spec/font_spec.rb in prawn-0.3.0 vs spec/font_spec.rb in prawn-0.4.0
- old
+ new
@@ -1,48 +1,17 @@
# encoding: utf-8
require File.join(File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__)), "spec_helper")
+require 'iconv'
-describe "Font Metrics" do
+describe "Font behavior" do
it "should default to Helvetica if no font is specified" do
@pdf = Prawn::Document.new
- @pdf.font.metrics.should == Prawn::Font::Metrics["Helvetica"]
+ @pdf.font.name.should == "Helvetica"
- it "should use the currently set font for font_metrics" do
- @pdf = Prawn::Document.new
- @pdf.font "Courier"
- @pdf.font.metrics.should == Prawn::Font::Metrics["Courier"]
- comicsans = "#{Prawn::BASEDIR}/data/fonts/comicsans.ttf"
- @pdf.font(comicsans)
- @pdf.font.metrics.should == Prawn::Font::Metrics[comicsans]
- end
- it "should wrap text" do
- @pdf = Prawn::Document.new
- @pdf.font "Courier"
- @pdf.font.metrics.naive_wrap("Please wrap this text about HERE. More text that should be wrapped", 220, @pdf.font.size).should ==
- "Please wrap this text about\nHERE. More text that should be\nwrapped"
- end
- it "should respect end of line when wrapping text" do
- @pdf = Prawn::Document.new
- @pdf.font "Courier"
- text = "Please wrap only before\nTHIS word. Don't wrap this"
- @pdf.font.metrics.naive_wrap(text, 220, @pdf.font.size).should == text
- end
- it "should respect end of line when wrapping text and mode is set to 'character'" do
- @pdf = Prawn::Document.new
- @pdf.font "Courier"
- opts = {:mode => :character}
- @pdf.font.metrics.naive_wrap("You can wrap this text HERE", 180, @pdf.font.size, opts).should ==
- "You can wrap this text HE\nRE"
- end
describe "font style support" do
before(:each) { create_pdf }
@@ -64,64 +33,85 @@
text = PDF::Inspector::Text.analyze(@pdf.render)
text.font_settings.map { |e| e[:name] }.should ==
[:"Courier-Bold", :"Courier-BoldOblique", :"Courier-Oblique",
:Courier, :Helvetica]
- end
+ end
+ it "should allow font familes to be defined in a single dfont" do
+ file = "#{Prawn::BASEDIR}/data/fonts/Action Man.dfont"
+ @pdf.font_families["Action Man"] = {
+ :normal => { :file => file, :font => "ActionMan" },
+ :italic => { :file => file, :font => "ActionMan-Italic" },
+ :bold => { :file => file, :font => "ActionMan-Bold" },
+ :bold_italic => { :file => file, :font => "ActionMan-BoldItalic" }
+ }
+ @pdf.font "Action Man", :style => :italic
+ @pdf.text "In ActionMan-Italic"
+ text = PDF::Inspector::Text.analyze(@pdf.render)
+ name = text.font_settings.map { |e| e[:name] }.first
+ name = name.unpack("n*")[2..-1].pack("U*")
+ name = name.sub(/\w+\+/, "subset+")
+ name.should == "subset+ActionMan-Italic"
+ end
describe "Transactional font handling" do
before(:each) { create_pdf }
it "should allow setting of size directly when font is created" do
@pdf.font "Courier", :size => 16
- @pdf.font.size.should == 16
+ @pdf.font_size.should == 16
it "should allow temporary setting of a new font using a transaction" do
- original = @pdf.font
+ @pdf.font "Helvetica", :size => 12
@pdf.font "Courier", :size => 16 do
@pdf.font.name.should == "Courier"
- @pdf.font.size.should == 16
+ @pdf.font_size.should == 16
- @pdf.font.should == original
+ @pdf.font.name.should == "Helvetica"
+ @pdf.font_size.should == 12
+ it "should mask font size when using a transacation" do
+ @pdf.font "Courier", :size => 16 do
+ @pdf.font_size.should == 16
+ end
+ @pdf.font "Times-Roman"
+ @pdf.font "Courier"
+ @pdf.font_size.should == 12
+ end
describe "Document#page_fonts" do
before(:each) { create_pdf }
- it "should register the current font when changing pages" do
- @pdf.font "Courier"
- page_should_include_font("Courier")
- @pdf.start_new_page
- page_should_include_font("Courier")
- end
it "should register fonts properly by page" do
- @pdf.font "Courier"
- @pdf.font "Helvetica"
- @pdf.font "Times-Roman"
+ @pdf.font "Courier"; @pdf.text("hello")
+ @pdf.font "Helvetica"; @pdf.text("hello")
+ @pdf.font "Times-Roman"; @pdf.text("hello")
["Courier","Helvetica","Times-Roman"].each { |f|
- @pdf.font "Helvetica"
- ["Times-Roman","Helvetica"].each { |f|
- page_should_include_font(f)
- }
- page_should_not_include_font("Courier")
+ @pdf.font "Helvetica"; @pdf.text("hello")
+ page_should_include_font("Helvetica")
+ page_should_not_include_font("Courier")
+ page_should_not_include_font("Times-Roman")
- def page_includes_font?(font)
- @pdf.page_fonts.values.map { |e| e.data[:BaseFont] }.include?(font.to_sym)
+ def page_includes_font?(font)
+ @pdf.page_fonts.values.map { |e| e.data[:BaseFont] }.include?(font.to_sym)
def page_should_include_font(font)
assert_block("Expected page to include font: #{font}") do
@@ -134,8 +124,111 @@
\ No newline at end of file
+describe "AFM fonts" do
+ setup do
+ create_pdf
+ @times = @pdf.find_font "Times-Roman"
+ @iconv = ::Iconv.new('Windows-1252', 'utf-8')
+ end
+ it "should calculate string width taking into account accented characters" do
+ @times.width_of(@iconv.iconv("é"), :size => 12).should == @times.width_of("e", :size => 12)
+ end
+ it "should calculate string width taking into account kerning pairs" do
+ @times.width_of(@iconv.iconv("To"), :size => 12).should == 13.332
+ @times.width_of(@iconv.iconv("To"), :size => 12, :kerning => true).should == 12.372
+ @times.width_of(@iconv.iconv("Tö"), :size => 12, :kerning => true).should == 12.372
+ end
+ it "should encode text without kerning by default" do
+ @times.encode_text(@iconv.iconv("To")).should == [[0, "To"]]
+ @times.encode_text(@iconv.iconv("Télé")).should == [[0, @iconv.iconv("Télé")]]
+ @times.encode_text(@iconv.iconv("Technology")).should == [[0, "Technology"]]
+ @times.encode_text(@iconv.iconv("Technology...")).should == [[0, "Technology..."]]
+ end
+ it "should encode text with kerning if requested" do
+ @times.encode_text(@iconv.iconv("To"), :kerning => true).should == [[0, ["T", 80, "o"]]]
+ @times.encode_text(@iconv.iconv("Télé"), :kerning => true).should == [[0, ["T", 70, @iconv.iconv("élé")]]]
+ @times.encode_text(@iconv.iconv("Technology"), :kerning => true).should == [[0, ["T", 70, "echnology"]]]
+ @times.encode_text(@iconv.iconv("Technology..."), :kerning => true).should == [[0, ["T", 70, "echnology", 65, "..."]]]
+ end
+describe "TTF fonts" do
+ setup do
+ create_pdf
+ @activa = @pdf.find_font "#{Prawn::BASEDIR}/data/fonts/Activa.ttf"
+ end
+ it "should calculate string width taking into account accented characters" do
+ @activa.width_of("é", :size => 12).should == @activa.width_of("e", :size => 12)
+ end
+ it "should calculate string width taking into account kerning pairs" do
+ @activa.width_of("To", :size => 12).should == 15.228
+ @activa.width_of("To", :size => 12, :kerning => true).should == 12.996
+ end
+ it "should encode text without kerning by default" do
+ @activa.encode_text("To").should == [[0, "To"]]
+ @activa.encode_text("Télé").should == [[0, "T\216l\216"]]
+ @activa.encode_text("Technology").should == [[0, "Technology"]]
+ @activa.encode_text("Technology...").should == [[0, "Technology..."]]
+ @activa.encode_text("Teχnology...").should == [[0, "Te"], [1, "!"], [0, "nology..."]]
+ end
+ it "should encode text with kerning if requested" do
+ @activa.encode_text("To", :kerning => true).should == [[0, ["T", 186.0, "o"]]]
+ @activa.encode_text("To", :kerning => true).should == [[0, ["T", 186.0, "o"]]]
+ @activa.encode_text("Technology", :kerning => true).should == [[0, ["T", 186.0, "echnology"]]]
+ @activa.encode_text("Technology...", :kerning => true).should == [[0, ["T", 186.0, "echnology", 88.0, "..."]]]
+ @activa.encode_text("Teχnology...", :kerning => true).should == [[0, ["T", 186.0, "e"]], [1, "!"], [0, ["nology", 88.0, "..."]]]
+ end
+describe "DFont fonts" do
+ setup do
+ create_pdf
+ @file = "#{Prawn::BASEDIR}/data/fonts/Action Man.dfont"
+ end
+ it "should list all named fonts" do
+ list = Prawn::Font::DFont.named_fonts(@file)
+ list.sort.should == %w(ActionMan ActionMan-Italic ActionMan-Bold ActionMan-BoldItalic).sort
+ end
+ it "should count the number of fonts in the file" do
+ Prawn::Font::DFont.font_count(@file).should == 4
+ end
+ it "should default selected font to the first one if not specified" do
+ font = @pdf.find_font(@file)
+ font.basename.should == "ActionMan"
+ end
+ it "should allow font to be selected by index" do
+ font = @pdf.find_font(@file, :font => 2)
+ font.basename.should == "ActionMan-Italic"
+ end
+ it "should allow font to be selected by name" do
+ font = @pdf.find_font(@file, :font => "ActionMan-BoldItalic")
+ font.basename.should == "ActionMan-BoldItalic"
+ end
+ it "should cache font object based on selected font" do
+ f1 = @pdf.find_font(@file, :font => "ActionMan")
+ f2 = @pdf.find_font(@file, :font => "ActionMan-Bold")
+ assert_not_equal f1.object_id, f2.object_id
+ assert_equal f1.object_id, @pdf.find_font(@file, :font => "ActionMan").object_id
+ assert_equal f2.object_id, @pdf.find_font(@file, :font => "ActionMan-Bold").object_id
+ end