in prezzo-0.4.1 vs in prezzo-0.5.0
- old
+ new
@@ -151,9 +151,87 @@
context = 10.0)
#=> { total: 25.6, components: { base_fare: 4.3, price_per_distance: 21.3 } }
+#### Multiline `explain_with`
+`explain_with` can be splitted into several lines.
+class RidePriceCalculator
+ include Prezzo::Explainable
+ explain_with :base_fare
+ explain_with :price_per_distance
+#### ` explain_with` with the `resursive: false` option
+class FooCalculator
+ include Prezzo::Calculator
+ include Prezzo::Explainable
+ explain_with :bar, :baz
+ def calculate
+ bar + baz
+ end
+ def bar
+ 10
+ end
+ def baz
+ 20
+ end
+class QuxCalculator
+ include Prezzo::Calculator
+ include Prezzo::Composable
+ include Prezzo::Explainable
+ composed_by foo: FooCalculator
+ explain_with :foo, resursive: false
+ def calculate
+ foo + 5
+ end
+`QuxCalculator#explain` now produces
+ total: 35,
+ components: {
+ foo: 30
+ }
+but not
+ total: 35,
+ components: {
+ foo: {
+ total: 30,
+ components: {
+ bar: 10,
+ baz: 20
+ }
+ }
+ }
Check the full [Uber pricing](/spec/integration/uber_pricing_spec.rb) for more complete example with many calculators and factors.
## Development
After checking out the repo, run `make` to install dependencies. Then, run `make spec` to run the tests. You can also run `make console` for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment.