test/dummy/tmp/cache/assets/development/sprockets/1926295578648cdc013840b112b4549a in polyblock-0.0.7 vs test/dummy/tmp/cache/assets/development/sprockets/1926295578648cdc013840b112b4549a in polyblock-0.1.2
- old
+ new
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
class:ETI"ProcessedAsset; FI"logical_path; TI"polyblock/polyblock.js; FI"
pathname; TI"i/Applications/XAMPP/xamppfiles/htdocs/polyblock/app/assets/javascripts/polyblock/polyblock.js.coffee; FI"content_type; TI"application/javascript; TI"
-mtime; Tl+Þ™›RI"length; Ti¦"I"digest; TI"%0434c1906ebe15a3deba628874b09ca3; FI"source; TI"¦"(function() {
+mtime; Tl+$íµRI"length; TiÌ$I"digest; TI"%e1e59b64ca2cd2d984a4c8158e57cc3e; FI"source; TI"Ì$(function() {
var unsavedChanges;
CKEDITOR.disableAutoInline = true;
unsavedChanges = false;
@@ -12,259 +12,260 @@
return "Are you sure you want to leave this page? Your unsaved changes will not be stored!";
$(function() {
- var blockclones, blocks, changeChecker, changeText, convertFromTextarea, convertToTextarea, currentMode, editorModeOff, editorModeOn, indicator, initialBodyPadding, previousMode, revertChanges, saveChanges, showSavedChanges, showUnsavedChanges, startListening, stopListening, verbose;
- blocks = $(".polyblock[contenteditable='true']");
- if (!blocks.length) {
- return;
- }
- blockclones = {};
- blocks.each(function() {
- var id;
- id = $(this).attr('id');
- blockclones[id] = $(this).clone();
- return CKEDITOR.inline(id, {
- on: {
- focus: function(e) {
- editorModeOn();
- return startListening(id);
- },
- blur: function(e) {
- return stopListening();
- },
- keyup: function(e) {
- return alert("changed!");
- }
+ return $(document).ready(function() {
+ var blockclones, blocks, changeChecker, changeText, convertFromTextarea, convertToTextarea, currentMode, editorModeOff, editorModeOn, indicator, initialBodyPadding, previousMode, revertChanges, saveChanges, showSavedChanges, showUnsavedChanges, startListening, stopListening, verbose;
+ blocks = $(".polyblock[contenteditable='true']");
+ if (!blocks.length) {
+ return;
+ }
+ blockclones = {};
+ blocks.each(function() {
+ var id;
+ id = $(this).attr('id');
+ blockclones[id] = $(this).clone();
+ if (!_.contains(_.keys(CKEDITOR.instances), id)) {
+ return CKEDITOR.inline(id, {
+ on: {
+ focus: function(e) {
+ editorModeOn();
+ return startListening(id);
+ },
+ blur: function(e) {
+ return stopListening();
+ }
+ }
+ });
- });
- verbose = false;
- changeChecker = null;
- indicator = $('.pb-change-indicator');
- changeText = $('.pb-change-text');
- startListening = function(which) {
- var buffer;
- stopListening();
- if (verbose) {
- console.log("I'm listening...");
- }
- buffer = CKEDITOR.instances[which].getData();
- return changeChecker = setInterval(function() {
- var reading;
+ verbose = true;
+ changeChecker = null;
+ indicator = $('.pb-change-indicator');
+ changeText = $('.pb-change-text');
+ startListening = function(which) {
+ var buffer;
+ stopListening();
if (verbose) {
- console.log("Checking for changes...");
+ console.log("I'm listening...");
- reading = CKEDITOR.instances[which].getData();
- if (reading !== buffer && !unsavedChanges) {
- return showUnsavedChanges();
- } else if (reading === buffer && unsavedChanges) {
- return showSavedChanges();
+ buffer = CKEDITOR.instances[which].getData();
+ return changeChecker = setInterval(function() {
+ var reading;
+ if (verbose) {
+ console.log("Checking for changes...");
+ }
+ reading = CKEDITOR.instances[which].getData();
+ if (reading !== buffer && !unsavedChanges) {
+ return showUnsavedChanges();
+ } else if (reading === buffer && unsavedChanges) {
+ return showSavedChanges();
+ }
+ }, 1000);
+ };
+ stopListening = function() {
+ if (changeChecker == null) {
+ return;
- }, 1000);
- };
- stopListening = function() {
- if (changeChecker == null) {
- return;
- }
- if (verbose) {
- console.log("I'm no longer listening.");
- }
- clearInterval(changeChecker);
- return changeChecker = null;
- };
- showUnsavedChanges = function() {
- indicator.transition({
- rotate: "-30deg",
- color: "red"
- });
- changeText.html("You have unsaved changes.").transition({
- color: "red"
- });
- return unsavedChanges = true;
- };
- showSavedChanges = function() {
- indicator.transition({
- rotate: "0deg",
- color: "green"
- });
- changeText.html("All changes saved.").transition({
- color: "green"
- });
- return unsavedChanges = false;
- };
- initialBodyPadding = $('body').css("padding-bottom");
- editorModeOn = function(pb) {
- return $('#pb_bar').show("slide", {
- direction: "down"
- }, 250, function() {
- $('body').css("padding-bottom", $("#pb_bar").height() + 20);
- return typeof pb === "function" ? pb() : void 0;
- });
- };
- editorModeOff = function(pb) {
- return $('#pb_bar').hide("slide", {
- direction: "down"
- }, 250, function() {
- $('body').css("padding-bottom", initialBodyPadding);
- return typeof pb === "function" ? pb() : void 0;
- });
- };
- saveChanges = function() {
- var pbs;
- showSavedChanges();
- pbs = _.object(_.map(blocks, function(b) {
- return $(b).data("pbid");
- }), _.map(blocks, function(b) {
- return $(b).html();
- }));
- return $.post("/polyblock/update", {
- pbs: pbs
- }, function(data) {
- return editorModeOff(function() {
- return alertify.success("Your changes have been saved.");
+ if (verbose) {
+ console.log("I'm no longer listening.");
+ }
+ clearInterval(changeChecker);
+ return changeChecker = null;
+ };
+ showUnsavedChanges = function() {
+ indicator.transition({
+ rotate: "-30deg",
+ color: "red"
- });
- };
- revertChanges = function(pb) {
- if (!confirm("Are you sure you want to discard your changes?")) {
- return;
- }
- return editorModeOff(function() {
- blocks.each(function() {
- return $(this).replaceWith(blockclones[$(this).attr("id")]);
+ changeText.html("You have unsaved changes.").transition({
+ color: "red"
- return alertify.success("Your changes have been discarded.");
- });
- };
- currentMode = previousMode = "WYSIWYG";
- convertToTextarea = function(block, content, tab) {
- var previous_textarea, replaceIt, tabchars, textarea,
- _this = this;
- if (content == null) {
- content = null;
- }
- if (tab == null) {
- tab = "\t";
- }
- tabchars = tab.replace(/\\/, "").length;
- previous_textarea = $("textarea[data-pbid=" + (block.attr("data-pbid")) + "]");
- if (content == null) {
- content = previous_textarea.is("*") ? previous_textarea.val() : block.html();
- }
- textarea = $('<textarea />').addClass("form-control").attr("data-pbid", block.attr("data-pbid")).val(content).css({
- "font-family": 'Monaco, Menlo, Consolas, "Courier New", monospace'
- }).on("keydown", function(e) {
- var end, keycode, start;
- keycode = e.keyCode || e.which;
- if (!(keycode === 9 || keycode === 8 || keycode === 46)) {
+ return unsavedChanges = true;
+ };
+ showSavedChanges = function() {
+ indicator.transition({
+ rotate: "0deg",
+ color: "green"
+ });
+ changeText.html("All changes saved.").transition({
+ color: "green"
+ });
+ return unsavedChanges = false;
+ };
+ initialBodyPadding = $('body').css("padding-bottom");
+ editorModeOn = function(pb) {
+ return $('#pb_bar').show("slide", {
+ direction: "down"
+ }, 250, function() {
+ $('body').css("padding-bottom", $("#pb_bar").height() + 20);
+ return typeof pb === "function" ? pb() : void 0;
+ });
+ };
+ editorModeOff = function(pb) {
+ return $('#pb_bar').hide("slide", {
+ direction: "down"
+ }, 250, function() {
+ $('body').css("padding-bottom", initialBodyPadding);
+ return typeof pb === "function" ? pb() : void 0;
+ });
+ };
+ saveChanges = function() {
+ var pbs;
+ showSavedChanges();
+ pbs = _.object(_.map(blocks, function(b) {
+ return $(b).data("pbid");
+ }), _.map(blocks, function(b) {
+ return $(b).html();
+ }));
+ return $.post("/polyblock/update", {
+ pbs: pbs
+ }, function(data) {
+ return editorModeOff(function() {
+ return alertify.success("Your changes have been saved.");
+ });
+ });
+ };
+ revertChanges = function(pb) {
+ if (!confirm("Are you sure you want to discard your changes?")) {
- start = $(this).get(0).selectionStart;
- end = $(this).get(0).selectionEnd;
- if (keycode === 9) {
- e.preventDefault();
- $(this).val("" + ($(this).val().substring(0, start)) + tab + ($(this).val().substring(end)));
- return $(this).get(0).selectionStart = $(this).get(0).selectionEnd = start + tabchars;
- } else if (keycode === 8) {
- if (!(currentMode === "HAML" && $(this).val().substring(start - tabchars, start) === tab)) {
+ return editorModeOff(function() {
+ blocks.each(function() {
+ return $(this).replaceWith(blockclones[$(this).attr("id")]);
+ });
+ return alertify.success("Your changes have been discarded.");
+ });
+ };
+ currentMode = previousMode = "WYSIWYG";
+ convertToTextarea = function(block, content, tab) {
+ var previous_textarea, replaceIt, tabchars, textarea,
+ _this = this;
+ if (content == null) {
+ content = null;
+ }
+ if (tab == null) {
+ tab = "\t";
+ }
+ tabchars = tab.replace(/\\/, "").length;
+ previous_textarea = $("textarea[data-pbid=" + (block.attr("data-pbid")) + "]");
+ if (content == null) {
+ content = previous_textarea.is("*") ? previous_textarea.val() : block.html();
+ }
+ textarea = $('<textarea />').addClass("form-control").attr("data-pbid", block.attr("data-pbid")).val(content).css({
+ "font-family": 'Monaco, Menlo, Consolas, "Courier New", monospace'
+ }).on("keydown", function(e) {
+ var end, keycode, start;
+ keycode = e.keyCode || e.which;
+ if (!(keycode === 9 || keycode === 8 || keycode === 46)) {
- e.preventDefault();
- $(this).val("" + ($(this).val().substring(0, start - tabchars)) + ($(this).val().substring(end)));
- return $(this).get(0).selectionStart = $(this).get(0).selectionEnd = start - tabchars;
- } else if (keycode === 46) {
- if (!(currentMode === "HAML" && $(this).val().substring(start, start + tabchars) === tab)) {
- return;
+ start = $(this).get(0).selectionStart;
+ end = $(this).get(0).selectionEnd;
+ if (keycode === 9) {
+ e.preventDefault();
+ $(this).val("" + ($(this).val().substring(0, start)) + tab + ($(this).val().substring(end)));
+ return $(this).get(0).selectionStart = $(this).get(0).selectionEnd = start + tabchars;
+ } else if (keycode === 8) {
+ if (!(currentMode === "HAML" && $(this).val().substring(start - tabchars, start) === tab)) {
+ return;
+ }
+ e.preventDefault();
+ $(this).val("" + ($(this).val().substring(0, start - tabchars)) + ($(this).val().substring(end)));
+ return $(this).get(0).selectionStart = $(this).get(0).selectionEnd = start - tabchars;
+ } else if (keycode === 46) {
+ if (!(currentMode === "HAML" && $(this).val().substring(start, start + tabchars) === tab)) {
+ return;
+ }
+ e.preventDefault();
+ $(this).val("" + ($(this).val().substring(0, start)) + ($(this).val().substring(end + tabchars)));
+ return $(this).get(0).selectionStart = $(this).get(0).selectionEnd = start;
- e.preventDefault();
- $(this).val("" + ($(this).val().substring(0, start)) + ($(this).val().substring(end + tabchars)));
- return $(this).get(0).selectionStart = $(this).get(0).selectionEnd = start;
- }
- });
- replaceIt = function(html) {
- if (!previous_textarea.is("*")) {
- block.replaceWith(textarea);
+ });
+ replaceIt = function(html) {
+ if (!previous_textarea.is("*")) {
+ block.replaceWith(textarea);
+ } else {
+ previous_textarea.replaceWith(textarea);
+ }
+ return textarea.autosize().focus();
+ };
+ if (previousMode !== "HAML") {
+ return replaceIt(content);
} else {
- previous_textarea.replaceWith(textarea);
+ return $.post("/convert_haml_to_html", {
+ haml: content
+ }, function(data) {
+ return replaceIt(data);
+ });
- return textarea.autosize().focus();
- if (previousMode !== "HAML") {
- return replaceIt(content);
- } else {
- return $.post("/convert_haml_to_html", {
- haml: content
- }, function(data) {
- return replaceIt(data);
- });
- }
- };
- convertFromTextarea = function(block) {
- var replaceIt, textarea,
- _this = this;
- textarea = $("textarea[data-pbid=" + (block.attr("data-pbid")) + "]");
- replaceIt = function(html) {
- console.log("Replacing with html: " + html);
- textarea.replaceWith(block);
- return block.html(html);
- };
- if (previousMode !== "HAML") {
- return replaceIt(textarea.text());
- } else {
- return $.post("/convert_haml_to_html", {
- haml: textarea.val()
- }, function(data) {
- return replaceIt(data);
- });
- }
- };
- $('#pb_bar_format_buttons button').click(function(e) {
- var changeModes,
- _this = this;
- e.preventDefault();
- if ($(this).hasClass("active")) {
- return;
- }
- previousMode = currentMode;
- currentMode = $(this).html();
- changeModes = function(block) {
- var content, textarea;
+ convertFromTextarea = function(block) {
+ var replaceIt, textarea,
+ _this = this;
textarea = $("textarea[data-pbid=" + (block.attr("data-pbid")) + "]");
- content = textarea.is("*") ? textarea.val() : block.html();
- switch (currentMode) {
- case "WYSIWYG":
- return convertFromTextarea(block);
- case "HTML":
- return convertToTextarea(block, html_beautify(content));
- case "HAML":
- return $.post("/convert_html_to_haml", {
- html: content
- }, function(data) {
- return convertToTextarea(block, data, " ");
- });
- case "Markdown":
- return convertToTextarea(block, html_beautify(content));
+ replaceIt = function(html) {
+ console.log("Replacing with html: " + html);
+ textarea.replaceWith(block);
+ return block.html(html);
+ };
+ if (previousMode !== "HAML") {
+ return replaceIt(textarea.text());
+ } else {
+ return $.post("/convert_haml_to_html", {
+ haml: textarea.val()
+ }, function(data) {
+ return replaceIt(data);
+ });
- if (previousMode === "WYSIWYG") {
- blocks = $(".polyblock[contenteditable='true']");
- }
- blocks.each(function() {
- return changeModes($(this));
+ $('#pb_bar_format_buttons button').click(function(e) {
+ var changeModes,
+ _this = this;
+ e.preventDefault();
+ if ($(this).hasClass("active")) {
+ return;
+ }
+ previousMode = currentMode;
+ currentMode = $(this).html();
+ changeModes = function(block) {
+ var content, textarea;
+ textarea = $("textarea[data-pbid=" + (block.attr("data-pbid")) + "]");
+ content = textarea.is("*") ? textarea.val() : block.html();
+ switch (currentMode) {
+ case "WYSIWYG":
+ return convertFromTextarea(block);
+ case "HTML":
+ return convertToTextarea(block, html_beautify(content));
+ case "HAML":
+ return $.post("/convert_html_to_haml", {
+ html: content
+ }, function(data) {
+ return convertToTextarea(block, data, " ");
+ });
+ case "Markdown":
+ return convertToTextarea(block, html_beautify(content));
+ }
+ };
+ if (previousMode === "WYSIWYG") {
+ blocks = $(".polyblock[contenteditable='true']");
+ }
+ blocks.each(function() {
+ return changeModes($(this));
+ });
+ return $(this).siblings().removeClass("active").end().addClass("active");
- return $(this).siblings().removeClass("active").end().addClass("active");
+ $('#pb_bar_revert').click(function(e) {
+ e.preventDefault();
+ return revertChanges();
+ });
+ return $('#pb_bar_save').click(function(e) {
+ e.preventDefault();
+ return saveChanges();
+ });
- $('#pb_bar_revert').click(function(e) {
- e.preventDefault();
- return revertChanges();
- });
- return $('#pb_bar_save').click(function(e) {
- e.preventDefault();
- return saveChanges();
- });
-; TI"dependency_digest; TI"%6ab94ad0760586efc649776fdc98664e; FI"required_paths; T[I"i/Applications/XAMPP/xamppfiles/htdocs/polyblock/app/assets/javascripts/polyblock/polyblock.js.coffee; FI"dependency_paths; T[{I" path; TI"i/Applications/XAMPP/xamppfiles/htdocs/polyblock/app/assets/javascripts/polyblock/polyblock.js.coffee; FI"
-mtime; TI"2013-12-01T15:19:42-05:00; TI"digest; TI"%c732fc2555319160a1f5316f9414a884; FI"
_version; TI"%01dc9d4cb5b0ece13ed47cc1cabfeb41; F
+; TI"dependency_digest; TI"%0f4109cc79588cfd9528a1f314992f83; FI"required_paths; T[I"i/Applications/XAMPP/xamppfiles/htdocs/polyblock/app/assets/javascripts/polyblock/polyblock.js.coffee; FI"dependency_paths; T[{I" path; TI"i/Applications/XAMPP/xamppfiles/htdocs/polyblock/app/assets/javascripts/polyblock/polyblock.js.coffee; FI"
+mtime; TI"2013-12-21T14:33:56-05:00; TI"digest; TI"%a3a5afb9b2d334c38ac858091e07a144; FI"
_version; TI"%01dc9d4cb5b0ece13ed47cc1cabfeb41; F
\ No newline at end of file