lib/preservation/client/objects.rb in preservation-client-6.2.0 vs lib/preservation/client/objects.rb in preservation-client-7.0.0
- old
+ new
@@ -6,16 +6,9 @@
# but it does NOT directly access any preservation storage roots
module Preservation
class Client
# API calls that are about Preserved Objects
class Objects < VersionedApiService
- # @param [Array] druids - required list of druids with or without prefix: 'druid:ab123cd4567' OR 'ab123cd4567'
- # @param [String] resp_format - desired format of the HTTP response (default csv, json also possible)
- # @return body of HTTP response from Preservation API - the checksums and filesize for each druid
- def checksums(druids: [], resp_format: 'csv')
- post('objects/checksums', druids: druids, format: resp_format)
- end
# @param [String] druid - with or without prefix: 'druid:bb123cd4567' OR 'bb123cd4567'
# @return [Hash] the checksums and filesize for the druid
def checksum(druid:)
get_json("objects/#{druid}/checksum", druid)