lib/polytrix/cli.rb in polytrix-0.1.2 vs lib/polytrix/cli.rb in polytrix-0.1.3
- old
+ new
@@ -1,9 +1,10 @@
require 'thor'
require 'polytrix'
require 'polytrix/command'
+require 'polytrix/command/report'
module Polytrix
class CLI < Thor # rubocop:disable ClassLength
# Common module to load and invoke a CLI-implementation agnostic command.
module PerformCommand
@@ -27,12 +28,10 @@
str_const = Thor::Util.camel_case(command)
klass = ::Polytrix::Command.const_get(str_const), options, command_options).call
- rescue ArgumentError => e
- abort e.message
include Logging
include PerformCommand
@@ -42,76 +41,96 @@
# Constructs a new instance.
def initialize(*args)
+ Polytrix.logger = Polytrix.default_file_logger
$stdout.sync = true
+ def self.filter_options
+ method_option :failed,
+ type: :boolean,
+ desc: 'Only list tests that failed / passed'
+ method_option :skipped,
+ type: :boolean,
+ desc: 'Only list tests that were skipped / executed'
+ method_option :samples,
+ type: :boolean,
+ desc: 'Only list tests that have sample code / do not have sample code'
+ end
desc 'list [INSTANCE|REGEXP|all]', 'Lists one or more scenarios'
- method_option :bare,
- aliases: '-b',
- type: :boolean,
- desc: 'List the name of each scenario only, one per line'
method_option :log_level,
aliases: '-l',
desc: 'Set the log level (debug, info, warn, error, fatal)'
+ method_option :format,
+ desc: 'List output format',
+ enum: %w(text markdown json yaml),
+ default: 'text'
method_option :manifest,
aliases: '-m',
desc: 'The Polytrix test manifest file location',
default: 'polytrix.yml'
method_option :test_dir,
aliases: '-t',
desc: 'The Polytrix test directory',
default: 'tests/polytrix'
method_option :solo,
desc: 'Enable solo mode - Polytrix will auto-configure a single implementor and its scenarios'
- # , default: 'polytrix.yml'
+ # , default: 'polytrix.yml'
method_option :solo_glob,
desc: 'The globbing pattern to find code samples in solo mode'
+ method_option :source,
+ type: :boolean,
+ desc: 'Include source file in listing'
+ filter_options
def list(*args)
perform('list', 'list', args, options)
- desc 'report [INSTANCE|REGEXP|all]', 'Summary report for one or more scenarios'
- method_option :bare,
- aliases: '-b',
- type: :boolean,
- desc: 'List the name of each scenario only, one per line'
+ desc 'show [INSTANCE|REGEXP|all]', 'Show detailed status for one or more scenarios'
method_option :log_level,
aliases: '-l',
desc: 'Set the log level (debug, info, warn, error, fatal)'
+ method_option :format,
+ desc: 'List output format',
+ enum: %w(text markdown json yaml),
+ default: 'text'
method_option :manifest,
aliases: '-m',
desc: 'The Polytrix test manifest file location',
default: 'polytrix.yml'
method_option :test_dir,
aliases: '-t',
desc: 'The Polytrix test directory',
default: 'tests/polytrix'
method_option :solo,
desc: 'Enable solo mode - Polytrix will auto-configure a single implementor and its scenarios'
- # , default: 'polytrix.yml'
+ # , default: 'polytrix.yml'
method_option :solo_glob,
desc: 'The globbing pattern to find code samples in solo mode'
- def report(*args)
+ filter_options
+ def show(*args)
- perform('report', 'report', args, options)
+ perform('show', 'show', args, options)
- clone: "Change scenario state to cloned. " \
- "Clone the code sample from git",
- bootstrap: "Change scenario state to bootstraped. " \
- "Running bootstrap scripts for the implementor",
- exec: "Change instance state to executed. " \
- "Execute the code sample and capture the results.",
- verify: "Change instance state to verified. " \
- "Assert that the captured results match the expectations for the scenario.",
- destroy: "Change scenario state to destroyed. " \
- "Delete all information for one or more scenarios"
+ clone: 'Change scenario state to cloned. ' \
+ 'Clone the code sample from git',
+ bootstrap: 'Change scenario state to bootstraped. ' \
+ 'Running bootstrap scripts for the implementor',
+ detect: 'Find sample code that matches a test scenario. ' \
+ 'Attempts to locate a code sample with a filename that the test scenario name.',
+ exec: 'Change instance state to executed. ' \
+ 'Execute the code sample and capture the results.',
+ verify: 'Change instance state to verified. ' \
+ 'Assert that the captured results match the expectations for the scenario.',
+ destroy: 'Change scenario state to destroyed. ' \
+ 'Delete all information for one or more scenarios'
}.each do |action, short_desc|
"#{action} [INSTANCE|REGEXP|all]",
@@ -144,11 +163,10 @@
method_option :solo_glob,
desc: 'The globbing pattern to find code samples in solo mode'
define_method(action) do |*args|
action_options = options.dup
- action_options['on'] = :implementor if [:clone, :bootstrap].include? action
perform(action, 'action', args, action_options)
desc 'test [INSTANCE|REGEXP|all]',
@@ -177,66 +195,32 @@
aliases: '-t',
desc: 'The Polytrix test directory',
default: 'tests/polytrix'
method_option :solo,
desc: 'Enable solo mode - Polytrix will auto-configure a single implementor and its scenarios'
- # , default: 'polytrix.yml'
+ # , default: 'polytrix.yml'
method_option :solo_glob,
desc: 'The globbing pattern to find code samples in solo mode'
def test(*args)
action_options = options.dup
perform('test', 'test', args, action_options)
- desc 'code2doc [INSTANCE|REGEXP|all]',
- 'Generates documenation from sample code for one or more scenarios'
- long_desc <<-DESC
- This task will convert annotated sample code to documentation. Markdown or
- reStructureText are supported.
- method_option :log_level,
- aliases: '-l',
- desc: 'Set the log level (debug, info, warn, error, fatal)'
- method_option :manifest,
- aliases: '-m',
- desc: 'The Polytrix test manifest file location',
- default: 'polytrix.yml'
- method_option :solo,
- desc: 'Enable solo mode - Polytrix will auto-configure a single implementor and its scenarios'
- # , default: 'polytrix.yml'
- method_option :solo_glob,
- desc: 'The globbing pattern to find code samples in solo mode'
- method_option :format,
- aliases: '-f',
- enum: %w(md rst),
- default: 'md',
- desc: 'Target documentation format'
- method_option :target_dir,
- aliases: '-d',
- default: 'docs/',
- desc: 'The target directory where documentation for generated documentation.'
- def code2doc(*args)
- update_config!
- action_options = options.dup
- perform('code2doc', 'action', args, action_options)
- end
desc 'version', "Print Polytrix's version information"
def version
puts "Polytrix version #{Polytrix::VERSION}"
- map %w[-v --version] => :version
+ map %w(-v --version) => :version
- # register Polytrix::CLI::Report, "init",
- # "init", "Adds some configuration to your cookbook so Polytrix can rock"
- # long_desc <<-D, :for => "init"
- # Init will add Test Polytrix support to an existing project for
- # convergence integration testing. A default .polytrix.yml file (which is
- # intended to be customized) is created in the project's root directory
- # and one or more gems will be added to the project's Gemfile.
+ desc 'report', 'Generate reports'
+ subcommand 'report', Polytrix::Command::Report
+ # register Polytrix::Command::Report, 'report',
+ # 'report', 'Generates a report'
+ # long_desc <<-D, for: 'report'
+ # Polytrix will generate an HTML report.
# D
- # tasks["init"].options = Polytrix::CLI::Report.class_options
+ # tasks['report'].options = Polytrix::Command::Report.class_options
# Ensure the any failing commands exit non-zero.