lib/progressbar.rb in progressbar-0.21.0 vs lib/progressbar.rb in progressbar-1.8.1
- old
+ new
@@ -1,288 +1,18 @@
-# Ruby/ProgressBar - a text progress bar library
-# Copyright (C) 2001-2005 Satoru Takabayashi <>
-# All rights reserved.
-# This is free software with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY.
-# You can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms
-# of Ruby's license.
+# frozen_string_literal: true
+require 'ruby-progressbar/output'
+require 'ruby-progressbar/outputs/tty'
+require 'ruby-progressbar/outputs/non_tty'
+require 'ruby-progressbar/timer'
+require 'ruby-progressbar/progress'
+require 'ruby-progressbar/throttle'
+require 'ruby-progressbar/calculators/length'
+require 'ruby-progressbar/calculators/running_average'
+require 'ruby-progressbar/components'
+require 'ruby-progressbar/format'
+require 'ruby-progressbar/base'
class ProgressBar
- VERSION = "0.21.0"
- def initialize (title, total, out = STDERR)
- @title = title
- @total = total
- @out = out
- @terminal_width = 80
- @bar_mark = "o"
- @current = 0
- @previous = 0
- @finished_p = false
- @start_time =
- @previous_time = @start_time
- @title_width = 14
- @format = "%-#{@title_width}s %3d%% %s %s"
- @format_arguments = [:title, :percentage, :bar, :stat]
- clear
- show
- if block_given?
- yield(self)
- finish
- end
- end
- attr_reader :title
- attr_reader :current
- attr_reader :total
- attr_accessor :start_time
- attr_writer :bar_mark
- def fmt_bar
- bar_width = do_percentage * @terminal_width / 100
- sprintf("|%s%s|",
- @bar_mark * bar_width,
- " " * (@terminal_width - bar_width))
- end
- def fmt_percentage
- do_percentage
- end
- def fmt_stat
- if @finished_p then elapsed else eta end
- end
- def fmt_stat_for_long_run
- if @finished_p then elapsed else eta_running_average end
- end
- def fmt_stat_for_file_transfer
- if @finished_p then
- sprintf("%s %s %s", bytes, transfer_rate, elapsed)
- else
- sprintf("%s %s %s", bytes, transfer_rate, eta)
- end
- end
- def fmt_title
- @title[0,(@title_width - 1)] + ":"
- end
- def convert_bytes (bytes)
- if bytes < 1024
- sprintf("%6dB", bytes)
- elsif bytes < 1024 * 1000 # 1000kb
- sprintf("%5.1fKB", bytes.to_f / 1024)
- elsif bytes < 1024 * 1024 * 1000 # 1000mb
- sprintf("%5.1fMB", bytes.to_f / 1024 / 1024)
- else
- sprintf("%5.1fGB", bytes.to_f / 1024 / 1024 / 1024)
- end
- end
- def transfer_rate
- bytes_per_second = @current.to_f / ( - @start_time)
- sprintf("%s/s", convert_bytes(bytes_per_second))
- end
- def bytes
- convert_bytes(@current)
- end
- def format_time (t)
- t = t.to_i
- sec = t % 60
- min = (t / 60) % 60
- hour = t / 3600
- sprintf("% 3d:%02d:%02d", hour, min, sec);
- end
- # ETA stands for Estimated Time of Arrival.
- def eta
- if @current == 0
- "ETA: --:--:--"
- else
- elapsed = - @start_time
- eta = elapsed * @total / @current - elapsed;
- sprintf("ETA: %s", format_time(eta))
- end
- end
- # Compute ETA with running average (better suited to long running tasks)
- def eta_running_average
- now =
- # update throughput running average
- if @total > 0 && @eta_previous && @eta_previous_time
- current_elapsed = @current - @eta_previous
- alpha = 0.9 ** current_elapsed
- current_progress = 1.0 * current_elapsed
- current_throughput = current_progress / (now - @eta_previous_time)
- if @eta_throughput
- @eta_throughput = @eta_throughput * alpha + current_throughput * (1-alpha)
- else
- @eta_throughput = current_throughput
- end
- end
- @eta_previous = @current
- @eta_previous_time = now
- if @eta_throughput && @eta_throughput > 0
- eta = (@total - @current) / @eta_throughput;
- sprintf("ETA: %s", format_time(eta))
- else
- "ETA: --:--:--"
- end
- end
- def elapsed
- elapsed = - @start_time
- sprintf("Time: %s", format_time(elapsed))
- end
- def eol
- if @finished_p then "\n" else "\r" end
- end
- def do_percentage
- if
- 100
- else
- @current * 100 / @total
- end
- end
- def get_term_width
- term_width = if ENV['COLUMNS'] =~ /^\d+$/
- ENV['COLUMNS'].to_i
- elsif (RUBY_PLATFORM =~ /java/ || (!STDIN.tty? && ENV['TERM'])) && shell_command_exists?('tput')
- `tput cols`.to_i
- elsif STDIN.tty? && shell_command_exists?('stty')
- `stty size`.scan(/\d+/).map { |s| s.to_i }[1]
- else
- end
- if term_width > 0
- term_width
- else
- end
- rescue
- end
- def shell_command_exists?(command)
- ENV['PATH'].split(File::PATH_SEPARATOR).any?{|d| File.exists? File.join(d, command) }
- end
- def show
- arguments = {|method|
- method = sprintf("fmt_%s", method)
- send(method)
- }
- line = sprintf(@format, *arguments)
- width = get_term_width
- if line.length == width - 1
- @out.print(line + eol)
- @out.flush
- elsif line.length >= width
- @terminal_width = [@terminal_width - (line.length - width + 1), 0].max
- if @terminal_width == 0 then @out.print(line + eol) else show end
- else # line.length < width - 1
- @terminal_width += width - line.length + 1
- show
- end
- @previous_time =
- end
- def show_if_needed
- if
- cur_percentage = 100
- prev_percentage = 0
- else
- cur_percentage = (@current * 100 / @total).to_i
- prev_percentage = (@previous * 100 / @total).to_i
- end
- # Use "!=" instead of ">" to support negative changes
- if cur_percentage != prev_percentage ||
- - @previous_time >= 1 || @finished_p
- show
- end
- end
- def clear
- @out.print "\r"
- @out.print(" " * (get_term_width - 1))
- @out.print "\r"
- end
- def finish
- @current = @total
- @finished_p = true
- show
- end
- def finished?
- @finished_p
- end
- def file_transfer_mode
- @format_arguments = [:title, :percentage, :bar, :stat_for_file_transfer]
- end
- def long_running
- @format_arguments = [:title, :percentage, :bar, :stat_for_long_run]
- end
- def format= (format)
- @format = format
- end
- def format_arguments= (arguments)
- @format_arguments = arguments
- end
- def halt
- @finished_p = true
- show
- end
- def inc (step = 1)
- @current += step
- @current = @total if @current > @total
- show_if_needed
- @previous = @current
- end
- def set (count)
- if count < 0 || count > @total
- raise "invalid count: #{count} (total: #{@total})"
- end
- @current = count
- show_if_needed
- @previous = @current
- end
- def inspect
- "#<ProgressBar:#{@current}/#{@total}>"
- end
-class ReversedProgressBar < ProgressBar
- def do_percentage
- 100 - super
+ def self.create(*args)