lib/pointme/look.rb in pointme-1.0.0 vs lib/pointme/look.rb in pointme-1.0.1
- old
+ new
@@ -1,91 +1,91 @@
require "find"
module Pointme
- module Look
- # Kinda self explanatory
- class UnknownToken < RuntimeError; end
- # @files holds all the specified files that Look should search in.
- # @lines keeps all the found TODO, FIXME and so-on lines.
- attr_accessor :files, :lines
- def self.get_file_list
- @where.split(":").each do |e|
+ module Look
+ # Kinda self explanatory
+ class UnknownToken < RuntimeError; end
+ # @files holds all the specified files that Look should search in.
+ # @lines keeps all the found TODO, FIXME and so-on lines.
+ attr_accessor :files, :lines
+ def self.get_file_list
+ @where.split(":").each do |e|
if e == '.' then e = Dir.pwd end
- @dirs << e unless @dirs.include? e
- Find.find(e) do |path|
- if path
- if File.basename(path)[0] == ?.
- Find.prune # don't look any further into this directory.
- else
- next
- end
- else
- ext = File.extname(path)[1..-1]
- # TODO: Make it look in files with proper MIME type not extension.
- # Don't look into files with that extensions
- unless (ext == "class" ||
- ext == "jar"
- ext == "rar"
- ext == "bz"
- ext == "bz2"
- ext == "gz"
- ext == "tgz"
- ext == "zip")
- @files << path
+ @dirs << e unless @dirs.include? e
+ Find.find(e) do |path|
+ if path
+ if File.basename(path)[0] == ?.
+ Find.prune # don't look any further into this directory.
+ else
+ next
- end
- end
- end
- end
- def self.search_for_tokens
- @files.each do |file|
- @lines[file] = []
- `cat -n #{file}`.split("\n").each do |line|
- if /\s*(?<n>[0-9]+)\s+(.*)?(#|\/\/|;|<!--)\s(?<token>TODO|FIXME):?\s(?<content>.*)(-->)?/ =~ line
- @lines[file] << [n, token, content] if @token == token
- end
- end
- if @lines[file].empty?
- @lines.delete file
- end
- end
- end
- def self.print_output
- if @lines.empty?
- puts "[pointme] there are no #{@token}s in a specified path/s"
- else
- @lines.each do |e|
- name = nil
- if @dirs.size == 1
- name = e[0].sub @where, ""
- else
- name = e[0]
- end
- puts "\e[1;34m" + name + ":\e[0;0m"
- e[1].each do |i|
- @count += 1
- puts " at \e[1;32m#{i[0]}\e[0;0m: #{i[1]} -> #{i[2]}"
- end
- puts
- end
- puts "\n \e[1;33mtotal:\e[0;0m #{@count}\n\n"
- end
- end
- def self.for_the token, where
- @files = []
- @lines = {}
- @token = token.upcase[0..-2]
- @where = where
- @count = 0
- @dirs = []
- get_file_list and search_for_tokens and print_output
- end
- end
+ else
+ mime = `file --mime -b #{path}`.chomp!.split(";")[0]
+ # Get into files only with that MIME types.
+ if (mime == "text/plain" ||
+ mime == "text/x-ruby" ||
+ mime == "text/x-python" ||
+ mime == "text/x-c" ||
+ mime == "text/x-c++" ||
+ mime == "text/x-shellscript" ||
+ mime == "text/x-java" ||
+ mime == "text/x-php" ||
+ mime == "text/html")
+ @files << path
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ def self.search_for_tokens
+ @files.each do |file|
+ @lines[file] = []
+ `cat -n #{file}`.split("\n").each do |line|
+ if /\s*(?<n>[0-9]+)\s+(.*)?(#|\/\/|;|<!--)\s(?<token>TODO|FIXME):?\s(?<content>.*)(-->)?/ =~ line
+ @lines[file] << [n, token, content] if @token == token
+ end
+ end
+ if @lines[file].empty?
+ @lines.delete file
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ def self.print_output
+ if @lines.empty?
+ puts "[pointme] there are no #{@token}s in a specified path/s"
+ else
+ @lines.each do |e|
+ name = nil
+ if @dirs.size == 1
+ name = e[0].sub @where, ""
+ else
+ name = e[0]
+ end
+ puts "\e[1;34m" + name + ":\e[0;0m"
+ e[1].each do |i|
+ @count += 1
+ puts " at \e[1;32m#{i[0]}\e[0;0m: #{i[1]} -> #{i[2]}"
+ end
+ puts
+ end
+ puts "\n \e[1;33mtotal:\e[0;0m #{@count}\n\n"
+ end
+ end
+ def self.for_the token, where
+ @files = []
+ @lines = {}
+ @token = token.upcase[0..-2]
+ @where = where
+ @count = 0
+ @dirs = []
+ get_file_list and search_for_tokens and print_output
+ end
+ end