lib/prometheus/api_client/cadvisor.rb in prometheus-api-client-0.3.2 vs lib/prometheus/api_client/cadvisor.rb in prometheus-api-client-0.3.3
- old
+ new
@@ -6,81 +6,64 @@
# Client is a ruby implementation for a Prometheus compatible api_client.
module ApiClient
# Client contains the implementation for a Prometheus compatible api_client,
# With special labels for the cadvisor job.
module Cadvisor
- # Create a Prometheus API client:
- #
- # @param [Hash] options
- # @option options [String] :url Server base URL.
- # @option options [Hash] :params URI query unencoded key/value pairs.
- # @option options [Hash] :headers Unencoded HTTP header key/value pairs.
- # @option options [Hash] :request Request options.
- # @option options [Hash] :ssl SSL options.
- # @option options [Hash] :proxy Proxy options.
- #
- # A default client is created if options is omitted.
- class Node < Client
+ # A client with special labels for cadvisor metrics
+ class CadvisorClient < Client
+ # Add labels to simple query variables.
+ #
+ # Example:
+ # "cpu_usage" => "cpu_usage{labels...}"
+ # "sum(cpu_usage)" => "sum(cpu_usage{labels...})"
+ # "rate(cpu_usage[5m])" => "rate(cpu_usage{labels...}[5m])"
+ #
+ # Note:
+ # Not supporting more complex queries.
+ def update_query(query, labels)
+ query.sub(/(?<r>\[.+\])?(?<f>[)])?$/, "{#{labels}}\\k<r>\\k<f>")
+ end
+ # Issues a get request to the low level client.
+ # Update the query options to use specific labels
+ def get(command, options)
+ options[:query] = update_query(options[:query], @labels)
+ @client.get(command, options)
+ end
+ end
+ # A client with special labels for node cadvisor metrics
+ class Node < CadvisorClient
def initialize(options = {})
instance = options[:instance]
@labels = "job=\"kubernetes-cadvisor\",instance=\"#{instance}\"," \
- def query(options)
- options[:query] = update_query(options[:query], @labels)
- super(options)
- end
- def query_range(options)
- options[:query] = update_query(options[:query], @labels)
- super(options)
- end
# A client with special labels for pod cadvisor metrics
- class Pod < Client
+ class Pod < CadvisorClient
def initialize(options = {})
pod_name = options[:pod_name]
namespace = options[:namespace] || 'default'
@labels = "job=\"kubernetes-cadvisor\",namespace=\"#{namespace}\"," \
- def query(options)
- options[:query] = update_query(options[:query], @labels)
- super(options)
- end
- def query_range(options)
- options[:query] = update_query(options[:query], @labels)
- super(options)
- end
# A client with special labels for container cadvisor metrics
- class Container < Client
+ class Container < CadvisorClient
def initialize(options = {})
container_name = args[:container_name]
pod_name = args[:pod_name]
namespace = args[:namespace] || 'default'
@labels = "job=\"kubernetes-cadvisor\",namespace=\"#{namespace}\"," \
- super(options)
- end
- def query(options)
- options[:query] = update_query(options[:query], @labels)
- super(options)
- end
- def query_range(options)
- options[:query] = update_query(options[:query], @labels)