in preservation-client-0.4.0 vs in preservation-client-0.5.0
- old
+ new
@@ -65,10 +65,11 @@
- You may specify the version:
- `client.objects.manifest(druid: 'oo000oo0000', filepath: 'versionInventory.xml', version: '3')` - returns contents of versionInventory.xml in version 3 of Moab object
- `client.objects.metadata(druid: 'oo000oo0000', filepath: 'identityMetadata.xml')` - returns contents of identityMetadata.xml in most recent version of Moab object
- You may specify the version:
- `client.objects.metadata(druid: 'oo000oo0000', filepath: 'identityMetadata.xml', version: '8')` - returns contents of identityMetadata.xml in version 8 of Moab object
-- `client.objects.signature_catalog(druid: 'oo000oo0000')` - returns contents of latest version of signatureCatalog.xml from Moab object
+- `client.objects.signature_catalog('oo000oo0000')` - returns latest Moab::SignatureCatalog from Moab, or new Moab::SignatureCatalog for Moab if none yet exists
### Get difference information between passed contentMetadata.xml and files in the Moab
- `client.objects.content_inventory_diff(druid: 'oo000oo0000', content_metadata: '<contentMetadata>...</contentMetadata>')` - returns Moab::FileInventoryDifference containing differences between passed content metadata and latest version for subset 'all'
- you may specify the subset (all|shelve|preserve|publish) and/or the version: