lib/prawn/font/afm.rb in prawn-1.0.0.rc2 vs lib/prawn/font/afm.rb in prawn-1.0.0
- old
+ new
@@ -4,15 +4,17 @@
# Copyright May 2008, Gregory Brown / James Healy. All Rights Reserved.
# This is free software. Please see the LICENSE and COPYING files for details.
-require 'prawn/encoding'
-require 'afm'
+require_relative '../../prawn/encoding'
module Prawn
class Font
+ # @private
class AFM < Font
BUILT_INS = %w[ Courier Helvetica Times-Roman Symbol ZapfDingbats
Courier-Bold Courier-Oblique Courier-BoldOblique
Times-Bold Times-Italic Times-BoldItalic
Helvetica-Bold Helvetica-Oblique Helvetica-BoldOblique ]
@@ -47,25 +49,27 @@
file_name = @name.dup
file_name << ".afm" unless file_name =~ /\.afm$/
file_name = file_name[0] == ?/ ? file_name : find_font(file_name)
- font_data = @@font_data[file_name] ||=
- @glyph_table = build_glyph_table(font_data)
- @kern_pairs = font_data.kern_pairs
- @kern_pair_table = build_kern_pair_table(@kern_pairs)
- @attributes = font_data.metadata
+ font_data = @@font_data[file_name] ||= parse_afm(file_name)
+ @glyph_widths = font_data[:glyph_widths]
+ @glyph_table = font_data[:glyph_table]
+ @bounding_boxes = font_data[:bounding_boxes]
+ @kern_pairs = font_data[:kern_pairs]
+ @kern_pair_table = font_data[:kern_pair_table]
+ @attributes = font_data[:attributes]
- @ascender = @attributes["Ascender"].to_i
- @descender = @attributes["Descender"].to_i
+ @ascender = @attributes["ascender"].to_i
+ @descender = @attributes["descender"].to_i
@line_gap = Float(bbox[3] - bbox[1]) - (@ascender - @descender)
# The font bbox, as an array of integers
def bbox
- @bbox ||= @attributes['FontBBox'].split(/\s+/).map { |e| Integer(e) }
+ @bbox ||= @attributes['fontbbox'].split(/\s+/).map { |e| Integer(e) }
# NOTE: String *must* be encoded as WinAnsi
def compute_width_of(string, options={}) #:nodoc:
scale = (options[:size] || size) / 1000.0
@@ -87,11 +91,11 @@
# built-in fonts only work with winansi encoding, so translate the
# string. Changes the encoding in-place, so the argument itself
# is replaced with a string in WinAnsi encoding.
- def normalize_encoding(text)
+ def normalize_encoding(text)
enc = @@winansi
text.unpack("U*").collect { |i| enc[i] }.pack("C*")
rescue ArgumentError
raise Prawn::Errors::IncompatibleStringEncoding,
"Arguments to text methods must be UTF-8 encoded"
@@ -139,60 +143,100 @@
def symbolic?
- attributes["CharacterSet"] == "Special"
+ attributes["characterset"] == "Special"
def find_font(file)
self.class.metrics_path.find { |f| File.exist? "#{f}/#{file}" } + "/#{file}"
rescue NoMethodError
raise Prawn::Errors::UnknownFont,
"Couldn't find the font: #{file} in any of:\n" +
+ def parse_afm(file_name)
+ data = {:glyph_widths => {}, :bounding_boxes => {}, :kern_pairs => {}, :attributes => {}}
+ section = []
+ File.foreach(file_name) do |line|
+ case line
+ when /^Start(\w+)/
+ section.push $1
+ next
+ when /^End(\w+)/
+ section.pop
+ next
+ end
+ case section
+ when ["FontMetrics", "CharMetrics"]
+ next unless line =~ /^CH?\s/
+ name = line[/\bN\s+(\.?\w+)\s*;/, 1]
+ data[:glyph_widths][name] = line[/\bWX\s+(\d+)\s*;/, 1].to_i
+ data[:bounding_boxes][name] = line[/\bB\s+([^;]+);/, 1].to_s.rstrip
+ when ["FontMetrics", "KernData", "KernPairs"]
+ next unless line =~ /^KPX\s+(\.?\w+)\s+(\.?\w+)\s+(-?\d+)/
+ data[:kern_pairs][[$1, $2]] = $3.to_i
+ when ["FontMetrics", "KernData", "TrackKern"],
+ ["FontMetrics", "Composites"]
+ next
+ else
+ parse_generic_afm_attribute(line, data)
+ end
+ end
+ # process data parsed from AFM file to build tables which
+ # will be used when measuring and kerning text
+ data[:glyph_table] = (0..255).map do |i|
+ data[:glyph_widths][Encoding::WinAnsi::CHARACTERS[i]].to_i
+ end
+ character_hash = Hash[]
+ data[:kern_pair_table] = data[:kern_pairs].inject({}) do |h,p|
+ h[p[0].map { |n| character_hash[n] }] = p[1]
+ h
+ end
+ data.each_value { |hash| hash.freeze }
+ data.freeze
+ end
+ def parse_generic_afm_attribute(line, hash)
+ line =~ /(^\w+)\s+(.*)/
+ key, value = $1.to_s.downcase, $2
+ hash[:attributes][key] = hash[:attributes][key] ? Array(hash[:attributes][key]) << value : value
+ end
# converts a string into an array with spacing offsets
# bewteen characters that need to be kerned
# String *must* be encoded as WinAnsi
def kern(string)
kerned = [[]]
last_byte = nil
- string.bytes do |byte|
+ string.each_byte do |byte|
if k = last_byte && @kern_pair_table[[last_byte, byte]]
kerned << -k << [byte]
kerned.last << byte
- end
+ end
last_byte = byte
- { |e|
+ { |e|
e = (Array === e ? e.pack("C*") : e)
- e.respond_to?(:force_encoding) ? e.force_encoding("Windows-1252") : e
+ e.respond_to?(:force_encoding) ? e.force_encoding(::Encoding::Windows_1252) : e
- def build_kern_pair_table(kern_pairs)
- character_hash = Hash[]
- kern_pairs.inject({}) do |h,p|
- h[
- [character_hash[p[0]], character_hash[p[1]]]
- ] = p[2]
- h
- end
- end
- def build_glyph_table(font_data)
- (0..255).map do |char|
- metrics = font_data.metrics_for(char)
- metrics ? metrics[:wx] : 0
- end
- end
+ private
def unscaled_width_of(string)
string.bytes.inject(0) do |s,r|
s + @glyph_table[r]