lib/pokepaste.rb in pokepaste-0.0 vs lib/pokepaste.rb in pokepaste-0.1
- old
+ new
@@ -1,10 +1,112 @@
-require "pokepaste/paste"
require "pokepaste/pokemon"
+require "pokepaste/team"
+require "open-uri"
module PokePaste
- def parse(paste)
+ def self.parse(paste)
+ # Each paragraph is a Pokémon (separated by 1 or more blank lines)
+ paragraphs = paste.strip.split(/\n\s*\n/).map { |p| p.split("\n").map &:strip }
+ team =
+ paragraphs.each do |paragraph|
+ # Line 1 can contain species, nickname, gender, and item in format like:
+ # Bud (Bulbasaur) (M) @ Life Orb
+ # Only the species is required, however
+ line1 = paragraph.shift
+ before_at, item = line1.split /\s+@\s+/
+ # Now work from right to left, parsing off the parts in parens
+ # Set the gender to nil, :male, or :female
+ if gender = before_at.slice!(/\s*\((m(ale)?|f(emale)?)\)$/i)
+ # Get rid of the parens
+ [/^\s*\(/, /\)$/].each { |regex| gender.slice! regex }
+ gender = PokePaste::Pokemon.gender_abbrs[gender.downcase[0].to_sym]
+ end
+ # This regex requires a space between the nickname and opening paren
+ if species = before_at.slice!(/\s+\([^\)]+\)$/i)
+ # We found the species inside parens, which means a nickname is present
+ [/^\s*\(/, /\)$/].each { |regex| species.slice! regex }
+ nickname = before_at
+ else
+ # Otherwise all that remains is the species, and there is no nickname
+ species = before_at
+ nickname = nil
+ end
+ pkmn = species: species, nickname: nickname,
+ item: item, gender: gender
+ # Pull the moves out
+ pkmn.moves, paragraph = paragraph.partition { |line| line =~ /^\s*-/ }
+ if pkmn.moves.any?
+! do |line|
+ move_slot = line.sub /^\s*-\s*/, ""
+ move_slot.include?("/") ? move_slot.split(/\s*\/\s*/) : move_slot
+ end
+ end
+ # Pull the nature out. If there are multiple, the first is used
+ nature_line, paragraph = paragraph.partition { |line| line =~ /nature\s*$/i }
+ if nature_line.any?
+ pkmn.nature = nature_line.first.sub(/\s*nature\s*$/i, "").downcase.to_sym
+ end
+ # All that we're left with at this point are attributes that are denoted with
+ # the syntax "Attribute: Value". Let's loop over them and parse the attribute
+ paragraph.each do |line|
+ attribute, value = line.split /\s*:\s*/, 2
+ attribute = attribute.downcase.gsub(/\s+/, "_").to_sym
+ # At this point attribute will be a symbol with the snake_case approximation
+ # of whatever was before the first ":" in the string. If we know what it does,
+ # we can manipulate it as desired, otherwise just let it through as a string.
+ # This is intended to be a flexible format.
+ if %i[evs ivs].include?(attribute)
+ data = value.split /\s*\/\s*/
+ { |d| d.split /\s+/, 2 }.each do |value, stat|
+ current_value = pkmn.send attribute
+ current_value[stat.downcase.to_sym] = value.to_i
+ pkmn.send "#{attribute}=", current_value
+ end
+ elsif %i[level happiness].include?(attribute)
+ pkmn.send "#{attribute}=", value.to_i
+ elsif attribute == :shiny
+ pkmn.shiny = %w[yes true].include?(value.downcase)
+ else
+ pkmn.send "#{attribute}=", value
+ end
+ end
+ team << pkmn
+ end
+ team
- def fetch(str)
+ def self.fetch(str)
+ input_url = URI.parse(str)
+ unless [nil, ""].include?
+ raise ArgumentError, "invalid URL; must be valid URL or path, received '#{str}'"
+ end
+ path = ( ? input_url.path : str).gsub /^\//, ""
+ if path.empty?
+ raise ArgumentError, "invalid URL; no paste ID found in '#{str}'"
+ end
+ # The paste is in <article> tags
+ paste_content ="{path}").read.
+ slice(/(?<=\<article\>)[\S\s]*(?=\<\/article\>)/)
+ unless paste_content
+ raise "no paste found at '#{str}'", 404
+ end
+ # Removing all HTML tags is sufficient to pass the string to the parser
+ parse paste_content.gsub(/\<\/?[^\>]+\>/, "")