in prodder-1.8.1 vs in prodder-1.8.2

- old
+ new

@@ -80,10 +80,10 @@ `db/quality_checks.sql` and `permissions.sql`. 2. `rake db:migrate` runs migrations, as before, but runs *after* the initial seeds were created. Those initial seeds should have included your production app's `schema_migrations` table contents. This means only those migrations that have not yet run in production will need to be run locally. -3. If you configred to have 3 users in your `#config/database.yml` file and have a `permissions.sql` file present, +3. If you configured to have 3 users in your `#config/database.yml` file and have a `permissions.sql` file present, all your `db:*` commands will be run in the context of the user it makes the most sense to run as, mimicking our production environment. For instance(s), to reset the database (god forbid we do this in production), it will run as `superuser`, to run a migration, as the `migration_user` and your application will connect to the database as `username`. Thus it achieves the overlays of a DBA, migration and production application. 4. Having 3 users configured and to achieve the effects of step 3, you must have a `permissions.sql`. However, you do