lib/policymap_wrap/client.rb in policymap_wrap-1.0.0 vs lib/policymap_wrap/client.rb in policymap_wrap-1.1.0
- old
+ new
@@ -1,29 +1,63 @@
module PolicyMap
class Client
- BOUNDARY_TYPES = { :state => 2, :county => 4, :city => 16, :zip => 8, :census_tract => 6,
- :block_group => 15, :congressional_district => 23, :assembly_district => 49,
- :senate_district => 48, :all => 'all' }
+ :state => 2,
+ :county => 4,
+ :census_tract => 6,
+ :zip => 8,
+ :block_group => 15,
+ :city => 16,
+ :congressional_district => 23,
+ :assembly_district => 25,
+ :senate_district => 24
+ }.freeze
- INDICATORS = { :total_population => 9876598, :percent_african_american => 9876222, :percent_asian => 9876202,
- :percent_pacific_islander => 9876468, :percent_hispanic => 9876280, :percent_native_american => 9876623,
- :percent_mixed_race => 9876437, :percent_under_18 => 9869063, :percent_65_or_older => 9869059,
- :percent_foreign_born => 9869060, :percent_disabled => 9869050, :percent_high_school_or_less => 9873913,
- :percent_college_degree => 9873916, :percent_graduate_degree => 9873904, :median_home_value => 9873606,
- :median_rent => 9873661, :percent_moved_in_since_1990 => 9873776, :percent_homeowners => 9873049,
- :vacancy_rate => 9876608, :median_household_income => 9871831, :poverty_rate => 9871807,
- :percent_white => 9876415, :percent_households_wo_car => 0, :average_vehicles_per_household => 9873779,
- :percent_who_commute_to_work_using_public_transit => 9873811, :unemployment_rate => 9841103,
- :independent_artists => 9618303, :performing_arts_and_spectator_sports => 9584608,
- :movie_and_sound_industries => 9584731, :mueseums_and_historical_sites => 9584676,
- :publishing_industries => 9584638, :broadcasting => 9584691, :other_info_services => 9584624, :all => 'all' }
+ :average_vehicles_per_household => 9873779,
+ :broadcasting => 9584691,
+ :distressed_community => 9629156,
+ :percent_homeowners => 9873049,
+ :total_population => 9876593,
+ :independent_artists => 9618303,
+ :median_gross_rent => 9873661,
+ :median_gross_rent_2009 => 9873663,
+ :median_home_value => 9873606,
+ :median_household_income => 9871831,
+ :movie_and_sound_industries => 9584731,
+ :museums_and_historical_sites => 9584676,
+ :other_info_services => 9584624,
+ :percent_moved_in_since_1990 => 9873776,
+ :percent_who_commute_to_work_using_public_transit => 9873811,
+ :percent_african_american => 9876222,
+ :percent_native_american => 9876623,
+ :percent_asian => 9876202,
+ :percent_foreign_born => 9869060,
+ :percent_hispanic => 9876280,
+ :percent_pacific_islander => 9876468,
+ :poverty_rate => 9871807,
+ :percent_disabled => 9869050,
+ :percent_65_or_older => 9869059,
+ :percent_under_18 => 9869063,
+ :percent_college_degree => 9873916,
+ :percent_high_school_or_less => 9873913,
+ :percent_mixed_race => 9876437,
+ :percent_vacant_units => 9631221,
+ :percent_white => 9876415,
+ :percent_graduate_degree => 9873904,
+ :performing_arts_and_spectator_sports => 9584608,
+ :publishing_industries => 9584638,
+ :unemployment_rate => 9841103,
+ :vacancy_rate => 9876608
+ }.freeze
@@connection = nil
@@debug = false
@@default_options = nil
+ @@boundary_types_by_id = nil
class << self
def set_credentials(client_id, username, password, proxy_url=nil)
@@default_options = { :id => client_id, :ty => 'data', :f => 'j', :af => '1' }
@@ -55,82 +89,82 @@
options = extract_options!(args)
raise InsufficientArgsForSearch unless options.has_key?(:boundary_types) && options.has_key?(:query)
- options[:boundary_types] = Array(options[:boundary_types]).collect {|bt| BOUNDARY_TYPES[bt] }.join(',')
+ options[:boundary_types] = sanitized_boundary_types(options[:boundary_types])
HashUtils.rename_key!(options, :boundary_types, :bt)
- HashUtils.rename_key!(options, :query, :s)
- HashUtils.rename_key!(options, :state, :st) if options.has_key?(:state)
- HashUtils.rename_key!(options, :county, :co) if options.has_key?(:county)
- HashUtils.rename_key!(options, :census_tract, :ct) if options.has_key?(:census_tract)
+ HashUtils.rename_key!(options, :query, :ss)
+ HashUtils.rename_key!(options, :state, :sst) if options.has_key?(:state)
+ HashUtils.rename_key!(options, :county, :sco) if options.has_key?(:county)
+ HashUtils.rename_key!(options, :census_tract, :sct) if options.has_key?(:census_tract)
options = default_options.merge(options)
result = get(Endpoint.endpoint_url, options)
- result['sch'].collect {|hsh| HashUtils.symbolize_keys(hsh) }
+ result['sch']
def boundary_search(*args)
default_options = @@default_options
default_options[:t] = "bnd"
options = extract_options!(args)
raise InsufficientArgsForSearch unless options.has_key?(:boundary_types) || options.has_key?(:boundary_ids)
- options[:boundary_types] = Array(options[:boundary_types]).collect {|bt| BOUNDARY_TYPES[bt] }.join(',') if options.has_key?(:boundary_types)
+ options[:boundary_types] = sanitized_boundary_types(options[:boundary_types])
options[:boundary_ids] = Array(options[:boundary_ids]).join(',') if options.has_key?(:boundary_ids)
HashUtils.rename_key!(options, :boundary_types, :bt) if options.has_key?(:boundary_types)
HashUtils.rename_key!(options, :boundary_ids, :bi) if options.has_key?(:boundary_ids)
HashUtils.rename_key!(options, :lng, :lon) if options.has_key?(:lng)
options = default_options.merge(options)
result = get(Endpoint.endpoint_url, options)
- HashUtils.recursively_symbolize_keys(result["bnd"])
+ result["bnd"]
def indicator_search(*args)
default_options = @@default_options
default_options[:t] = "ind"
options = extract_options!(args)
raise InsufficientArgsForSearch unless options.has_key?(:indicators) && (options.has_key?(:boundary_types) || options.has_key?(:boundary_ids))
- options[:indicators] = Array(options[:indicators]).collect {|i| INDICATORS[i] }.join(',')
- options[:boundary_types] = Array(options[:boundary_types]).collect {|bt| BOUNDARY_TYPES[bt] }.join(',') if options.has_key?(:boundary_types)
+ options[:indicators] = sanitized_indicators(options[:indicators])
+ options[:boundary_types] = sanitized_boundary_types(options[:boundary_types])
options[:boundary_ids] = Array(options[:boundary_ids]).join(',') if options.has_key?(:boundary_ids)
HashUtils.rename_key!(options, :indicators, :ii)
HashUtils.rename_key!(options, :boundary_types, :bt) if options.has_key?(:boundary_types)
HashUtils.rename_key!(options, :boundary_ids, :bi) if options.has_key?(:boundary_ids)
HashUtils.rename_key!(options, :lng, :lon) if options.has_key?(:lng)
options = default_options.merge(options)
result = get(Endpoint.endpoint_url, options)
- HashUtils.recursively_symbolize_keys(result["ind"])
+ result["ind"]
def containment_search(*args)
default_options = @@default_options
- default_options[:t] = "cnt"
+ default_options[:t] = 'bnd'
options = extract_options!(args)
raise InsufficientArgsForSearch unless options.has_key?(:boundary_types) && options.has_key?(:boundary_id)
- options[:boundary_types] = Array(options[:boundary_types]).collect {|bt| BOUNDARY_TYPES[bt] }.join(',')
+ options[:boundary_types] = sanitized_boundary_types(options[:boundary_types])
HashUtils.rename_key!(options, :boundary_types, :cbt)
HashUtils.rename_key!(options, :boundary_id, :bi)
options = default_options.merge(options)
result = get(Endpoint.endpoint_url, options)
- result['cnt'].first
+ result['bnd']
def get(endpoint, data=nil)
raise NoConnectionEstablished if @@connection.nil?
@@connection.get endpoint, data
@@ -142,9 +176,27 @@
if args.last.is_a?(Hash)
return args.pop
return {}
+ end
+ def sanitized_boundary_types(types)
+ # Convert :all to an array of all types
+ types = Array(types)
+ types = BOUNDARY_TYPES.keys if !types.empty? && :all == types.first.to_sym
+ # Convert symbols to a list of numbers
+ { |bt| BOUNDARY_TYPES[bt] }.join(',')
+ end
+ def sanitized_indicators(indicators)
+ # Convert :all to an array of all types
+ indicators = Array(indicators)
+ indicators = INDICATORS.keys if !indicators.empty? && :all == indicators.first.to_sym
+ # Convert symbols to a list of numbers
+ { |i| INDICATORS[i] }.join(',')