in pocket-theme-0.4.3 vs in pocket-theme-0.4.4
- old
+ new
@@ -1,2 +1,50 @@
# The Pocket theme for Jekyll
+Pocket is a plain theme that uses no javascript or web fonts and loads just one plugin.
+## Installation
+### As a Ruby gem
+Pocket is available as a Ruby gem. Assuming you have Ruby, Bundler and Jekyll installed, follow these steps:
+- Open a command line
+- Create a new Jekyll website by navigating to the folder you want to store it in
+- From the command line enter `jekyll new my-website-folder-name`
+- Jekyll will create a new site
+- Open the `_config.yml` file
+- Edit the `theme: minima` line. Replace `minima` with `pocket-theme`
+- Open the `Gemfile` file
+- Add this line: `gem "pocket-theme", "~> 0.4.4"`
+- Go to the command line and enter `cd my-website-folder-name`
+- Enter `bundle update`
+- Test the site works by entering `bundle exec jekyll s`
+- Open a browser and visit `localhost:4000`
+- The Pocket theme should open
+### Download from Github
+Assuming you have Ruby, Bundler, Git and Jekyll installed, follow these steps:
+- Open a command line
+- Navigate to the folder you want to store the website in
+- Enter `git clone`
+- Navigate to the `pocket-theme` folder
+- Enter `bundle exec jekyll s`
+- Open a browser and visit `localhost:4000`
+- The Pocket theme should open
+## Site variables
+You can add variables to your `_config.yml` file:
+- `title` (e.g. `title: The Pocket theme for Jekyll`), displayed at the top of every page and in the browser title bar
+- `description` (e.g. `description: "A shortish sentence or two that will be displayed at the bottom of every page."`)
+- `lang` (e.g. `lang: en`), used in the `HTML` element to define the main language of your blog
+- `url` (e.g. `url:`), the full address of your website
+## The intro variable
+Pages or posts accept an `intro` variable. Intros are displayed below the page/post title in a slightly larger font. They serve as a summary of the page/post.