lib/polytrix/error.rb in polytrix-0.1.2 vs lib/polytrix/error.rb in polytrix-0.1.3
- old
+ new
@@ -94,116 +94,123 @@
class ActionFailed < TransientFailure; end
# Exception class capturing what caused an challenge to die.
class ChallengeFailure < TransientFailure; end
+ # Exception class capturing what caused a validation to fail.
+ class ValidationFailure < TransientFailure; end
class ExecutionError < TransientFailure
attr_accessor :execution_result
- # Yields to a code block in order to consistently emit a useful crash/error
- # message and exit appropriately. There are two primary failure conditions:
- # an expected challenge failure, and any other unexpected failures.
- #
- # **Note** This method may call `Kernel.exit` so may not return if the
- # yielded code block raises an exception.
- #
- # ## Challenge Failure
- #
- # This is an expected failure scenario which could happen if an challenge
- # couldn't be created, a Chef run didn't successfully converge, a
- # post-convergence test suite failed, etc. In other words, you can count on
- # encountering these failures all the time--this is Polytrix's worldview:
- # crash early and often. In this case a cleanly formatted exception is
- # written to `STDERR` and the exception message is written to
- # the common Polytrix file logger.
- #
- # ## Unexpected Failure
- #
- # All other forms of `Polytrix::Error` exceptions are considered unexpected
- # or unplanned exceptions, typically from user configuration errors, driver
- # or provisioner coding issues or bugs, or internal code issues. Given
- # a stable release of Polytrix and a solid set of drivers and provisioners,
- # the most likely cause of this is user configuration error originating in
- # the `.polytrix.yml` setup. For this reason, the exception is written to
- # `STDERR`, a full formatted exception trace is written to the common
- # Polytrix file logger, and a message is displayed on `STDERR` to the user
- # informing them to check the log files and check their configuration with
- # the `polytrix diagnose` subcommand.
- #
- # @raise [SystemExit] if an exception is raised in the yielded block
- def self.with_friendly_errors
- yield
- rescue Polytrix::ChallengeFailure => e
- Polytrix.mutex.synchronize do
- handle_challenge_failure(e)
+ class << self
+ # Yields to a code block in order to consistently emit a useful crash/error
+ # message and exit appropriately. There are two primary failure conditions:
+ # an expected challenge failure, and any other unexpected failures.
+ #
+ # **Note** This method may call `Kernel.exit` so may not return if the
+ # yielded code block raises an exception.
+ #
+ # ## Challenge Failure
+ #
+ # This is an expected failure scenario which could happen if an challenge
+ # couldn't be created, a Chef run didn't successfully converge, a
+ # post-convergence test suite failed, etc. In other words, you can count on
+ # encountering these failures all the time--this is Polytrix's worldview:
+ # crash early and often. In this case a cleanly formatted exception is
+ # written to `STDERR` and the exception message is written to
+ # the common Polytrix file logger.
+ #
+ # ## Unexpected Failure
+ #
+ # All other forms of `Polytrix::Error` exceptions are considered unexpected
+ # or unplanned exceptions, typically from user configuration errors, driver
+ # or provisioner coding issues or bugs, or internal code issues. Given
+ # a stable release of Polytrix and a solid set of drivers and provisioners,
+ # the most likely cause of this is user configuration error originating in
+ # the `.polytrix.yml` setup. For this reason, the exception is written to
+ # `STDERR`, a full formatted exception trace is written to the common
+ # Polytrix file logger, and a message is displayed on `STDERR` to the user
+ # informing them to check the log files and check their configuration with
+ # the `polytrix diagnose` subcommand.
+ #
+ # @raise [SystemExit] if an exception is raised in the yielded block
+ def with_friendly_errors
+ yield
+ rescue Polytrix::ChallengeFailure => e
+ Polytrix.mutex.synchronize do
+ handle_challenge_failure(e)
+ end
+ exit 10
+ rescue Polytrix::Error => e
+ Polytrix.mutex.synchronize do
+ handle_error(e)
+ end
+ exit 20
- exit 10
- rescue Polytrix::Error => e
- Polytrix.mutex.synchronize do
- handle_error(e)
+ # Handles an challenge failure exception.
+ #
+ # @param e [StandardError] an exception to handle
+ # @see Polytrix.with_friendly_errors
+ # @api private
+ def handle_challenge_failure(e)
+ stderr_log(e.message.split(/\s{2,}/))
+ stderr_log(Error.formatted_exception(e.original))
+ file_log(:error, e.message.split(/\s{2,}/).first)
+ debug_log(Error.formatted_trace(e))
- exit 20
- end
- private
+ alias_method :handle_validation_failure, :handle_challenge_failure
- # Writes an array of lines to the common Polytrix logger's file device at the
- # given severity level. If the Polytrix logger is set to debug severity, then
- # the array of lines will also be written to the console output.
- #
- # @param level [Symbol,String] the desired log level
- # @param lines [Array<String>] an array of strings to log
- # @api private
- def self.file_log(level, lines)
- Array(lines).each do |line|
- if Polytrix.logger.debug?
- Polytrix.logger.debug(line)
- else
- Polytrix.logger.logdev && Polytrix.logger.logdev.public_send(level, line)
+ # Handles an unexpected failure exception.
+ #
+ # @param e [StandardError] an exception to handle
+ # @see Polytrix.with_friendly_errors
+ # @api private
+ def handle_error(e)
+ stderr_log(Error.formatted_exception(e))
+ stderr_log('Please see .polytrix/logs/polytrix.log for more details')
+ # stderr_log("Also try running `polytrix diagnose --all` for configuration\n")
+ file_log(:error, Error.formatted_trace(e))
+ end
+ private
+ # Writes an array of lines to the common Polytrix logger's file device at the
+ # given severity level. If the Polytrix logger is set to debug severity, then
+ # the array of lines will also be written to the console output.
+ #
+ # @param level [Symbol,String] the desired log level
+ # @param lines [Array<String>] an array of strings to log
+ # @api private
+ def file_log(level, lines)
+ Array(lines).each do |line|
+ if Polytrix.logger.debug?
+ Polytrix.logger.debug(line)
+ else
+ Polytrix.logger.logdev && Polytrix.logger.logdev.public_send(level, line)
+ end
- end
- # Writes an array of lines to the `STDERR` device.
- #
- # @param lines [Array<String>] an array of strings to log
- # @api private
- def self.stderr_log(lines)
- Array(lines).each do |line|
- $stderr.puts(Color.colorize(">>>>>> #{line}", :red))
+ # Writes an array of lines to the `STDERR` device.
+ #
+ # @param lines [Array<String>] an array of strings to log
+ # @api private
+ def stderr_log(lines)
+ Array(lines).each do |line|
+ $stderr.puts(Color.colorize(">>>>>> #{line}", :red))
+ end
- end
- # Writes an array of lines to the common Polytrix debugger with debug
- # severity.
- #
- # @param lines [Array<String>] an array of strings to log
- # @api private
- def self.debug_log(lines)
- Array(lines).each { |line| Polytrix.logger.debug(line) }
- end
- # Handles an challenge failure exception.
- #
- # @param e [StandardError] an exception to handle
- # @see Polytrix.with_friendly_errors
- # @api private
- def self.handle_challenge_failure(e)
- stderr_log(e.message.split(/\s{2,}/))
- stderr_log(Error.formatted_exception(e.original))
- file_log(:error, e.message.split(/\s{2,}/).first)
- debug_log(Error.formatted_trace(e))
- end
- # Handles an unexpected failure exception.
- #
- # @param e [StandardError] an exception to handle
- # @see Polytrix.with_friendly_errors
- # @api private
- def self.handle_error(e)
- stderr_log(Error.formatted_exception(e))
- stderr_log('Please see .polytrix/logs/polytrix.log for more details')
- # stderr_log("Also try running `polytrix diagnose --all` for configuration\n")
- file_log(:error, Error.formatted_trace(e))
+ # Writes an array of lines to the common Polytrix debugger with debug
+ # severity.
+ #
+ # @param lines [Array<String>] an array of strings to log
+ # @api private
+ def debug_log(lines)
+ Array(lines).each { |line| Polytrix.logger.debug(line) }
+ end