in process_helper-0.1.1 vs in process_helper-0.1.2.pre.beta.1
- old
+ new
@@ -49,10 +49,11 @@
* [`:pseudo_terminal` (short form `:pty`)](#pseudo_terminal-short-form-pty)
* [`:puts_output` (short form `:out`)](#puts_output-short-form-out)
* [`:timeout` (short form `:kill`)](#timeout-short-form-kill)
* [`:log_cmd` (short form `:log`)](#log_cmd-short-form-log)
* [Warnings if failure output will be suppressed based on options](#warnings-if-failure-output-will-be-suppressed-based-on-options)
+* [Example Helper Script](#example-helper-script)
* [Version](#version)
* [Contributing](#contributing)
* [(Un)License](#unlicense)
* [Resources](#resources)
@@ -245,9 +246,34 @@
> process('ls /does_not_exist', expected_exit_status: [1,2], puts_output: :never, include_output_in_exception: false)
WARNING: Check your ProcessHelper options - :puts_output is :never, and :include_output_in_exception is false, so all error output will be suppressed if process fails.
=> "ls: /does_not_exist: No such file or directory\n"
+## Example Helper Script
+You can DRY up your usage of common process helper options by making a helper script like this that you can require:
+require 'process_helper'
+include ProcessHelper
+def process_without_output(cmd, options = {})
+ process(cmd, {out: :error, include_output_in_exception: false}.merge(default_options_for_process_helper).merge(options))
+def process_with_output(cmd, options = {})
+ process(cmd, default_options_for_process_helper.merge(options))
+def default_options_for_process_helper
+ # IMPORTANT NOTE: Running under a pseudo-terminal (pty) gives coloring and other
+ # benefits, but will result in end-of-line being "\r\n" instead of just "\n".
+ # Be aware of this if attempting to split return value into lines.
+ {log: true, pty: true}
## Version
You can see the version of ProcessHelper in the `ProcessHelper::VERSION` constant: