features/dump.feature in prodder-1.7.6 vs features/dump.feature in prodder-1.7.7

- old
+ new

@@ -4,15 +4,14 @@ Given a prodder config in "prodder.yml" with project: blog Scenario: Happy path: dump structure.sql, listed seed tables, quality_checks.sql, permissions.sql and settings.sql When I run `prodder dump -c prodder.yml` Then the exit status should be 0 - And the workspace file "blog/db/structure.sql" should match /CREATE TABLE posts/ - And the workspace file "blog/db/structure.sql" should match /CREATE TABLE authors/ - And the workspace file "blog/db/seeds.sql" should match /COPY posts/ - And the workspace file "blog/db/seeds.sql" should match /COPY authors/ - And the workspace file "blog/db/quality_checks.sql" should match /SET search_path/ + And the workspace file "blog/db/structure.sql" should match /CREATE TABLE public.posts/ + And the workspace file "blog/db/structure.sql" should match /CREATE TABLE public.authors/ + And the workspace file "blog/db/seeds.sql" should match /COPY public.posts/ + And the workspace file "blog/db/seeds.sql" should match /COPY public.authors/ And the workspace file "blog/db/quality_checks.sql" should match /CREATE TRIGGER / And the workspace file "blog/db/permissions.sql" should match /GRANT / And the workspace file "blog/db/settings.sql" should match /ALTER DATABASE / Scenario: Include specified users, exclude other login roles from permissions dump @@ -121,10 +120,11 @@ Scenario: Verify settings file contents Given I add a custom parameter "c.p" with value "v" in the "blog" project's database When I run `prodder dump -c prodder.yml` Then the workspace file "blog/db/settings.sql" should match /ALTER DATABASE :DBNAME SET c.p=v;/ + And the workspace file "blog/db/settings.sql" should match /ALTER DATABASE :DBNAME SET search_path=foo,bar,public;/ Scenario: Verify empty db setting is quoted Given I add a custom parameter "empty.setting" with value "" in the "blog" project's database When I run `prodder dump -c prodder.yml` Then the workspace file "blog/db/settings.sql" should match /ALTER DATABASE :DBNAME SET empty.setting='';/ @@ -182,11 +182,11 @@ """ - posts """ When I run `prodder dump -c prodder.yml` Then the exit status should be 0 - And the workspace file "blog/db/seeds.sql" should match /COPY posts/ - But the workspace file "blog/db/seeds.sql" should not match /COPY authors/ + And the workspace file "blog/db/seeds.sql" should match /COPY public.posts/ + But the workspace file "blog/db/seeds.sql" should not match /COPY public.authors/ Scenario: YAML file listing seed tables does not exist Given the prodder config in "prodder.yml" says to read the "blog" seed tables from "db/seeds.yml" But the "blog" file "db/seeds.yml" does not exist When I run `prodder dump -c prodder.yml`