Rakefile in procemon-0.0.1 vs Rakefile in procemon-0.0.2
- old
+ new
@@ -1,170 +2 @@
-#require 'bundler/gem_helper'
-require 'bundler'
-module Bundler
- class GemHelper
- include Rake::DSL if defined? Rake::DSL
- class << self
- # set when install'd.
- attr_accessor :instance
- def install_tasks(opts = {})
- new(opts[:dir], opts[:name]).install
- end
- def gemspec(&block)
- gemspec = instance.gemspec
- block.call(gemspec) if block
- gemspec
- end
- end
- attr_reader :spec_path, :base, :gemspec
- def initialize(base = nil, name = nil)
- Bundler.ui = UI::Shell.new
- @base = (base ||= Dir.pwd)
- gemspecs = name ? [File.join(base, "#{name}.gemspec")] : Dir[File.join(base, "{,*}.gemspec")]
- #raise "Unable to determine name from existing gemspec. Use :name => 'gemname' in #install_tasks to manually set it." unless gemspecs.size == 1
- @spec_path = gemspecs.first
- @gemspec = Bundler.load_gemspec(@spec_path)
- end
- def install
- built_gem_path = nil
- desc "Build #{name}-#{version}.gem into the pkg directory."
- task 'build' do
- built_gem_path = build_gem
- end
- desc "Build and install #{name}-#{version}.gem into system gems."
- task 'install' => 'build' do
- install_gem(built_gem_path)
- end
- #desc "NOT this: Create tag #{version_tag} and build and push #{name}-#{version}.gem to Rubygems"
- #task 'release' => 'build' do
- # #release_gem(built_gem_path)
- #end
- GemHelper.instance = self
- end
- def build_gem
- file_name = nil
- sh("gem build -V '#{spec_path}'") { |out, code|
- file_name = File.basename(built_gem_path)
- FileUtils.mkdir_p(File.join(base, 'pkg'))
- FileUtils.mv(built_gem_path, 'pkg')
- Bundler.ui.confirm "#{name} #{version} built to pkg/#{file_name}."
- }
- File.join(base, 'pkg', file_name)
- end
- def install_gem(built_gem_path=nil)
- built_gem_path ||= build_gem
- out, _ = sh_with_code("gem install '#{built_gem_path}' --local")
- raise "Couldn't install gem, run `gem install #{built_gem_path}' for more detailed output" unless out[/Successfully installed/]
- Bundler.ui.confirm "#{name} (#{version}) installed."
- end
- def release_gem(built_gem_path=nil)
- #guard_clean
- #built_gem_path ||= build_gem
- #tag_version { git_push } unless already_tagged?
- #rubygem_push(built_gem_path) if gem_push?
- end
- protected
- def rubygem_push(path)
- if Pathname.new("~/.gem/credentials").expand_path.exist?
- sh("gem push '#{path}'")
- Bundler.ui.confirm "Pushed #{name} #{version} to rubygems.org."
- else
- raise "Your rubygems.org credentials aren't set. Run `gem push` to set them."
- end
- end
- def built_gem_path
- Dir[File.join(base, "#{name}-*.gem")].sort_by{|f| File.mtime(f)}.last
- end
- def git_push
- perform_git_push
- perform_git_push ' --tags'
- Bundler.ui.confirm "Pushed git commits and tags."
- end
- def perform_git_push(options = '')
- cmd = "git push #{options}"
- out, code = sh_with_code(cmd)
- raise "Couldn't git push. `#{cmd}' failed with the following output:\n\n#{out}\n" unless code == 0
- end
- def already_tagged?
- if sh('git tag').split(/\n/).include?(version_tag)
- Bundler.ui.confirm "Tag #{version_tag} has already been created."
- true
- end
- end
- def guard_clean
- clean? && committed? or raise("There are files that need to be committed first.")
- end
- def clean?
- sh_with_code("git diff --exit-code")[1] == 0
- end
- def committed?
- sh_with_code("git diff-index --quiet --cached HEAD")[1] == 0
- end
- def tag_version
- sh "git tag -a -m \"Version #{version}\" #{version_tag}"
- Bundler.ui.confirm "Tagged #{version_tag}."
- yield if block_given?
- rescue
- Bundler.ui.error "Untagging #{version_tag} due to error."
- sh_with_code "git tag -d #{version_tag}"
- raise
- end
- def version
- gemspec.version
- end
- def version_tag
- "v#{version}"
- end
- def name
- gemspec.name
- end
- def sh(cmd, &block)
- out, code = sh_with_code(cmd, &block)
- code == 0 ? out : raise(out.empty? ? "Running `#{cmd}' failed. Run this command directly for more detailed output." : out)
- end
- def sh_with_code(cmd, &block)
- cmd << " 2>&1"
- outbuf = ''
- Bundler.ui.debug(cmd)
- Dir.chdir(base) {
- outbuf = `#{cmd}`
- if $? == 0
- block.call(outbuf) if block
- end
- }
- [outbuf, $?]
- end
- def gem_push?
- ! %w{n no nil false off 0}.include?(ENV['gem_push'].to_s.downcase)
- end
- end
\ No newline at end of file
+require "bundler/gem_tasks"