lib/produce/itunes_connect.rb in produce-0.3.5 vs lib/produce/itunes_connect.rb in produce-0.4.0
- old
+ new
@@ -1,148 +1,49 @@
-require 'fastlane_core/itunes_connect/itunes_connect'
+require 'spaceship'
module Produce
- # Every method you call here, might take a time
- class ItunesConnect < FastlaneCore::ItunesConnect
+ class ItunesConnect
- APPS_URL = ""
+ def run
+ @full_bundle_identifier = Produce.config[:bundle_identifier]
+ @full_bundle_identifier.gsub!('*', Produce.config[:bundle_identifier_suffix].to_s) if wildcard_bundle?
+ Spaceship::Tunes.login(Produce.config[:username], nil)
- def run(config)
- @config = config
- @full_bundle_identifier = config[:bundle_identifier].gsub('*', config[:bundle_identifier_suffix].to_s)
- if ENV["CREATED_NEW_APP_ID"].to_i > 0
- # We just created this App ID, this takes about 3 minutes to show up on iTunes Connect
- "Waiting for 3 minutes to make sure, the App ID is synced to iTunes Connect".yellow
- sleep 180
- open_new_app_popup # for some reason, we have to refresh the page twice to get it working
- unless bundle_exist?
- "Couldn't find new app yet, we're waiting for another 2 minutes.".yellow
- sleep 120
- end
- end
- return create_new_app
- rescue => ex
- error_occured(ex)
+ create_new_app
def create_new_app
- if app_exists?
- "App '#{@config[:app_name]}' exists already, nothing to do on iTunes Connect".green
+ application = fetch_application
+ if application
+ "App '#{Produce.config[:app_name]}' exists already (#{application.apple_id}), nothing to do on iTunes Connect".green
# Nothing to do here
- "Creating new app '#{@config[:app_name]}' on iTunes Connect".green
+ "Creating new app '#{Produce.config[:app_name]}' on iTunes Connect".green
- initial_create
+ Produce.config[:bundle_identifier_suffix] = '' unless wildcard_bundle?
- initial_pricing
+ Spaceship::Tunes::Application.create!(name: Produce.config[:app_name],
+ primary_language: Produce.config[:primary_language],
+ version: Produce.config[:initial_version],
+ sku: Produce.config[:sku],
+ bundle_id: Produce.config[:bundle_identifier],
+ bundle_id_suffix: Produce.config[:bundle_identifier_suffix])
+ application = fetch_application
+ raise "Something went wrong when creating the new app - it's not listed in the App's list" unless application
- raise "Something went wrong when creating the new app - it's not listed in the App's list" unless app_exists?
- "Finished creating new app '#{@config[:app_name]}' on iTunes Connect".green
+ "Successfully created new app '#{Produce.config[:app_name]}' on iTunes Connect with ID #{application.apple_id}".green
- return fetch_apple_id
+ return Spaceship::Application.find(@full_bundle_identifier).apple_id
- def fetch_apple_id
- # First try it using the Apple API
- data = JSON.parse(open("{@full_bundle_identifier}").read)
- if data['resultCount'] == 0 or true
- visit APPS_URL
- sleep 10
- first("input[ng-model='searchModel']").set @full_bundle_identifier
- if all("div[bo-bind='']").count == 2
- raise "There were multiple results when looking for the new app. This might be due to having same app identifiers included in each other (see generated screenshots)".red
- end
- app_url = first("a[bo-href='appBundleLink(app.adamId, app.type)']")[:href]
- apple_id = app_url.split('/').last
- "Found Apple ID #{apple_id}".green
- return apple_id
- else
- return data['results'].first['trackId'] # already in the store
- end
- end
- def initial_create
- open_new_app_popup
- # Fill out the initial information
- wait_for_elements("input[ng-model='']").first.set @config[:app_name]
- wait_for_elements("input[ng-model='createAppDetails.versionString.value']").first.set @config[:version]
- wait_for_elements("input[ng-model='createAppDetails.newApp.vendorId.value']").first.set @config[:sku]
- if not @config[:company_name].to_s.empty?
- Capybara.ignore_hidden_elements = false
- wait_for_elements("input[ng-model='createAppDetails.companyName.value']").first.set @config[:company_name]
- Capybara.ignore_hidden_elements = true
- end
- all(:xpath, "//option[text()='#{@config[:primary_language]}']").first.select_option
- wait_for_elements("option[value='#{@config[:bundle_identifier]}']").first.select_option
- if wildcard_bundle?
- wait_for_elements("input[ng-model='createAppDetails.newApp.bundleIdSuffix.value']").first.set @config[:bundle_identifier_suffix]
- end
- click_on "Create"
- sleep 5 # this usually takes some time
- if all("p[ng-repeat='error in errorText']").count == 1
- raise all("p[ng-repeat='error in errorText']") # an error when creating this app
- end
- wait_for_elements(".language.hasPopOver") # looking good
- "Successfully created new app '#{@config[:app_name]}' on iTC. Setting up the initial information now.".green
- end
- def initial_pricing
- # It's not important here which is the price set. It will be updated by deliver
- sleep 3
- click_on "Pricing"
- first('#pricingPopup > option[value="0"]').select_option
- first('.saveChangesActionButton').click
- end
- def bundle_exist?
- open_new_app_popup # to get the dropdown of available app identifier, if it's there, the app was not yet created
- sleep 4
- return (all("option[value='#{@config[:bundle_identifier]}']").count == 0)
+ def fetch_application
+ Spaceship::Application.find(@full_bundle_identifier)
- def app_exists?
- visit APPS_URL
- sleep 10
- first("input[ng-model='searchModel']").set @full_bundle_identifier
- return (all("div[bo-bind='']").count == 1)
- end
def wildcard_bundle?
- return @config[:bundle_identifier].end_with?("*")
- end
- def open_new_app_popup
- visit APPS_URL
- sleep 8 # this usually takes some time
- wait_for_elements(NEW_APP_CLASS)
- wait_for_elements('#new-menu > * > a') # Create a new App
- sleep 5 # this usually takes some time - this is important
- wait_for_elements("input[ng-model='']") # finish loading
+ return Produce.config[:bundle_identifier].end_with?("*")