu :
+ # apt install redis-server rabbimq-server
+See Backends Configuration and Transports Configuration to specify this services configurations
+## Installation
+Install with gem command :
$ gem install splash
+## Configuration
+As root or with rvmsudo, if you use RVM.
+ # splash config setup
+ Splash -> setup :
+ * Installing Configuration file : /etc/splash.yml : [OK]
+ * Installing template file : /etc/splash_execution_report.tpl : [OK]
+ * Creating/Checking pid file path : /var/lib/splash : [OK]
+ * Creating/Checking trace file path : /var/lib/splash : [OK]
+ Splash config successfully done.
+*WARNING : if you have already configured Splash, running this command without --preserve flag, RESET the Splash Configuration.*
+As root, edit /etc/splash.conf and adapt Prometheus Pushgateway Configuration :
+ # vi /etc/splash.yml
+ [..]
+ :prometheus:
+ :pushgateway:
+ :host: <SERVER>
+ :port: <PORT>
+ [..]
+With :
+- SERVER : IP or fqdn of the Gateway.
+- PORT : the specific TCP port of the Gateway.
+### Sanitycheck
+As root or with rvmsudo, if you use RVM.
+ # splash conf san
+ Splash -> sanitycheck :
+ * Config file : /etc/splash.yml : [OK]
+ * PID Path : /tmp : [OK]
+ * trace Path : /tmp/splash : [OK]
+ * Prometheus PushGateway Service running : [OK]
+ Sanitycheck finished with no errors
+*WARNING* : setup or Sanitycheck could precises errors if path defined in configuration is *Symbolic links*, type :mode.
+But it's not a problem for Splash to be operational.
+For file/folders if problems is detected, it could be such as :
+- :mode : UNIX rights errors
+- :owner : UNIX file owner errors
+- :group : UNIX file group errors
+- :inexistant : file/folder is missing
+### getting current VERSION
+run :
+ $ splash config version
+ Splash version : 0.0.3, Author : Romain GEORGES <>
+ Ultragreen (c) 2020 BSD-2-Clause
## Usage
-TODO: Write usage instructions here
+### Logs monitoring
+#### Edit your configuration
+In the /etc/splash.yml, you need to adapt default config to monitor your logs.
+ # vi /etc/splash.yml
+ [..]
+ ### configuration of monitored logs
+ :logs:
+ - :log: /a/log/path.log
+ :pattern: <regexp pattern>
+ - :log: /an/other/log/path.log
+ :pattern: <regexp pattern
+ - <etc...>
+ [..]
+Config for log is a YAML list of Hash, with keys :
+- :log : a log absolut paths
+- :pattern : a regular expression splash need to detect
+#### Prerequisite
+To ensure you have the default configuration values run as root :
+ # splash conf set
+*INFO* : comamnds must be reduce with the Thor completion facilities
+To see all monitoring commands with Splash, run :
+ # splash logs
+ # slash logs help
+ Commands:
+ splash logs analyse # analyze logs in config
+ splash logs help [COMMAND] # Describe subcommands or one specific subcommand
+ splash logs list # Show configured logs monitoring
+ splash logs monitor # monitor logs in config
+ splash logs show LOG # show configured log monitoring for LOG
+*Typicallly, the way work with all Splash commands or subcommands*
+#### Run a first test
+Verify /tmp/test and /tmp/test2 not existence
+ # rm /tmp/test /tmp/test2
+Verify configured logs :
+ # splash logs list
+ Splash configured log monitoring :
+ * log monitor : /tmp/test
+ * log monitor : /tmp/test2
+You could run list commands with --detail option , verify it with :
+ # splash command subcommand help
+like :
+ # splash logs list --detail
+ Splash configured log monitoring :
+ * log monitor : /tmp/test
+ -> pattern : /ERROR/
+ * log monitor : /tmp/test2
+ -> pattern : /ERROR/
+You cloud view a specific logs record detail with
+ # splash logs show /tmp/test2
+ Splash log monitor : /tmp/test2
+ -> pattern : /ERROR/
+Run a first analyse, you would see :
+ # splash logs analyse
+ SPlash Configured logs status :
+ * Log : /tmp/test : [KO]
+ - Detected pattern : ERROR
+ - detailled Status : missing
+ * Log : /tmp/test2 : [KO]
+ - Detected pattern : ERROR
+ - detailled Status : missing
+ Global Status : [KO]
+Create empty Files, or without ERROR string in.
+ # echo 'foo' > /tmp/test
+ # touch /tmp/test2
+Re-run analyse :
+ # splash log an
+ SPlash Configured logs status :
+ * Log : /tmp/test : [OK]
+ - Detected pattern : ERROR
+ - detailled Status : clean
+ nb lines = 1
+ * Log : /tmp/test2 : [OK]
+ - Detected pattern : ERROR
+ - detailled Status : clean
+ nb lines = 0
+ Global Status : [OK]
+It's alright, log monitoring work fine.
+#### Send metrics to Prometheus gateway
+Splash is made to run a specific daemon to do this job, but you could do one time, with :
+ # splash logs monitor
+ Sending metrics to Prometheus Pushgateway
+ * Sending metrics for /tmp/test
+ * Sending metrics for /tmp/test2
+ Sending done.
+if Prometheus Gateway is not running or misconfigured, you could see :
+ Prometheus PushGateway Service IS NOT running
+ Exit without notification.
+Otherwise Prometheus PushGateway have received the metrics :
+- *logerrors*, Prometheus Gauge : with label: <the logname> and job: 'Splash'
+ => description : SPLASH metric log error'
+ => content :<nb match> the number of pattern matching for the log
+- *logmissing*, Prometheus Gauge : with label: <the logname> and job: 'Splash'
+ => description : SPLASH metric log missing'
+ => content :0 if log exist, 1 if log missing
+- *loglines*, Prometheus Gauge : with label: <the logname> and job: 'Splash'
+ => description : SPLASH metric log line numbers'
+ => content :0 if log missing, <nb lines in the log> the number of lines in the logs
+#### See it in Prometheus PushGateway
+visit http://<prometheus_pushgateway_host>:<prometheus_pushgateway_port>/
+![prom PG logs](assets/images/prom_pg_logs.png)
+![prom PG details logs](assets/images/detail_prom_splash.png)
+### Commands Orchestration, running and monitoring
+#### List of commands
+To see all the commands in the 'commands' submenu :
+ $ splash commands help
+ $ splash commands
+ Commands:
+ splash commands help [COMMAND] # Describe subcommands or one specific subcommand
+ splash commands lastrun COMMAND # Show last running result for specific configured command COMMAND
+ splash commands list # Show configured commands
+ splash commands run NAME # run for command/sequence or ack result
+ splash commands show COMMAND # Show specific configured command COMMAND
+ splash commands treeview # Show commands sequence tree
+#### Prepare test with default configuration
+Commands or Commands Sequences must be defined in the main configuration file '/etc/splash.yml'
+*Exemple* in default configuration :
+ ### configuration of commands and scheduling
+ :commands:
+ :id_root:
+ :desc: run id command on root
+ :command: id root
+ :true_test:
+ :desc: "test command returning true : 0"
+ :command: "true"
+ :schedule:
+ :every: "1h"
+ :on_failure: :ls_slash_tmp
+ :on_success: :pwd
+ :false_test:
+ :desc: "test command returning false > 0"
+ :command: "false"
+ :schedule:
+ :every: "1h"
+ :on_failure: :ls_slash_tmp
+ :on_success: :pwd
+ :ls_slash_tmp:
+ :desc: list file in /tmp
+ :command: ls -al /tmp
+ :user: daemon
+ :on_success: :echo1
+ :pwd:
+ :desc: run pwd
+ :command: pwd
+ :on_success: :echo1
+ :on_failure: :echo2
+ :echo1:
+ :desc: echo 'foo'
+ :command: echo foo
+ :on_failure: :echo3
+ :echo2:
+ :desc: echo 'bar'
+ :command: echo bar
+ :echo3:
+ :desc: echo 'been'
+ :command: echo been
+A configuration block for commands must include :
+* *key* : a name as Symbol (:xxxxxx)
+* *values* : (hash)
+ * :desc : a brief Description
+ * :command : the full command line
+may include :
+* :user: the userneme to use to run the command
+* :on_failure: the name of an other defined command, to, execute if exit_code > 0
+* :on_success: the name of an other defined command, to, execute if exit_code = 0
+* :schedule: (hash) a scheduling for daemon, after in this documentation, it support :
+ * :every: "<timing>" ex: "1s", "3m", "2h"
+ * :at: "<date/time>" ex: "2030/12/12 23:30:00"
+ * :cron: * * * * * a cron format
+[Rufus Scheduler Doc](
+if you want to inject default configuration, again as root :
+ # splash conf set
+#### listing the defined Commands
+You could list the defined commands, in your case :
+ $ splash commands list
+ Splash configured commands :
+ * id_root
+ * true_test
+ * false_test
+ * ls_slash_tmp
+ * pwd
+ * echo1
+ * echo2
+ * echo3
+#### Show specific commands
+You could show a specific command :
+ $ splash com show pwd
+ Splash command : pwd
+ - command line : 'pwd'
+ - command description : 'run pwd'
+ - command failure callback : 'echo2'
+ - command success callback : 'echo1'
+#### View Sequence execution for commands
+You could trace execution sequence for a commands as a tree, with :
+ # splash com treeview
+ Command : true_test
+ * on failure => ls_slash_tmp
+ * on success => echo1
+ * on failure => echo3
+ * on success => pwd
+ * on failure => echo2
+ * on success => echo1
+ * on failure => echo3
+In your sample, in all case :
+- :true_test return 0
+- :pwd return 0
+- :echo1 return 0
+commands execution sequence will be :
+:true_test => :pwd => :echo1
+:ls_slash_tmp, :echo2 and :echo3 will be never executed.
+#### Executing a standalone command :
+Running a standalone command with ONLY as root
+ # splash com execute echo1
+ Executing command : 'echo1'
+ * Tracefull execution
+ => exitcode 0
+ * Prometheus Gateway notified.
+This command :
+1. Execute command line defined in command 'echo1' defined in configurations
+2. Trace information in a execution report :
+ - :start_date the complete date time of execution start.
+ - :end_date the complete date time of execution end.
+ - :cmd_name the name of the command
+ - :cmd_line the complete command line executed
+ - :stdout STDOUT of the command
+ - :stderr STDERR of the command
+ - :desc the description of the command
+ - :status : PID and exit_code of the command
+ - :exec_time : the timing of the command
+3. Notify Prometheus
+There is some usefull modifiers for this command :
+ --no-trace : prevent Splash to write report for this execution in configured backend
+ --no-notify : prevent Splash to nofify Prometheus PushGateway metric (see later in this documentation)
+ --no-callback : never execute callback (see it after)
+#### Executing a sequence of callback Commands
+Splash allow execution of callback (:on_failure, :on_success), you have already see it in config sample.
+In our example, we have see :true_test have a execution sequence, we're going to test this, as root :
+ # splash com exe true_test
+ Executing command : 'true_test'
+ * Tracefull execution
+ => exitcode 0
+ * Prometheus Gateway notified.
+ * On success callback : pwd
+ Executing command : 'pwd'
+ * Tracefull execution
+ => exitcode 0
+ * Prometheus Gateway notified.
+ * On success callback : echo1
+ Executing command : 'echo1'
+ * Tracefull execution
+ => exitcode 0
+ * Prometheus Gateway notified.
+We could verify the sequence determined with lastrun command.
+If you want to prevent callback execution, as root :
+ # splash com exe true_test --no-callback
+ Executing command : 'true_test'
+ * Tracefull execution
+ => exitcode 0
+ * Prometheus Gateway notified.
+ * Without callbacks sequences
+#### Display the last execution trace for a command
+If you want to view the last execution trace for commande, (run with --trace : default)
+ # splash com lastrun
+ Splash command pwd previous execution report:
+ Command Execution report
+ ========================
+ Date START: 2020-04-07T18:25:22+02:00
+ Date END: 2020-04-07T18:25:22+02:00
+ Command : pwd
+ full command line : pwd
+ Description : run pwd
+ errorcode : pid 86782 exit 0
+ Execution time (sec) : 0.006568
+ -------
+ /Users/ruydiaz/labo/prometheus-splash
+ -------
+### Advanced Configuration
+#### Backend configuration
+For the moment Splash come with two types of backend :
+- :file if you would a standalone splash Usage
+- :redis if you want a distributed Splash usage
+backend are usable for :
+- execution trace
+##### File backend
+The file backend is very simple to use :
+Edit /etc/splash.yml, as root :
+ # vi /etc/splash.yml
+ [...]
+ :backends:
+ :stores:
+ :execution_trace:
+ :type: :file
+ :path: /var/run/splash
+ [...]
+- :type must be :file
+- :path should be set to the dedicated executions traces files path (default : /var/run/splash )
+##### Redis backend
+A little bit more complicated for Redis :
+Edit /etc/splash.yml, as root :
+ # vi /etc/splash.yml
+ [...]
+ :backends:
+ :stores:
+ :execution_trace:
+ :type: :redis
+ :host: localhost
+ :port: 6379
+ #:auth: "mykey"
+ :base: 1
+ [...]
+- :type must be :redis
+- :host must be set as the Redis server hostname (default: localhost)
+- :port must be set as the Redis server port (default: 6379)
+- :base must be set as the Redis base number (default: 1)
+- :auth should be set if Redis need an simple authentification key <mykey>
+##### Prometheus PushGateway configuration
+Prometheus PushGateway could be configured in /etc/splash.yaml
+ # vi /etc/splash.yml
+ [...]
+ :prometheus:
+ :pushgateway:
+ :host: "localhost"
+ :port: 9091
+ [...]
+- :host should be set as the Prometheus PushGateway hostname (default: localhost)
+- :port should be set as the Prometheus PushGateway port (default: 9091)
+### The Splash daemon
+#### Introduction
+We're going to discover the Big part of Splash the Daemon, usefull to :
+- orchestration
+- scheduling
+- Log monitoring (without CRON scheduling)
+- host2host sequences execution (optionnal )
+#### Controlling the daemon
+#### Configuring the daemon
+### Ecosystem
+#### Execution report Template adaptions
+#### Ubuntu Ansible playbook
+#### Systemd integration fo daemon
+#### CRON usage with or without rvmsudo
+#### Default values for configuration
+ defined in the lib/splash/constants.rb
+# the only one non-overridable by the configuration
+CONFIG_FILE = "/etc/splash.yml"
+DAEMON_LOGMON_SCHEDULING={ :every => '20s'}
+DAEMON_PROCESS_NAME="Splash : daemon."
+EMAIL = ""
+COPYRIGHT="Ultragreen (c) 2020"
+EXECUTION_TEMPLATE_TOKENS_LIST = [:end_date,:start_date,:cmd_name,:cmd_line,:stdout,:stderr,:desc,:status,:exec_time]
+BACKENDS_STRUCT = { :list => [:file,:redis],
+ :stores => { :execution_trace => { :type => :file, :path => "/var/run/splash" }}}
+TRANSPORTS_STRUCT = { :list => [:rabbitmq],
+ :active => :rabbitmq,
+ :rabbitmq => { :url => 'amqp://localhost/'} }
+#### Splash CLI return code significations
+### In the Futur ?
+- IHM
+- Webservice
## Contributing
1. Fork it
2. Create your feature branch (`git checkout -b my-new-feature`)