tasks/thor/scaffold.rb in praxis-2.0.pre.18 vs tasks/thor/scaffold.rb in praxis-2.0.pre.19
- old
+ new
@@ -2,52 +2,52 @@
module PraxisGen
class Scaffold < Thor
require 'active_support/inflector'
include Thor::Actions
attr_reader :actions_hash
def self.source_root
- File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/templates/generator/scaffold"
+ "#{File.dirname(__FILE__)}/templates/generator/scaffold"
- desc "g","Generates an API design and implementation scaffold for managing a collection of <collection_name>"
+ desc 'g', 'Generates an API design and implementation scaffold for managing a collection of <collection_name>'
argument :collection_name, required: true
option :version, required: false, default: '1',
- desc: 'Version string for the API endpoint. This also dictates the directory structure (i.e., v1/endpoints/...))'
+ desc: 'Version string for the API endpoint. This also dictates the directory structure (i.e., v1/endpoints/...))'
option :design, type: :boolean, default: true,
- desc: 'Include the Endpoint and MediaType files for the collection'
+ desc: 'Include the Endpoint and MediaType files for the collection'
option :implementation, type: :boolean, default: true,
- desc: 'Include the Controller and (possibly the) Resource files for the collection (see --no-resource)'
+ desc: 'Include the Controller and (possibly the) Resource files for the collection (see --no-resource)'
option :resource, type: :boolean, default: true,
- desc: 'Disable (or enable) the creation of the Resource files when generating implementation'
- option :model, type: :string, enum: ['activerecord','sequel'],
- desc: 'It also generates a model for the given ORM. An empty --model flag will default to activerecord'
- option :actions, type: :string, default: 'crud', enum: ['cr','cru','crud','u','ud','d'],
- desc: 'Specifies the actions to generate for the API. cr=create, u=update, d=delete. Index and show actions are always generated'
+ desc: 'Disable (or enable) the creation of the Resource files when generating implementation'
+ option :model, type: :string, enum: %w[activerecord sequel],
+ desc: 'It also generates a model for the given ORM. An empty --model flag will default to activerecord'
+ option :actions, type: :string, default: 'crud', enum: %w[cr cru crud u ud d],
+ desc: 'Specifies the actions to generate for the API. cr=create, u=update, d=delete. Index and show actions are always generated'
def g
@actions_hash = self.class.compose_actions_hash(options[:actions])
- env_rb = Pathname.new(destination_root)+Pathname.new("config/environment.rb")
- @pagination_plugin_found = File.open(env_rb).grep(/Praxis::Plugins::PaginationPlugin.*/).reject{|l| l.strip[0] == '#'}.present?
+ env_rb = Pathname.new(destination_root) + Pathname.new('config/environment.rb')
+ @pagination_plugin_found = File.open(env_rb).grep(/Praxis::Plugins::PaginationPlugin.*/).reject { |l| l.strip[0] == '#' }.present?
if options[:design]
say_status 'Design', "Generating scaffold for #{plural_class}", :blue
template 'design/media_types/item.rb', "design/#{version_dir}/media_types/#{collection_name.singularize}.rb"
template 'design/endpoints/collection.rb', "design/#{version_dir}/endpoints/#{collection_name}.rb"
if options[:implementation]
say_status 'Implement', "Generating scaffold for #{plural_class}", :blue
if options[:resource]
- base_resource = Pathname.new(destination_root)+Pathname.new("app/#{version_dir}/resources/base.rb")
+ base_resource = Pathname.new(destination_root) + Pathname.new("app/#{version_dir}/resources/base.rb")
unless base_resource.exist?
# Copy an appropriate base resource for the version (resources within same version must share same base)
- say_status "NOTE:",
- "Creating a base resource file for resources to inherit from (at 'app/#{version_dir}/resources/base.rb')",
- :yellow
- say_status "",
- "If you had already other resources in the app, change them to derive from this Base"
+ say_status 'NOTE:',
+ "Creating a base resource file for resources to inherit from (at 'app/#{version_dir}/resources/base.rb')",
+ :yellow
+ say_status '',
+ 'If you had already other resources in the app, change them to derive from this Base'
template 'implementation/resources/base.rb', "app/#{version_dir}/resources/base.rb"
template 'implementation/resources/item.rb', "app/#{version_dir}/resources/#{collection_name.singularize}.rb"
template 'implementation/controllers/collection.rb', "app/#{version_dir}/controllers/#{collection_name}.rb"
@@ -58,23 +58,23 @@
# Helper functions (which are available in the ERB contexts)
no_commands do
def plural_class
def singular_class
def version
def version_module
def version_dir
def action_enabled?(action)
@@ -109,9 +109,9 @@
def self.check_name(name)
sanitized = name.downcase.gsub(/[^a-z0-9_]/, '')
# TODO: bail or support CamelCase collections (for now only snake case)
- raise "Please use only downcase letters, numbers and underscores for the collection" unless sanitized == name
+ raise 'Please use only downcase letters, numbers and underscores for the collection' unless sanitized == name