lib/polisher/git.rb in polisher-0.7.1 vs lib/polisher/git.rb in polisher-0.8.1
- old
+ new
@@ -1,235 +1,8 @@
# Polisher Git Entity Representations
# Licensed under the MIT license
# Copyright (C) 2013-2014 Red Hat, Inc.
-require 'tmpdir'
-require 'awesome_spawn'
-require 'polisher/rpmspec'
-require 'polisher/git_cache'
-module Polisher
- # Git Repository
- class GitRepo
- # TODO use ruby git api
- GIT_CMD = '/usr/bin/git'
- attr_accessor :url
- def initialize(args={})
- @url = args[:url]
- end
- def path
- GitCache.path_for(@url)
- end
- def clone
- "#{GIT_CMD} clone #{url} #{path}"
- end
- def cloned?
- end
- def in_repo
- Dir.chdir path do
- yield
- end
- end
- # Note be careful when invoking:
- def reset!
- in_repo { "#{GIT_CMD} reset HEAD~ --hard" }
- self
- end
- def pull
- in_repo { "#{GIT_CMD} pull" }
- self
- end
- def checkout(tgt)
- in_repo { "#{GIT_CMD} checkout #{tgt}" }
- self
- end
- def commit(msg)
- in_repo { "#{GIT_CMD} commit -m '#{msg}'" }
- self
- end
- end
- # DistGit Package Representation
- class GitPackage < GitRepo
- attr_accessor :name
- attr_accessor :version
- # TODO these should be to be configurable
- RPM_PREFIX = 'rubygem-'
- PKG_CMD = '/usr/bin/fedpkg'
- BUILD_CMD = '/usr/bin/koji'
- BUILD_TGT = 'rawhide'
- MD5SUM_CMD = '/usr/bin/md5sum'
- SED_CMD = '/usr/bin/sed'
- DIST_GIT_URL = 'git://'
- def initialize(args={})
- @name = args[:name]
- @version = args[:version]
- super(args)
- end
- # Return full rpm name of package containing optional prefix
- def rpm_name
- @rpm_name ||= "#{RPM_PREFIX}#{}"
- end
- # Return full srpm file name of package
- def srpm
- @srpm ||= "#{rpm_name}-#{self.version}-1.*.src.rpm"
- end
- # Return full spec file name
- def spec_file
- @spec_path ||= "#{rpm_name}.spec"
- end
- # Return handle to instance of Polisher::RPMSpec corresponding to spec
- def spec
- @spec ||= in_repo { Polisher::RPMSpec.parse spec_file }
- end
- # Files representing pkg tracked by git
- def pkg_files
- @pkg_files ||= [spec_file, 'sources', '.gitignore']
- end
- # Override path to reference pkg name
- # @override
- def path
- GitCache.path_for(rpm_name)
- end
- # Alias orig clone method to git_clone
- alias :git_clone :clone
- # Override clone to use PKG_PCMD
- # @override
- def clone
- in_repo do
- "#{PKG_CMD} clone #{rpm_name}"
- Dir.glob(rpm_name, '*').each { |f| File.move f, '.' }
- FileUtils.rm_rf rpm_name
- end
- self
- end
- def dead?
- in_repo { File.exists?('dead.package') }
- end
- # Clone / init GitPkg
- def fetch
- clone unless cloned?
- raise Exception, "Dead package detected" if dead?
- checkout 'master'
- reset!
- pull
- self
- end
- # Update the local spec to the specified gem version
- #
- # FIXME this should be removed and calls replaced with self.spec.update_to(gem)
- def update_spec_to(gem)
- in_repo do
- replace_version = "s/Version.*/Version: #{gem.version}/"
- replace_release = "s/Release:.*/Release: 1%{?dist}/"
- [replace_version, replace_release].each do |replace|
- "#{SED_CMD} -i '#{replace}' #{spec_file}"
- end
- end
- end
- # Generate new sources file
- def gen_sources_for(gem)
- in_repo do
- "#{MD5SUM_CMD} #{}-#{gem.version}.gem > sources"
- end
- end
- # Update git ignore to ignore gem
- def ignore(gem)
-".gitignore", "w") { |f| f.write "#{}-#{gem.version}.gem" }
- end
- # Update the local pkg to specified gem
- #
- # @param [Polisher::Gem] gem instance of gem containing metadata to update to
- def update_to(gem)
- update_spec_to gem
- gen_sources_for gem
- ignore gem
- self
- end
- # Override commit, generate a default msg, always add pkg files
- # @override
- def commit(msg=nil)
- in_repo { "#{GIT_CMD} add #{pkg_files.join(' ')}" }
- super(msg.nil? ? "updated to #{version}" : msg)
- self
- end
- # Build the srpm
- def build_srpm
- in_repo { "#{PKG_CMD} srpm" }
- self
- end
- # Run a scratch build
- def scratch_build
- # TODO if build fails, raise error, else return output
- cmd = "#{BUILD_CMD} build --scratch #{BUILD_TGT} #{srpm}"
- in_repo { }
- self
- end
- # Build the pkg
- def build
- build_srpm
- scratch_build
- self
- end
- # Retrieve list of the version of the specified package in git
- #
- # @param [String] name name of package to lookup
- # @param [Callable] bl optional block to invoke with version retrieved
- # @return [String] version retrieved, or nil if none found
- def self.version_for(name, &bl)
- version = nil
- gitpkg = :name => name
- gitpkg.url = "#{DIST_GIT_URL}#{gitpkg.rpm_name}.git"
- gitpkg.git_clone
- begin
- version = gitpkg.spec.version
- rescue => e
- end
-, name, [version]) unless(bl.nil?)
- version
- end
- end # class GitPackage
- # Upstream Git project representation
- class GitProject < GitRepo
- # TODO scan project for vendored components
- def vendored
- end
- end
-end # module Polisher
+require 'polisher/git/repo'
+require 'polisher/git/pkg'
+require 'polisher/git/project'