.rubocop.yml in polist-0.3.0 vs .rubocop.yml in polist-0.4.0
- old
+ new
@@ -1,205 +1,6 @@
+ rubocop-config-umbrellio: lib/rubocop.yml
DisplayCopNames: true
- TargetRubyVersion: 2.4
- Exclude:
- - polist.gemspec
-# Layout
- Enabled: true
-# Layout/MultilineMethodCallIndentation:
-# Enabled: false
-# Layout/MultilineOperationIndentation:
-# Enabled: false
- EnforcedStyle: require_space
- Enabled: false
- EnforcedStyle: consistent
- EnforcedStyle: consistent
-# Lint
- Enabled: false
- Enabled: false
- Enabled: false
- Enabled: false
- Enabled: true
- Enabled: false
- Enabled: true
-# Metrics
-# Metrics/AbcSize:
-# Enabled: false
- Exclude:
- - spec/**/*
-# Metrics/ClassLength:
-# Enabled: false
-# Metrics/CyclomaticComplexity:
-# Enabled: false
- Max: 100
- Max: 20
- Enabled: false
-# Performance
- Enabled: true
- Enabled: false
-# Security
- Enabled: false
-# Style
- # This cop assumes every method is accessor
- Enabled: false
- # `do_something and return`
- Enabled: false
- # Enable it in non-rails projects with EnforcedStyle you prefer
- Enabled: false
- # Also, i think that better to use yard's `@todo` and other in ruby code
- Enabled: false
- Enabled: false
- Enabled: false
- # Always return booleans in predicates
- Enabled: false
- Enabled: false
- Enabled: false
- Enabled: false
- Enabled: true
- Enabled: true
- Enabled: false
- Exclude:
- - Rakefile
- Enabled: false
- Enabled: false
- Enabled: false
- Enabled: true
- Description: 'Use indent in groups of 3 unlesss you meet project-specific rule'
- Enabled: false
- Enabled: false
- Enabled: true
- NamePrefixBlacklist:
- - is_
- Description: 'Use `raise, ErrorClass` in all cases but not when you need ErrorClass constructor'
- Enabled: false
- EnforcedStyle: mixed
- Enabled: true
- Enabled: false
- EnforcedStyle: double_quotes
- ConsistentQuotesInMultiline: true
- EnforcedStyle: only_raise
- Enabled: false
- Enabled: false
- Enabled: false
- EnforcedStyleForMultiline: comma
- EnforcedStyleForMultiline: comma
- AllowPredicates: true
- Enabled: false
- Enabled: false
+ TargetRubyVersion: 2.5