lib/polisher/rpm/spec.rb in polisher-0.10.2 vs lib/polisher/rpm/spec.rb in polisher-0.11.1
- old
+ new
@@ -1,445 +1,106 @@
# Polisher RPM Spec Represenation
# Licensed under the MIT license
# Copyright (C) 2013-2014 Red Hat, Inc.
-require 'polisher/core'
-require 'polisher/gem'
-require 'polisher/rpm/requirement'
-require 'polisher/component'
+require 'polisher/rpm/spec/requirements'
+require 'polisher/rpm/spec/files'
+require 'polisher/rpm/spec/subpackages'
+require 'polisher/rpm/spec/check'
-module Polisher
- deps = ['gem2rpm', 'versionomy', 'active_support', 'active_support/core_ext']
- Component.verify("RPM::Spec", *deps) do
- module RPM
- class Spec
- # RPM Spec Requirement Prefix
- def self.requirement_prefix
- Requirement.prefix
- end
+require 'polisher/rpm/spec/updater'
+require 'polisher/rpm/spec/parser'
+require 'polisher/rpm/spec/comparison'
- def requirement_prefix
- self.class.requirement_prefix
- end
+require 'polisher/rpm/spec/gem_files'
+require 'polisher/rpm/spec/gem_reference'
+require 'polisher/rpm/spec/gem_requirements'
- def self.package_prefix
- requirement_prefix
- end
+module Polisher
+ module RPM
+ class Spec
+ include SpecRequirements
+ include SpecFiles
+ include SpecSubpackages
+ include SpecCheck
- AUTHOR = "#{ENV['USER']} <#{ENV['USER']}@localhost.localdomain>"
+ include SpecUpdater
+ include SpecParser
+ include SpecComparison
- COMMENT_MATCHER = /^\s*#.*/
- GEM_NAME_MATCHER = /^%global\s*gem_name\s(.*)$/
- SPEC_NAME_MATCHER = /^Name:\s*#{package_prefix}-(.*)$/
- SPEC_VERSION_MATCHER = /^Version:\s*(.*)$/
- SPEC_RELEASE_MATCHER = /^Release:\s*(.*)$/
- SPEC_REQUIRES_MATCHER = /^Requires:\s*(.*)$/
- SPEC_BUILD_REQUIRES_MATCHER = /^BuildRequires:\s*(.*)$/
- SPEC_GEM_REQ_MATCHER = /^.*\s*#{requirement_prefix}\((.*)\)(\s*(.*))?$/
- SPEC_SUBPACKAGE_MATCHER = /^%package\s(.*)$/
- SPEC_CHANGELOG_MATCHER = /^%changelog$/
- SPEC_FILES_MATCHER = /^%files$/
- SPEC_SUBPKG_FILES_MATCHER = /^%files\s*(.*)$/
- SPEC_DOC_FILES_MATCHER = /^%files doc$/
- SPEC_CHECK_MATCHER = /^%check$/
+ # TODO: make these mixins optional depending on if rpm corresponds to gem
+ include SpecGemFiles
+ include SpecGemReference
+ include SpecGemRequirements
- [/^%doc\s/, /^%config\s/, /^%attr\s/,
- /^%verify\s/, /^%docdir.*/, /^%dir\s/,
- /^%defattr.*/, /^%exclude\s/, /^%{gem_instdir}\/+/]
+ AUTHOR = "#{ENV['USER']} <#{ENV['USER']}@localhost.localdomain>"
- {"%{_bindir}" => 'bin',
- "%{gem_libdir}" => 'lib'}
+ # metadata keys parsed
+ # @see [Polisher::RPM::SpecParser::ClassMethods#parse]
+ METADATA_IDS = [:contents, :gem_name, :version, :release,
+ :requires, :build_requires, :has_check, :changelog,
+ :pkg_excludes, :pkg_files, :changelog_entries]
- attr_accessor :metadata
+ COMMENT_MATCHER = /^\s*#.*/
+ GEM_NAME_MATCHER = /^%global\s*gem_name\s(.*)$/
+ SPEC_NAME_MATCHER = /^Name:\s*#{package_prefix}-(.*)$/
+ SPEC_VERSION_MATCHER = /^Version:\s*(.*)$/
+ SPEC_RELEASE_MATCHER = /^Release:\s*(.*)$/
+ SPEC_REQUIRES_MATCHER = /^Requires:\s*(.*)$/
+ SPEC_BUILD_REQUIRES_MATCHER = /^BuildRequires:\s*(.*)$/
+ SPEC_GEM_REQ_MATCHER = /^.*\s*#{requirement_prefix}\((.*)\)(\s*(.*))?$/
+ SPEC_SUBPACKAGE_MATCHER = /^%package\s(.*)$/
+ SPEC_DOC_SUBPACKAGE_MATCHER = /^%package\sdoc$/
+ SPEC_CHANGELOG_MATCHER = /^%changelog$/
+ SPEC_FILES_MATCHER = /^%files$/
+ SPEC_SUBPKG_FILES_MATCHER = /^%files\s*(.*)$/
+ SPEC_EXCLUDED_FILE_MATCHER = /^%exclude\s+(.*)$/
+ SPEC_PREP_MATCHER = /^%prep$/
+ SPEC_CHECK_MATCHER = /^%check$/
+ SPEC_DESCRIPTION_MATCHER = /^%description$/
- # Return the currently configured author
- def self.current_author
- end
+ [/^%doc\s/, /^%config\s/, /^%attr\s/,
+ /^%verify\s/, /^%docdir.*/, /^%dir\s/, /^%defattr.*/,
+ /^%{gem_instdir}\/+/, /^%{gem_cache}/, /^%{gem_spec}/, /^%{gem_docdir}/]
- def initialize(metadata={})
- @metadata = metadata
- end
+ {"%{_bindir}" => 'bin', "%{gem_libdir}" => 'lib'}
- # Dispatch all missing methods to lookup calls in rpm spec metadata
- def method_missing(method, *args, &block)
- # proxy to metadata
- if @metadata.has_key?(method)
- @metadata[method]
+ attr_accessor :metadata
- else
- super(method, *args, &block)
- end
- end
+ def initialize(metadata = nil)
+ @metadata = self.class.default_metadata.merge(metadata || {})
+ end
- # Return gem corresponding to spec name/version
- def upstream_gem
- @gem ||= Polisher::Gem.from_rubygems gem_name, version
- end
+ # Dispatch all missing methods to lookup calls in rpm spec metadata
+ def method_missing(method, *args, &block)
+ # proxy to metadata
+ return @metadata[method] if @metadata.key?(method)
- # Return boolean indicating if spec has a %check section
- def has_check?
- @metadata.has_key?(:has_check) && @metadata[:has_check]
- end
+ # return nil if metadata value not set
+ return nil if METADATA_IDS.include?(method)
- # Return all the Requires for the specified gem
- def requirements_for_gem(gem_name)
- @metadata[:requires].nil? ? [] :
- @metadata[:requires].select { |r| r.gem_name == gem_name }
- end
+ # set value if invoking metadata setter
+ id = method[0...-1].intern if method[-1] == '='
+ metadata_setter = METADATA_IDS.include?(id) && args.length == 1
+ return @metadata[id] = args.first if metadata_setter
- # Return all the BuildRequires for the specified gem
- def build_requirements_for_gem(gem_name)
- @metadata[:build_requires].nil? ? [] :
- @metadata[:build_requires].select { |r| r.gem_name == gem_name }
- end
+ # dispatch to default behaviour
+ super(method, *args, &block)
+ end
- # Return bool indicating if this spec specifies all the
- # requirements in the specified gem dependency
- #
- # @param [Gem::Dependency] gem_dep dependency which to retreive / compare
- # requirements
- def has_all_requirements_for?(gem_dep)
- reqs = self.requirements_for_gem
- # create a spec requirement dependency for each expanded subrequirement,
- # verify we can find a match for that
- gem_dep.requirement.to_s.split(',').all? { |greq|
- Gem2Rpm::Helpers.expand_requirement([greq.split]).all? { |ereq|
- tereq = :name => "#{requirement_prefix}(#{})",
- :condition => ereq.first,
- :version => ereq.last.to_s
- reqs.any? { |req| req.matches?(tereq)}
- }
- }
- end
+ # Return contents of spec as string
+ #
+ # @return [String] string representation of rpm spec
+ def to_string
+ contents
+ end
- # Return list of gem dependencies for which we have no
- # corresponding requirements
- def missing_deps_for(gem)
- # Comparison by name here assuming if it is in existing spec,
- # spec author will have ensured versions are correct for their purposes
- { |dep| requirements_for_gem( }
- end
- # Return list of gem dev dependencies for which we have
- # no corresponding requirements
- def missing_dev_deps_for(gem)
- # Same note as in #missing_deps_for above
- { |dep| build_requirements_for_gem( }
- end
- # Return list of dependencies of upstream gem which
- # have not been included
- def excluded_deps
- missing_deps_for(upstream_gem)
- end
- # Return boolean indicating if the specified gem is on excluded list
- def excludes_dep?(gem_name)
- excluded_deps.any? { |d| == gem_name }
- end
- # Return list of dev dependencies of upstream gem which
- # have not been included
- def excluded_dev_deps
- missing_dev_deps_for(upstream_gem)
- end
- # Return boolean indicating if the specified gem is on
- # excluded dev dep list
- def excludes_dev_dep?(gem_name)
- excluded_dev_deps.any? { |d| == gem_name }
- end
- # Return all gem Requires
- def gem_requirements
- @metadata[:requires].nil? ? [] :
- @metadata[:requires].select { |r| r.gem? }
- end
- # Return all gem BuildRequires
- def gem_build_requirements
- @metadata[:build_requires].nil? ? [] :
- @metadata[:build_requires].select { |r| r.gem? }
- end
- # Return all non gem Requires
- def non_gem_requirements
- @metadata[:requires].nil? ? [] :
- @metadata[:requires].select { |r| !r.gem? }
- end
- # Return all non gem BuildRequires
- def non_gem_build_requirements
- @metadata[:build_requires].nil? ? [] :
- @metadata[:build_requires].select { |r| !r.gem? }
- end
- # Return all gem requirements _not_ in the specified gem
- def extra_gem_requirements(gem)
- gem_reqs = gem.deps.collect { |d| requirements_for_gem( }.flatten
- gem_requirements - gem_reqs
- end
- # Return all gem build requirements _not_ in the specified gem
- def extra_gem_build_requirements(gem)
- gem_reqs = gem.deps.collect { |d| requirements_for_gem( }.flatten
- gem_build_requirements - gem_reqs
- end
- # Parse the specified rpm spec and return new RPM::Spec instance from metadata
- #
- # @param [String] string contents of spec to parse
- # @return [Polisher::RPM::Spec] spec instantiated from rpmspec metadata
- def self.parse(spec)
- in_subpackage = false
- in_changelog = false
- in_files = false
- subpkg_name = nil
- meta = {:contents => spec}
- spec.each_line { |l|
- ;
- # TODO support optional gem prefix
- elsif l =~ GEM_NAME_MATCHER
- meta[:gem_name] = $1.strip
- meta[:gem_name] = $1.strip
- elsif l =~ SPEC_NAME_MATCHER &&
- $1.strip != "%{gem_name}"
- meta[:gem_name] = $1.strip
- meta[:version] = $1.strip
- meta[:release] = $1.strip
- subpkg_name = $1.strip
- in_subpackage = true
- !in_subpackage
- meta[:requires] ||= []
- meta[:requires] << RPM::Requirement.parse($1.strip)
- !in_subpackage
- meta[:build_requires] ||= []
- meta[:build_requires] << RPM::Requirement.parse($1.strip)
- in_changelog = true
- subpkg_name = nil
- in_files = true
- subpkg_name = $1.strip
- in_files = true
- meta[:has_check] = true
- elsif in_changelog
- meta[:changelog] ||= ""
- meta[:changelog] << l
- elsif in_files
- tgt = subpkg_name.nil? ? meta[:gem_name] : subpkg_name
- meta[:files] ||= {}
- meta[:files][tgt] ||= []
- sl = l.strip.unrpmize
- meta[:files][tgt] << sl unless sl.blank?
- end
- }
- meta[:changelog_entries] = meta[:changelog] ?
- meta[:changelog].split("\n\n") : []
- meta[:changelog_entries].collect! { |c| c.strip }.compact!
- meta
- end
- # Update RPM::Spec metadata to new gem
- #
- # @param [Polisher::Gem] new_source new gem to update rpmspec to
- def update_to(new_source)
- update_deps_from(new_source)
- update_files_from(new_source)
- update_metadata_from(new_source)
- end
- private
- # Update spec dependencies from new source
- def update_deps_from(new_source)
- @metadata[:requires] =
- non_gem_requirements +
- extra_gem_requirements(new_source) +
- { |r| !excludes_dep?( }
- .collect { |r| RPM::Requirement.from_gem_dep(r) }.flatten
- @metadata[:build_requires] =
- non_gem_build_requirements +
- extra_gem_build_requirements(new_source) +
- { |r| !excludes_dev_dep?( }
- .collect { |r| RPM::Requirement.from_gem_dep(r, true) }.flatten
- end
- # Internal helper to update spec files from new source
- def update_files_from(new_source)
- to_add = new_source.file_paths
- @metadata[:files] ||= {}
- @metadata[:files].each { |pkg,spec_files|
- (new_source.file_paths & to_add).each { |gem_file|
- # skip files already included in spec or in dir in spec
- has_file = spec_files.any? { |sf|
- gem_file.gsub(sf,'') != gem_file
- }
- to_add.delete(gem_file)
- to_add << gem_file.rpmize if !has_file &&
- !Gem.ignorable_file?(gem_file)
- }
- }
- @metadata[:new_files] = { |f| !Gem.doc_file?(f) }
- @metadata[:new_docs] = to_add - @metadata[:new_files]
- end
- # Internal helper to update spec metadata from new source
- def update_metadata_from(new_source)
- # update to new version
- @metadata[:version] = new_source.version
- @metadata[:release] = "1%{?dist}"
- # add changelog entry
- changelog_entry = <<EOS
-* #{"%a %b %d %Y")} #{RPM::Spec.current_author} - #{@metadata[:version]}-1
-- Update to version #{new_source.version}
- @metadata[:changelog_entries] ||= []
- @metadata[:changelog_entries].unshift changelog_entry.rstrip
- end
- public
- # Return properly formatted rpmspec as string
- #
- # @return [String] string representation of rpm spec
- def to_string
- contents = @metadata[:contents]
- # replace version / release
- contents.gsub!(SPEC_VERSION_MATCHER, "Version: #{@metadata[:version]}")
- contents.gsub!(SPEC_RELEASE_MATCHER, "Release: #{@metadata[:release]}")
- # add changelog entry
- cp = contents.index SPEC_CHANGELOG_MATCHER
- cpn = contents.index "\n", cp
- contents = contents[0...cpn+1] +
- @metadata[:changelog_entries].join("\n\n")
- # update requires/build requires
- rp = contents.index SPEC_REQUIRES_MATCHER
- brp = contents.index SPEC_BUILD_REQUIRES_MATCHER
- tp = rp < brp ? rp : brp
- pp = contents.index SPEC_SUBPACKAGE_MATCHER
- pp = -1 if pp.nil?
- lrp = contents.rindex SPEC_REQUIRES_MATCHER, pp
- lbrp = contents.rindex SPEC_BUILD_REQUIRES_MATCHER, pp
- ltp = lrp > lbrp ? lrp : lbrp
- ltpn = contents.index "\n", ltp
- contents.slice!(tp...ltpn)
- contents.insert tp,
- (@metadata[:requires].collect { |r| "Requires: #{r.str}" } +
- @metadata[:build_requires].collect { |r| "BuildRequires: #{r.str}" }).join("\n")
- # add new files
- fp = contents.index SPEC_FILES_MATCHER
- lfp = contents.index SPEC_SUBPKG_FILES_MATCHER, fp + 1
- lfp = contents.index SPEC_CHANGELOG_MATCHER if lfp.nil?
- contents.insert lfp - 1, @metadata[:new_files].join("\n") + "\n"
- # add new doc files
- fp = contents.index SPEC_DOC_FILES_MATCHER
- fp = contents.index SPEC_FILES_MATCHER if fp.nil?
- lfp = contents.index SPEC_SUBPKG_FILES_MATCHER, fp + 1
- lfp = contents.index SPEC_CHANGELOG_MATCHER if lfp.nil?
- contents.insert lfp - 1, @metadata[:new_docs].join("\n") + "\n"
- # return new contents
- contents
- end
- # Compare this spec to a sepecified upstream gem source
- # and return result.
- #
- # upstream_source should be an instance of Polisher::Gem,
- # Polisher::Gemfile, or other class defining a 'deps'
- # accessor that returns an array of Gem::Requirement dependencies
- #
- # Result will be a hash containing the shared dependencies as
- # well as those that differ and their respective differences
- def compare(upstream_source)
- same = {}
- diff = {}
- upstream_source.deps.each do |d|
- spec_reqs = self.requirements_for_gem(
- spec_reqs_specifier = spec_reqs.empty? ? nil :
- spec_reqs.collect { |req| req.specifier }
- if spec_reqs.nil?
- diff[] = {:spec => nil,
- :upstream => d.requirement.to_s}
- elsif !spec_reqs.any? { |req| req.matches?(d) } ||
- !self.has_all_requirements_for?(d)
- diff[] = {:spec => spec_reqs_specifier,
- :upstream => d.requirement.to_s}
- elsif !diff.has_key?(
- same[] = {:spec => spec_reqs_specifier,
- :upstream => d.requirement.to_s }
- end
- end
- @metadata[:requires].each do |req|
- next unless req.gem?
- upstream_dep = upstream_source.deps.find { |d| == req.gem_name }
- if upstream_dep.nil?
- diff[req.gem_name] = {:spec => req.specifier,
- :upstream => nil}
- elsif !req.matches?(upstream_dep)
- diff[req.gem_name] = {:spec => req.specifier,
- :upstream => upstream_dep.requirement.to_s }
- elsif !diff.has_key?(req.gem_name)
- same[req.gem_name] = {:spec => req.specifier,
- :upstream => upstream_dep.requirement.to_s }
- end
- end unless @metadata[:requires].nil?
- {:same => same, :diff => diff}
- end
- end # class Spec
- end # module RPM
- end # Component.verify("RPM::Spec")
+ # Return length of contents
+ def length
+ contents.length
+ end
+ end # class Spec
+ end # module RPM
end # module Polisher