spec/ppl/adapter/vcard/vpim_spec.rb in ppl-1.1.0 vs spec/ppl/adapter/vcard/vpim_spec.rb in ppl-1.2.0
- old
+ new
@@ -30,10 +30,46 @@
it "should encode the contact's organization" do
@contact.organization = "Example Ltd"
@adapter.encode(@contact).should include("ORG:Example Ltd")
+ it "should encode the contact's street address" do
+ @contact.postal_address = Ppl::Entity::PostalAddress.new
+ @contact.postal_address.street = "1 Testing Road"
+ @adapter.encode(@contact).should include("ADR:;;1 Testing Road;;;;")
+ end
+ it "should encode the contact's postal code" do
+ @contact.postal_address = Ppl::Entity::PostalAddress.new
+ @contact.postal_address.postal_code = "L7 8AA"
+ @adapter.encode(@contact).should include("ADR:;;;;;L7 8AA;")
+ end
+ it "should encode the contact's po box" do
+ @contact.postal_address = Ppl::Entity::PostalAddress.new
+ @contact.postal_address.po_box = "123456"
+ @adapter.encode(@contact).should include("ADR:123456;;;;;;")
+ end
+ it "should encode the contact's locality" do
+ @contact.postal_address = Ppl::Entity::PostalAddress.new
+ @contact.postal_address.locality = "Liverpool"
+ @adapter.encode(@contact).should include("ADR:;;;Liverpool;;;")
+ end
+ it "should encode the contact's country" do
+ @contact.postal_address = Ppl::Entity::PostalAddress.new
+ @contact.postal_address.country = "UK"
+ @adapter.encode(@contact).should include("ADR:;;;;;;UK")
+ end
+ it "should encode the contact's region" do
+ @contact.postal_address = Ppl::Entity::PostalAddress.new
+ @contact.postal_address.region = "South West"
+ @adapter.encode(@contact).should include("ADR:;;;;South West;;")
+ end
describe Ppl::Adapter::Vcard::Vpim, "#decode" do
@@ -108,9 +144,81 @@
"ORG:Example Ltd",
contact = @adapter.decode(vcard)
contact.organization.should eq "Example Ltd"
+ end
+ it "should decode the contact's street address" do
+ vcard = [
+ "N:,test",
+ "VERSION:3.0",
+ "ADR:;;1 Testing Road;;;;",
+ ].join("\n")
+ contact = @adapter.decode(vcard)
+ contact.postal_address.street.should eq "1 Testing Road"
+ end
+ it "should decode the contact's postal code" do
+ vcard = [
+ "N:,test",
+ "VERSION:3.0",
+ "ADR:;;;;;L7 8AA;",
+ ].join("\n")
+ contact = @adapter.decode(vcard)
+ contact.postal_address.postal_code.should eq "L7 8AA"
+ end
+ it "should decode the contact's po box" do
+ vcard = [
+ "N:,test",
+ "VERSION:3.0",
+ "ADR:123456;;;;;;",
+ ].join("\n")
+ contact = @adapter.decode(vcard)
+ contact.postal_address.po_box.should eq "123456"
+ end
+ it "should decode the contact's locality" do
+ vcard = [
+ "N:,test",
+ "VERSION:3.0",
+ "ADR:;;;Liverpool;;;",
+ ].join("\n")
+ contact = @adapter.decode(vcard)
+ contact.postal_address.locality.should eq "Liverpool"
+ end
+ it "should decode the contact's region" do
+ vcard = [
+ "N:,test",
+ "VERSION:3.0",
+ "ADR:;;;;South West;;",
+ ].join("\n")
+ contact = @adapter.decode(vcard)
+ contact.postal_address.region.should eq "South West"
+ end
+ it "should decode the contact's country" do
+ vcard = [
+ "N:,test",
+ "VERSION:3.0",
+ "ADR:;;;;;;UK",
+ ].join("\n")
+ contact = @adapter.decode(vcard)
+ contact.postal_address.country.should eq "UK"