doc/ in power_stencil-0.8.14 vs doc/ in power_stencil-0.9.0
- old
+ new
@@ -11,10 +11,11 @@
- [Entity creation](#entity-creation)
- [Modifying an entity](#modifying-an-entity)
- [Deleting an entity](#deleting-an-entity)
- [`PowerStencil` shell session](#powerstencil-shell-session)
- [Plugin creation](#plugin-creation)
+ - [(Re)Generating `zsh` command line completion for the project](#regenerating-zsh-command-line-completion-for-the-project)
- [Manual actions](#manual-actions)
<!-- /TOC -->
[:back:][Documentation root]
@@ -34,23 +35,24 @@
<a name="subcommands-impact"></a>
| `PowerStencil` sub-command | Status |
-|init | creates a project
-|info | read-only
-|plugin | creates a plugin
-|get | read-only
-|shell | do anything
-|adm | read-only
-|check | read-only
-|create | creates entities
-|edit | modifies entities
-|delete | deletes entities
-|describe | read-only
-|build | read-only
+|`init` | creates a project
+|`info` | read-only
+|`plugin` | creates a plugin
+|`get` | read-only
+|`shell` | do anything
+|`adm --zsh-completion` | generates zsh command-line completion
+|`check` | read-only
+|`create` | creates entities
+|`edit` | modifies entities
+|`delete` | deletes entities
+|`describe` | read-only
+|`build` | read-only
On top this we could add some other actions, you can obviously perform manually within the repository, like:
* Create/update/delete entity types
* Create/update/delete entity type templates-templates
* Code within local plugins
@@ -303,9 +305,33 @@
create mode 100644 .ps_project/plugins/bar/spec/spec_helper.rb
Cool ! Nevertheless, plugins may be one of the things you may want to track a bit differently. For example as git sub-modules, to keep a separated git history, and ease future re-useability of the plugin you are developing.
So it's up to you and `PowerStencil` provides an easy way to keep your plugin out of your project repo. Same as for `power_stencil init`, `power_stencil plugin --create` supports the `--no-git` option...
+## (Re)Generating `zsh` command line completion for the project
+If you generate the zsh command line completion file for the project by doing, from within the project:
+ $ power_stencil adm --zsh-completion
+You will then generate a file that contains project-specific zsh completion directives: `.ps_project/.zsh_project_completion`.
+That file is versioned too, because its content depends on the plugins (local or as gems) that you actually use in this project. **If you add a new plugin or modify the way local ones handle the command-line, you should then regenerate it**, by re-running that command if you want the completion to fully take in account your changes.
+It is tracked like that:
+$ git log -1 --summary
+commit 0c7bedb7249654873882c56bb15172c528511cff
+Author: Joe <>
+Date: Sun Nov 10 11:21:10 2019 +0100
+ Adding project specific zsh completion file: '.ps_project/.zsh_project_completion'.
+ create mode 100644 .ps_project/.zsh_project_completion
# Manual actions
Ok, so far we have a pretty nice git history: