lib/polytrix/logger.rb in polytrix-0.1.0.pre vs lib/polytrix/logger.rb in polytrix-0.1.0
- old
+ new
@@ -1,17 +1,374 @@
+require 'fileutils'
require 'logger'
module Polytrix
- module ClassMethods
- def logger
- @logger ||= Polytrix.configuration.logger
+ class Logger
+ include ::Logger::Severity
+ # @return [IO] the log device
+ attr_reader :logdev
+ # Constructs a new logger.
+ #
+ # @param options [Hash] configuration for a new logger
+ # @option options [Symbol] :color color to use when when outputting
+ # messages
+ # @option options [Integer] :level the logging severity threshold
+ # (default: `Polytrix::DEFAULT_LOG_LEVEL`)
+ # @option options [String,IO] :logdev filepath String or IO object to be
+ # used for logging (default: `nil`)
+ # @option options [String] :progname program name to include in log
+ # messages (default: `"Polytrix"`)
+ # @option options [IO] :stdout a standard out IO object to use
+ # (default: `$stdout`)
+ def initialize(options = {})
+ color = options[:color]
+ @loggers = []
+ @loggers << @logdev = logdev_logger(options[:logdev]) if options[:logdev]
+ @loggers << stdout_logger(options[:stdout], color) if options[:stdout]
+ @loggers << stdout_logger($stdout, color) if @loggers.empty?
+ self.progname = options[:progname] || 'Polytrix'
+ self.level = options[:level] || default_log_level
- end
- module Logger
- include ClassMethods
+ def self.new_logger(implementor) # (test, implementor, index)
+ name = # instance_name(test, implementor)
+ index = Polytrix.implementors.index(implementor) || 0
+ stdout: STDOUT,
+ color: Color::COLORS[index % Color::COLORS.size].to_sym,
+ logdev: File.join(Polytrix.configuration.log_root, "#{name}.log"),
+ level: Polytrix::Util.to_logger_level(Polytrix.configuration.log_level),
+ progname: name
+ )
+ end
- def self.included(base)
- base.extend(ClassMethods)
+ class << self
+ private
+ # @api private
+ # @!macro delegate_to_first_logger
+ # @method $1()
+ def delegate_to_first_logger(meth)
+ define_method(meth) { |*args| @loggers.first.public_send(meth, *args) }
+ end
+ # @api private
+ # @!macro delegate_to_all_loggers
+ # @method $1()
+ def delegate_to_all_loggers(meth)
+ define_method(meth) do |*args|
+ result = nil
+ @loggers.each { |l| result = l.public_send(meth, *args) }
+ result
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ # @return [Integer] the logging severity threshold
+ # @see
+ delegate_to_first_logger :level
+ # Sets the logging severity threshold.
+ #
+ # @param level [Integer] the logging severity threshold
+ # @see
+ delegate_to_all_loggers :level=
+ # @return [String] program name to include in log messages
+ # @see
+ delegate_to_first_logger :progname
+ # Sets the program name to include in log messages.
+ #
+ # @param progname [String] the program name to include in log messages
+ # @see
+ delegate_to_all_loggers :progname=
+ # @return [String] the date format being used
+ # @see
+ delegate_to_first_logger :datetime_format
+ # Sets the date format being used.
+ #
+ # @param format [String] the date format
+ # @see
+ delegate_to_all_loggers :datetime_format=
+ # Log a message if the given severity is high enough.
+ #
+ # @see
+ delegate_to_all_loggers :add
+ # Dump one or more messages to info.
+ #
+ # @param message [#to_s] the message to log
+ # @see
+ delegate_to_all_loggers :<<
+ # Log a message with severity of banner (high level).
+ #
+ # @param message_or_progname [#to_s] the message to log. In the block
+ # form, this is the progname to use in the log message.
+ # @yield evaluates to the message to log. This is not evaluated unless the
+ # logger's level is sufficient to log the message. This allows you to
+ # create potentially expensive logging messages that are only called when
+ # the logger is configured to show them.
+ # @return [nil,true] when the given severity is not high enough (for this
+ # particular logger), log no message, and return true
+ # @see
+ delegate_to_all_loggers :banner
+ # Log a message with severity of debug.
+ #
+ # @param message_or_progname [#to_s] the message to log. In the block
+ # form, this is the progname to use in the log message.
+ # @yield evaluates to the message to log. This is not evaluated unless the
+ # logger's level is sufficient to log the message. This allows you to
+ # create potentially expensive logging messages that are only called when
+ # the logger is configured to show them.
+ # @return [nil,true] when the given severity is not high enough (for this
+ # particular logger), log no message, and return true
+ # @see
+ delegate_to_all_loggers :debug
+ # @return [true,false] whether or not the current severity level
+ # allows for the printing of debug messages
+ # @see
+ delegate_to_first_logger :debug?
+ # Log a message with severity of info.
+ #
+ # @param message_or_progname [#to_s] the message to log. In the block
+ # form, this is the progname to use in the log message.
+ # @yield evaluates to the message to log. This is not evaluated unless the
+ # logger's level is sufficient to log the message. This allows you to
+ # create potentially expensive logging messages that are only called when
+ # the logger is configured to show them.
+ # @return [nil,true] when the given severity is not high enough (for this
+ # particular logger), log no message, and return true
+ # @see
+ delegate_to_all_loggers :info
+ # @return [true,false] whether or not the current severity level
+ # allows for the printing of info messages
+ # @see
+ delegate_to_first_logger :info?
+ # Log a message with severity of error.
+ #
+ # @param message_or_progname [#to_s] the message to log. In the block
+ # form, this is the progname to use in the log message.
+ # @yield evaluates to the message to log. This is not evaluated unless the
+ # logger's level is sufficient to log the message. This allows you to
+ # create potentially expensive logging messages that are only called when
+ # the logger is configured to show them.
+ # @return [nil,true] when the given severity is not high enough (for this
+ # particular logger), log no message, and return true
+ # @see
+ delegate_to_all_loggers :error
+ # @return [true,false] whether or not the current severity level
+ # allows for the printing of error messages
+ # @see
+ delegate_to_first_logger :error?
+ # Log a message with severity of warn.
+ #
+ # @param message_or_progname [#to_s] the message to log. In the block
+ # form, this is the progname to use in the log message.
+ # @yield evaluates to the message to log. This is not evaluated unless the
+ # logger's level is sufficient to log the message. This allows you to
+ # create potentially expensive logging messages that are only called when
+ # the logger is configured to show them.
+ # @return [nil,true] when the given severity is not high enough (for this
+ # particular logger), log no message, and return true
+ # @see
+ delegate_to_all_loggers :warn
+ # @return [true,false] whether or not the current severity level
+ # allows for the printing of warn messages
+ # @see
+ delegate_to_first_logger :warn?
+ # Log a message with severity of fatal.
+ #
+ # @param message_or_progname [#to_s] the message to log. In the block
+ # form, this is the progname to use in the log message.
+ # @yield evaluates to the message to log. This is not evaluated unless the
+ # logger's level is sufficient to log the message. This allows you to
+ # create potentially expensive logging messages that are only called when
+ # the logger is configured to show them.
+ # @return [nil,true] when the given severity is not high enough (for this
+ # particular logger), log no message, and return true
+ # @see
+ delegate_to_all_loggers :fatal
+ # @return [true,false] whether or not the current severity level
+ # allows for the printing of fatal messages
+ # @see
+ delegate_to_first_logger :fatal?
+ # Log a message with severity of unknown.
+ #
+ # @param message_or_progname [#to_s] the message to log. In the block
+ # form, this is the progname to use in the log message.
+ # @yield evaluates to the message to log. This is not evaluated unless the
+ # logger's level is sufficient to log the message. This allows you to
+ # create potentially expensive logging messages that are only called when
+ # the logger is configured to show them.
+ # @return [nil,true] when the given severity is not high enough (for this
+ # particular logger), log no message, and return true
+ # @see
+ delegate_to_all_loggers :unknown
+ # Close the logging devices.
+ #
+ # @see
+ delegate_to_all_loggers :close
+ private
+ # @return [Integer] the default logger level
+ # @api private
+ def default_log_level
+ Polytrix::Util.to_logger_level(Polytrix.configuration.log_level)
+ end
+ # Construct a new standard out logger.
+ #
+ # @param stdout [IO] the IO object that represents stdout (or similar)
+ # @param color [Symbol] color to use when outputing messages
+ # @return [StdoutLogger] a new logger
+ # @api private
+ def stdout_logger(stdout, color)
+ logger =
+ if Polytrix.tty?
+ logger.formatter = proc do |_severity, _datetime, _progname, msg|
+ Color.colorize("#{msg}", color).concat("\n")
+ end
+ else
+ logger.formatter = proc do |_severity, _datetime, _progname, msg|
+ msg.concat("\n")
+ end
+ end
+ logger
+ end
+ # Construct a new logdev logger.
+ #
+ # @param filepath_or_logdev [String,IO] a filepath String or IO object
+ # @return [LogdevLogger] a new logger
+ # @api private
+ def logdev_logger(filepath_or_logdev)
+ end
+ # Return an IO object from a filepath String or the IO object itself.
+ #
+ # @param filepath_or_logdev [String,IO] a filepath String or IO object
+ # @return [IO] an IO object
+ # @api private
+ def resolve_logdev(filepath_or_logdev)
+ if filepath_or_logdev.is_a? String
+ FileUtils.mkdir_p(File.dirname(filepath_or_logdev))
+ file =, 'ab')
+ file.sync = true
+ file
+ else
+ filepath_or_logdev
+ end
+ end
+ # Internal class which adds a #banner method call that displays the
+ # message with a callout arrow.
+ class LogdevLogger < ::Logger
+ alias_method :super_info, :info
+ # Dump one or more messages to info.
+ #
+ # @param msg [String] a message
+ def <<(msg)
+ @buffer ||= ''
+ lines, _, remainder = msg.rpartition("\n")
+ if lines.empty?
+ @buffer << remainder
+ else
+ lines.insert(0, @buffer)
+ lines.split("\n").each { |l| format_line(l.chomp) }
+ @buffer = ''
+ end
+ end
+ # Log a banner message.
+ #
+ # @param msg [String] a message
+ def banner(msg = nil, &block)
+ super_info("-----> #{msg}", &block)
+ end
+ private
+ # Reformat a line if it already contains log formatting.
+ #
+ # @param line [String] a message line
+ # @api private
+ def format_line(line)
+ case line
+ when /^-----> / then banner(line.gsub(/^[ >-]{6} /, ''))
+ when /^>>>>>> / then error(line.gsub(/^[ >-]{6} /, ''))
+ when /^ / then info(line.gsub(/^[ >-]{6} /, ''))
+ else info(line)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ # Internal class which reformats logging methods for display as console
+ # output.
+ class StdoutLogger < LogdevLogger
+ # Log a debug message
+ #
+ # @param msg [String] a message
+ def debug(msg = nil, &block)
+ super("D #{msg}", &block)
+ end
+ # Log an info message
+ #
+ # @param msg [String] a message
+ def info(msg = nil, &block)
+ super(" #{msg}", &block)
+ end
+ # Log a warn message
+ #
+ # @param msg [String] a message
+ def warn(msg = nil, &block)
+ super("$$$$$$ #{msg}", &block)
+ end
+ # Log an error message
+ #
+ # @param msg [String] a message
+ def error(msg = nil, &block)
+ super(">>>>>> #{msg}", &block)
+ end
+ # Log a fatal message
+ #
+ # @param msg [String] a message
+ def fatal(msg = nil, &block)
+ super("!!!!!! #{msg}", &block)
+ end
+ # Log an unknown message
+ #
+ # @param msg [String] a message
+ def unknown(msg = nil, &block)
+ super("?????? #{msg}", &block)
+ end