lib/porolog/scope.rb in porolog-0.0.2 vs lib/porolog/scope.rb in porolog-0.0.3
- old
+ new
@@ -3,62 +3,83 @@
# Luis Esteban 2 May 2018
# created
-# == Porolog::Scope ==
-# A Porolog::Scope is a container for Porolog::Predicates.
-# Its purpose is to allow a Ruby program to contain multiple Prolog programs
-# without the Prolog programs interfering with each other.
module Porolog
+ # A Porolog::Scope is a container for Porolog::Predicates.
+ # Its purpose is to allow a Ruby program to contain multiple Prolog programs
+ # without the Prolog programs interfering with each other.
+ # @author Luis Esteban
+ # @!attribute [r] name
+ # Name of the Scope.
class Scope
+ # Error class for rescuing or detecting any Scope error.
class ScopeError < PorologError ; end
+ # Error class indicating a non-Predicate was assigned to a Scope.
class NotPredicateError < ScopeError ; end
attr_reader :name
- @@scopes = {}
+ # Creates a new Scope unless it already exists.
+ # @param name [Object] the name (or otherwise object) used to register a scope.
+ # @return [Porolog::Scope] new or existing Scope.
@@scopes[name] || super
+ # Initializes and registers the Scope.
+ # @param name [Object] the name (or otherwise object) used to register a scope.
def initialize(name)
@name = name
@predicates = {}
@@scopes[@name] = self
+ # Clears all scopes and re-creates the default Scope.
+ # @return [Porolog::Scope] the default Scope.
def self.reset
@@scopes = {}
+ # Looks up a Scope by its name.
+ # @param name [Object] the name (or otherwise object) used to register a scope.
+ # @return [Porolog::Scope] the default Scope.
def self.[](name)
+ # Returns the names of all registered Scopes.
+ # @return [Array<Symbol>,Array<Object>] the names.
def self.scopes
+ # Looks up a Predicate in the Scope by its name.
+ # @param name [Object] the name (or otherwise object) used to register a scope.
+ # @return [Porolog::Predicate] the Predicate indicated by the name.
def [](name)
+ # Assigns a Predicate to the Scope by its name.
+ # @param name [Object] the name (or otherwise object) used to register a scope.
+ # @param predicate [Porolog::Predicate] a Predicate to be assigned to the Scope.
+ # @return [Porolog::Predicate] the Predicate assigned to the Scope.
+ # @raise [NotPredicateError] when provided predicate is not actually a Predicate.
def []=(name,predicate)
raise"#{predicate.inspect} is not a Predicate") unless predicate.is_a?(Predicate)
@predicates[name.to_sym] = predicate
+ # Returns the Predicates contained in the Scope.
+ # @return [Array<Porolog::Predicate>] Predicates assigned to the Scope.
def predicates